What is your blood type? have you ever donated blood?

what is your blood type? have you ever donated blood?

donated like 7 times when i was still in school so i had a day off school

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A+, yes.


Also, no.

Lithuanians are romans

I don't know

B, don't know if + or -. Never donated.

>Belarus are bloodless cyborgs


I use to donate blood to fill my community service hours for school then get drunk immediately after. It only takes like two or three beers after you give blood

>community service hours for school
what is it for?

To graduate you had to do 40 hours or something. Giving blood counted for like 5 hours I think I can't remember

0+, almost 10 years of donations, it means 10+ liters of blood


btw I donated only once

you must be fat

donated once..almost fainted so wont probably donate again

O- I believe but I'm not 100% sure

A bit yeah

do you have any benefits now?
you get things like free public transport forever etc. here but i never bothered, it would take years to donate such amount and since i got my driver's license and first car i never entered a bus or train anymore

I've never donated and I never will
My blood is my life force
I also won't cum inside a girl or in her mouth, not to let her steal my essence

Honestly I don't even know but the test we did in school biology class showed that i'm AB

we get nothing

Ab negative

Only donated blood once, the nurses were incredibly rude, It was right before Christmas, and they gave away a small bag of szaloncukor - it's like chocolate candy after you've given blood, which I didn't even know about. And they were making snide comments how I must have only came because of that.
I'll never again give blood, that's for sure. For all I care, everyone can bleed to death, they ain't getting my blood. Not that it's worth much.

Wise man


>never been to a doctor
>don't know my bloodtype

this is the attitude that won the war against USA

when you donate blood in Poland you always get a box of 9 chocolates, like pic related
it has the same amount of calories you lost by donating blood

i heard that you get like 30 euro in Germany for donating

I'm O negative, the universal donor. It's a shame, my blood is in high demand. I gave blood a few times years ago when I was 19/20. But there's a box that you have to check, saying "If you have had male-to-male sexual contact in the last 12 months check this box and you can't give blood". So once I started getting gay with guys on occasion (not very often at all tbph >tfwno bf) I've stopped giving blood. I know my blood would be totally fine to give, but I understand why they have the ban on it.


wtf I'd donate too if you could get some sweets or money. Here you get only some juice and a croissant

No benefits, just free blood exams every three months

>And they were making snide comments how I must have only came because of that.
are you fat or somethng?

oh and also this, a coffee/cappuccino, fruit juice and croissants to gain some lost sugars

Here you get some juice/tea/coffee, biscuits and some toast with jam or vegemite if you want it. It probably varies a bit by the exact donation centre though.

Don't make me start a pride protest over it cunt.

Yeah in Hungary they also usually give something, if not chocolate then food etc.

No, they were rude to others too, there were two women in there with me who were also giving blood. I had half a mind to just yank the tube out of my arm and storm out, but i'm not that much into theatrics.

Are u a skeleton

You honestly should have waited till they were done and asked why they are being cunts to people who are donating blood.

At my hospital I get two free drinks from the vending machines and a free meal


AB-, never donated lmao. This is blue blood, not for common folk.

>what is your blood type?
no idea

>have you ever donated blood?
don't remember doing so

If you check that you suffer from autism in the medical form, they will give it only to your kind.

If your father is A and your mother is O what's your type

I am not savant in this shit at all, but i thought 0 was recessive? IF it is so higher likelyhood of having A


A or O, there's no way to know which, it's just up to luck, although is correct I believe.

I used to donate, but now i don't have the time to do it. Will probably start doing it again once i actually have the time.

Don't know, never donated and now I can't since I've been diagnosed with epilepsy

I don't know, I think B-

Donated once, but i should do it more.

I donated once and had a seizure at the end (rare side effect of donating), not planning on doing it again.
Here at the uniklinik you get 25 € and as much juice/coffee as you want (same for most blood banks). If you donate at one of the red cross blood drives you only get something to eat/drink and some good chocolate.

our blood is useless anyway

O, some day I'll probably do it

I'm A+ can't donate blood because I use drugs, have tattoos.

True, but I used to be a poorfag and the extra income would've been nice.

You get paid? What the fuck, that's American tier savage

Fuck no, I will not donate blood.

I don't know what type I have, when I tried donating once the nurse told me that I have way too low blood pressure and that it would be dangerous


something O, probably a plus, and no, never donated

I smoke pot so i dont think i could if i want to

is it even possible to donate blood in Israel?
Jews think it's haram to get a blood transfer as far as i know

AB+ masterrace here
Last time I had to do a blood exam I almost fainted, so no I'll never donate blood. Plus it'd be almost useless anyways

