1 your cunt

1 your cunt
2. do people like police

1. aus
2. Only retards, the wise man realises they'll oppress any person regardless of ideology if the government demands it.

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No, police are power hungry niggers.

No, because the cops here are notorious for giving out lots of speeding tickets.

>girl refuses to take her feet of a seat in a public train
>the cop is in the wrong
fucking retard

On a population of 17 million they hand out 10 million speeding tickets a year.

maybe those 10million people should vote to up the speed limit....

We did. They upped the speeding limit from 120 to 130 km/h. But the amount of speeding tickets still increase every year.

Generally they do. Although there are a few niggers that think the ''fuck da popo'' attitude from the US is cool, despite the fact that the police have done fuck all to them.

>that webm
While the officer definitely is a power hungry asshole, the girl's behaviour is absolutely baffling. How retarded do you have to be to not take your shoes off the seat when a cop asks you to?

This happened on the LA metro. Fucking cunts take up multiple seats forcing others to stand and get bitchy when you ask them to make room. Glad she got taken off TBQFH, the public transit system here is already crowded as fuck.

Fuck off cunt.
Go be a Commie in CHina.



>do people like police

not even once

i think he acted with appropriate force. he gave a lawful command, she refused. he didn't' take out the baton or the taser right away. plus, she spat on him later, that shows you the type of character he was dealing with.

lmao based cop
put that shiskin in jail
i hope he raped her at the station too, fuck shitskins

Yeah, I just think dragging someone out of the train and cuffing them, when all they did was refuse to stop doing something that's merely rude is a bit excessive.


there is a obligation to follow the code of conduct when you purchase a ticket in the metro. it is the officers duty to enforce the code of conduct.

Well they wanted manspreading to be punishable.

Now she gets a taste of her own music?

Here she would've gotten a fine of 90 euros.

After this incident she went home and made a video on manspreading.

Yeah, they are cool here.
>had three drinks
>drive home, notice i drive in the wrong direction
>at the end of the street theres a police car to my left.
>i just blink left, they let me pass i front of them, wave and smile to them

>have smoked weed
>police car stops me
>have to check breath, zero
>cop sees i'm freaking out
>asks me if i'm living far away
>let's me drive home

>stopped by police boat
>they've seen me drinking at least two beers on a bar while sitting in their boat
>stop me, ask me if i live far away.
>again let me drive home

Isn't the metro a private enterprise and responsible to enforce its code of conduct itself? The police only have authority to enforce law, and there's no law saying you can't put your feet on the seat of a metro.

Yes, I know. Again, I just think his reaction was a bit excessive. Responding with force isn't necessarily the first and best option when someone doesn't immediately follow a verbal command

Piss off, even Sup Forums would be embarrassed by you.

>that look of fear and anguish
Wow hold on, I can only get so erect

No. Police are trigger happy niggers and should not be given respect.

Cop did nothing wrong here.
Girl thought she could express her "fuck da police real nigga shit" state of mind in front of an actual cop then shat the bed when the cop didn't bend to her will.

they partnered with the police to allow them to enforce their code of conduct on their property.

hrm, interesting. i disagree in this scenario. guess that's policing for you, can't really win them all.

As previously said, they are based here:

>Sup Forums constantly celebrates dead Germans and hates them
>angry Amerimutt retard directs someone who isn't German and said nothing about Germany to Sup Forums and posted picture of German civilian victims because according to his tiny brain racism = Nazism

yeah this i really don't care much about pictures of dead germans or shit-tier photoshops of trump
not my problem
just glad to see that shitskin getting manhandled by a cop who's probably racist himself, i bet she's the type to bitch about "police violence" and so on and i think it serves her well

you may have a point but if you have to deal with bitches like that or worse on a daily basis... i mean she is fucking 18 basically a kid and she is full of contempt for the police authority. and he is not even asking her to crawl towards him. his request was reasonable

little bitch was lucky she didn't get punched

considering how uppity people act towards police nowada, I don't consider this as a big deal. People need discipline and if their parents haven't taught them not to raise their feet in public, then the cops will.

He should have unmuzzled the pupper and let him loose.

Not really


everyone hates cops
they're scum

yes they protect the citizen
you nigger

exactly the same as OP

dumb bitch

Why would you refuse to take your feet off the seat and refuse to leave the train when told by a policeman?

Canadian police aren't too bad. Don't break the law, but also be aware of your rights, and you should be fine.

>Officer it's really not a big deal
then why didnt the dumb bitch just take her fucking feet off of the seat

I don't get it
Is that webm supposed to show the policeman as a bad guy? He clearly did the right thing

arrogant leftist cunt deserved it

>t. bootlicker

based burgers. people who put their feet on the seats (and refuse to take them off when kindly asked to do so) are an absolute menace

Cops here are usually trigger-happy retards but that cop was right. People who take up subway seats with their feet or bags deserve 50 lashings.

No. The police leave most people alone(in comparison to USA) but there are many cases of them accepting bribes that makes us distrustful.

No, cops are fucking pussies

Imagine being this unfunny

If you dont nig and abide the law they're ok because trough these past few years they got rid of corruption, kicked out old soviet mentality officers and etc. Although today it's basically impossible to bribe them, fines skyrocketed too.

There's also a tv show ''cops''
From intro you'd think it's some csi series, but usualy they just deal with drunk russian bydlos. Sometimes a car chase happens, those are amusing.

>wasted get on some crybaby faggot

t. niggers


That cop should've beaten some sense into her.
Spoiled cunt.

Well, I would say that the majority of the population hates cops around here, . We have the fucking worst cops in the world, there is a case when the riot cops invaded a prison and killed 111 unarmed (the had only knives and sticks against guns lol) inmates and no one was ever convicted.

ALSO, you can tell by the voice of the fag filming this that he is a cuck soy eater with pub-like facial hair.

I am a VERY funny person, I have seen season 3 of Frasier at least twice now.

Maybe you d*Tch niggers should stop speeding? I know that following laws is a difficult concept for a d*Tch to understand but come on...

Don't ever fucking reply to me or my get again, you betacuck

>c-can I get back up? this 18 year old girl did something i dont like


go back to redd*t, niggerlover


I know a few cops and I hate to hang with them. The police force is a magnet for wankers.

>go bk too rebbit

Well I do as long as the fear puts potential criminals in check.

>That cop should've beaten some sense into her
This is the reason why people start revolutions and shiat

But the police guy is right here. It's rude to put feets on seats, so he asks, she refuses, get arrested. That's just normal.

t. mutt who confused france with germany. kys lol

Ned Kelly did nothing wrong

>c-can I get back up? this 18 year old girl did something i dont like

But he's just trying rape her as little as possible, poor girl probably got one more ptsd

>all americn postars r teh same persen

Public transport is sacred.
They should've publicly fucking flail that stupid cunt.
What kind of a braindead moron you have to be to put feet where other people want to sit?

It's really not a big deal. How much of a stupid violent tard on a power trip do you have to be to arrest someone for it. Is it even a law? Don't bother replying with no argument, you're probably underage and love the government having all power over you

I'm not going to defend a fucking pig but he clearly told that stupid cunt to take her fucking feet of the seat.

What he was supposed to do?
Punch her in the mug and then ask again to take her feet off? Fuck me mate lay off whatever you're abusing at the moment.
He clearly should've issued her a ticket instead of getting physical with her but I don't think that american pigs are actually allowed to ticket people for that shit.
Then again no other people but americans do this.

You may be an animal that doesn't mind other animals putting their dirty shoes on public transport seats, but actual people with common sense and basic decency are against such practices.

That is not the case, it is extremely rude. If the girl would have removed her feet, the cop would have left but she did not. She is retarded and rude

The cop did nothing wrong

Roastie btfo

I said don't reply to me underage edge. Won't bother giving you (you)s

>people who respect public property and others are clearly underage kids
>I'm a mature adult person FUCK THE POLICE FUCK SOCIETY

Touching a seat with your shoes isn't a big deal, so sheltered.

I don't care about tidy surroundings or basic hygiene because I grew up in a pigsty.

maybe your country is a shithole because so many of you mutts have this attitude

>we in serbia take pride in being smelly unwashed subhumans

>public property
That's wrong. Public transport is rarely public property. Public transport companies are private companies operated by city/municipalities. They function like any normal private company ie. their goal is profit.
Taking a shit in a bus/metro/streetcar is no differen than walking into someone's business and taking a dump into a shopfloor.
But it's probably different in Serbia. As long as they can scream fuck de popo

>56% mongrel is btfo'd for bad behaviour
>people demonize the cop

Think about it a bit, you're saying arrest is ok for putting your feet up. Maybe your pea-sized brain will realize that's not actually what your tax money should go to. Or maybe it won't and you'll bend over for the state

Ok, the girl was a dick here, but the cop has no right to act like a fucking thug like this. The cop WAS in the wrong. There's nothing illegal about putting your feet on a seat on the train.

She should sue that cop.

>Think about it a bit, you're saying arrest is ok for putting your feet up
She wasn't arrested for putting her feet up, stop twisting the situation to fit your childish arguments.

>cuck soy eater with pub-like facial hair.

>Nah she was arrested for not doing what the cop told her to do despite her not breaking laws before hand
Or are you the type of person to think that people should just follow what ever the cops would tell you. Dumb statist cunt

Majority do loves the police and probably cheers for the slaughter of Carandiru in secret.

Yes, they do. I hate them, the police are the exercising power of the monopoly on violence, which the state proceeds over. They will fuck you up, if you refuse to play by their rules, even if you don't harm anybody.

Supporting a police force is as retarded as supporting SS, Gestapo, Stasi, or KGB

no they don't

police are scum

the cop told her to put her feet down once, she complied, he went away. she put her foot back on the seat as he left. he came back again, asked her to put her feet down. she did not comply this time. he ordered her off the train, as is his right under the code of conduct that each passenger must follow when they purchase a ticket. he asked her several times to comply, she refused. so it's your opinion that people should be allowed to disregard simple courtesy rules?

he asked her to leave the train. it's private property. police officer was given the responsibility by the company to enforce their code of conduct which includes ejection.

Is it true that British police are pussies and ill-trained??

>Or are you the type of person to think that people should just follow what ever the cops would tell you
>Dumb statist cunt
Not really. But then again I'm not an a tryhard internet edgelord either.

>her to do despite her not breaking laws before hand
Do you have to be precisely told not to do dumb, rude ant outright annoying things with a FUCKHUGE RED LETTERS like a primitive ape everytime you enter somewhere?

>he asked her several times to comply, she refused. so it's your opinion that people should be allowed to disregard simple courtesy rules?
His opinion is that of a typical underage nigger who things common courtesy are beyond the might of his intellect.

I didn't realize the taxpayers money was supposed to be used to keep the police patrolling and maintaining the "official" train etiquette

>haha i called him a nigger that'll teach him
keep proving you're underage
Then fine her. Don't bother dragging her out and calling for arrest.

>all those bootlickers ITT excusing and defending the cop's actions

it's not solely to maintain train etiquette. police patrol the metro, it's called patrolling in high traffic locations. they were given the right to enforce the code of conduct along with their normal policing responsibilities, it's efficient.