American woman goes to Serbia

>American woman goes to Serbia
>Serbians calls an ambulance because they think she's crazy


"based" kebabremovers. baka senpai calling ambulance saying you're going to jail for preaching the word of jesus christ our lord and saviour

lmao fucking pr*T subhumans

>forcing protestantism on orthodox christian
gee i wonder why they called the ambulance

Takes one to recognize another


>tfw these are the other Americans who go to Serbia

i understand the vision but that picture is pretty retarded mane
why would gypsies live like humans anyway

>the jewish catholic is back

preech de baibu

Hello, racist commie.

>thinking poor people should just stop "keep living"
>but racism is a big no no
>im also a commie apparently
this is why the world despises your kind

hehe genocide is funni

Religion is for crazy people and stupid people

Fucking talking snakes and shit

How is this shit allow? Go back to your country, you fucking bigots.


Unless she's preaching the words of my nigga tupac no one ain't gonna hear that shit.

>immediately in the middle of the video she starts ranting about imaginary refugees running around serbia looting the country

what the fuck is wrong with americans?

wtf they are white mostly

fucking kek

They're hysterical to the point where they're crazy.

You tell us

I love Jesus Christ too but golly, what is her problem?

Peru, let me baptise your boipucci with my seed

Why do Americans sound so retarded when they speak? It's like they can't speak faster or they'll destroy their tiny brains.


>implying Serbian don't sound retarded as well as brutish when they speak

you thought that was just a given with East Europeans, didn't you?

Why do christians talk like they personally know jesus?

This is so cringeworthy I cannot even watch it. Fucking americans

that brown girl is cute af

>Sup Forumsddit will defend this

This is my city :DDDD

>racist commie

She said so herself, she used to be a drug addict. She just swapped one high for another.


once a junky always a junky

he thinks empathy counts as being a commie

>"I'm a Christian and Jesus loves you all"
>"all dese here refyoogeez runnin roun causin prollums"

Because we do

goddamn amerimutts are cringy

>they think
She is a white American, therefore she's crazy.

She 100% watches Inforwars