I don't understand why so many shithole countries on Sup Forums

I don't understand why so many shithole countries on Sup Forums.
are you not shy showing your flag?
Are you proud of your country?

maybe the US media exagerates hiw much of a shithole this place is

apparently, lots of people here on int use to thought that we were africa tier without access to internet

sure, I'm ashamed, good bye world

Americans that watch mainly fox think the same about Europe
Their media is all about how only the US is great

To be fair, Chile isn't a shithole.

My biggest question is how the hell do these countries stay shitholes for so long? You'd think they'd have solved their problems by now.

if you country is so good
why you japs keep kys ? m8 buddhists

El orco con bandera de chinito

If your country is so awesome why does people keep killing themselves?

There are entire fields in Economics and researchers spending their lives dedicated to answer that question.

and they're in the wrong one


ZITTO you motherfucking ANIMALE!!!!!!!!!

I bet you're friends with the president.

Are you not shy hosting US military bases after being nuked by them twice?

if you're not meme'ing, (or because i'm very bored)
we're growing
really big rates of growth and there's no chance of negative numbers until past 2040
but it's like how retardation is
you can finally learn to read and do math but by then the people of your same age is finishing highschool. it's a race we will never win because of the super-late start


I know Africans who live with more luxury than most Venezuelans and Central Americans

Great post Miyamoto. Your post inspired me to be a successful entrepreneur. My business plan is create a nuclear bomb of concentrated poo and shit fury all over you.


ashamed of what?

OP is bait without doubt.


>muh suicide
>muh nuke

low IQ bants.

we know VENEZUELANS that live with more luxury than most Venezuelans
they're working in the government


>shithole website that filled with losers is not for people from shithole country
why are you here? are you not shameful with your flag?


Beyond all explanation and hardship. this is a happy continent. We are going through a rough decade, much like we did in the 70s

Go Japan

>we're growing

Yuor gdp doesn't magically dissapears, you will come back

The only real problem we have is organized crime

>The only real problem we have is organized crime governing our countries
just a little correction. yep that's the biggest unfixable issue

Venezuela's gdp is disappearing at a 15% rate per year lol

Well as long as no one else embraces socialism you should be fine.

but they are good at soccer

At least they are good at soccer, so I see no problem. Their biggest export is soccer player, isn't it?

>are you not shy showing your flag?
>Are you proud of your country?
Don't want to read that from someone that has to use a proxy to shitpost because he used to get called LOS every time he made this kind of threads.


Perú will try their best!


it is true though and i hate fox. i mean about europe. as for chile, it is hardly mentioned in the news, good or bad.

If it werent for US you would be chinks just like China sucking dick to immigrate to other countries.

T. Ching Chang Chong Zen


the collection of flags itt is fucking hilarious btw

Venezuela is a freak aciddent, the last.time.it happened was 70 years ago with north korea

At least mine never got nuked. Apparently you need more.

>last.time.it happened was 70 years ago with north korea
I seem to remember my country ceasing to exist some time in the 90s

Sudacas have no shame.They are like antropomorphic flies.They just exist to be annoying and die

El chicANO señores

Still in ranked the next chapter

You rebounded. You weren't very rich in the first place.

We are talking about permanent gdp loss

Again, ashamed of what?

you are lower than Poland

i don't know, sanchez


You're a real tough guy

Fuck off, gaijin

Thank you South Korea

for you?

I know you like to blame the big bad Americans for everything but no, the only Latin American country the media talks about is Mexico.

I love you, Chile

maybe, but then the average mutt in all of his wisdom ends up believing that all of the beheading and drug cartels happen everywhere in Latin America


Love you too South Korea



I'm not him, I'm a kind person


Thailand is better than those countries
and Thailand is great partner of Japan
Fuck off shitholes

most pathetic, uncalled for brown-nosing i've ever seen

The US genuinely believes all countries are full of shitty living conditions and that ours is the best
I genuinely thought that until i went to Canada, even canadas worse off areas make a lot of our major cities look like shitholes


We are not being beheaded all day and women are not being raped all day, we are not all drug dealers, otherwise we would be richer than any other region in the world, latin americans who cross to the US are actually dumbs who think that just for crossing they will have a great life and work and happines, but then they get hit by reality and finish cleaning toilets, losing your dignity to some uneducated fat. Real latin americans do the following things:
1- they are happy with their life, they have a job, they enjoy being in their latin american country
2- they immigrate to a country when they are respected, funny how people fall into the shitty propaganda of US, if we were living in hell there will be no one here.

>El abominable profesor de inglés en la china.

Uninformed retards think we're subhuman African tier and will continue to do so.

japan is better

What the fuck is that guy doing? What a madman!

Hopefully for a long time yet. Imagine if they tell the muslims we're not all shitholes and they believe?

He forgot his lunch

You want us to declare you war as we did in WW2?

> implying i give a shit about pieces of land

ching ling ping pong