When was the last time you went to church Sup Forums

When was the last time you went to church Sup Forums

my family never took me church, which I now realize may have something to do with the pedophile priest cases

I visited churches just for tourist reasons. Otherwise, last time was like 6 years ago back in Cyprus because visits during religious holidays were compulsory for school

2-3 weeks ago

before Christmas, breddy nice desu
wish I actually believed

Is there any people in INT taking Abraham bullshit seriously?


2003 or something

On Christmas with my family, don't believe though lol, it's just a nice thing to do on Christmas.

3 or 4 years ago

I accidentally wandered into a church as a tourist just as a service began about a year ago

Not a christfag desu found the experience dreary and disconected from god

Theres a creationnist leaf that comes every time the subject is brought up.

christmas day

can't say, it's been months.

There are some unironic evangelists under US flags

3 months


19 years ago

like when i was 14yo

7-8 years ago.

are you evangelical?


I'm a failure

Last November as tourist in Riga

Around Christmas.

I'm not religious at all, but my family is.

Like 15 years ago

a year or two ago when my mom remarried