le based defender of Western civilization
Le based defender of Western civilization
makes such remarks, why are telling this to us and not them again?
Putin is based and knows now it's time to jump ship.
school education always includes state indoctrination and favorable interpretations as well
the point probably is to make them russians first and muslims second
holy shit
putin fags are really trying
>Sup Forums tryig to make cuck threads from Russia
Remember that Russians always cut muslims balls so they cant fuck their virgins in haven
it's only logical... they don't stop being muslims so you have to make them muslims that don't answer to saudi arabia
>to stave extremism
It's written right there. It's the second best choice after exiling all Muslims, which is probably impossible.
>"No this cant be happening. There must be someway i can keep up the fantasy world i am living in. BASED putin cant be like this"
>I don't have any arguments so I spazz out
Given Russia's size, Muslims have always lived in Russia, just like Asians have always lived in Russia.
defending your husbando on the internet wont make him notice you
putin fags always push this meme that putin goes hard on muslims
what the fuck is that going to do? that's like those americans that buy crufix shaped guns and coat their bullets in pig blood. fuck me didn't know russians were just the ameridumbs of europe
Good post.
Get used to this Sup Forums. Right wing is now a ideology that respects every religion. If you don't like this go back to Left wing.
Russia never claimed to be Western.
There is another way. As the YPG and PKK are showing in Syria, only extreme homegrown leftism can save the muslim world.
Can you explain the high-rates of genital mutilation in Kurdish women in the areas controlled by YPG and PKK?
Can you explain the high-rates of honor killings in Iraq and Turkey in areas with a big kurdish population?
>Russian Federation
This is what we did with Bosniaks 70 years ago. It took a mere few years before they answered to Zagreb instead of Istanbul. They were Croats first and Muslims second
>let saudis handle religious needs of your muslim population instead!
What can go wrong?
Can you explain Syrian Kurds opening relations with Israel - friend of USA and a state opressor of Palestinians and hater of Palestinian Liberation Organization composed largerly by secular and left-wing factions?
Or why does Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer - supporter of the Iraq War Resolution, and a strident pro-Israel member of Congress wanted the USA to recognise Iraqi Kurdistan after their referendum? Plus this fact
>Israel has had a secretive relationship with the Iraqi Kurds, including limited military assistance, and Israel has been a willing buyer of the KRG’s oil.
Can you explain why do they control regions that they never belonged to them in the first place and still hadn't handed over control to other people like the Syrian government? Like Omar oil fields on the eastern bank of Deir Ezzor
>government controlled Islamic education
>this is somehow bad
He doesn't care, he's kurdish
Actually a smart move. He is pushing for a Russian friendly sect of Islam, obviously. If Saudis are going to fund their ideology, it is a smart move to counter it.
Just look at what capitalists in America did to Christianity. Same idea.
Leftists like those make everyone else their enemy, which is moral, but not smart. They have no support.
You understand that there are large regions in Russia where Islam is the main religion? Putin can't get rid of Islam in these regions, but he can try to influence it to make it more pro-russian.
It is of course a good idea. In Western countries they usually let the government of Arabia Saudi, Morocco or Turkey to handle the mosques.
>all these asshurt putin drones
Good job OP
It's a shame the brainlets itt will never understand this
>OOOOOO le fucking Epic 4D chess xD xD :D
Maybe Putin is copying the Chinks in this one. The Chinks, if I remember correctly, allow Muslims to get their edumacation in Islamic black magic and curse casting only from government sponsored (trained) imams.
>literally defending the use of Russian taxpayer money to promote Islamic ideology
the absolute state of Putin drones
He's not promoting it, it already exists.
true. His muzzie loving ideas can actually benefit us this time
Fully agree! Somebody has to fuck you in the ass when Poland is sleeping.
Hahaha Sup Forumstards are such fucking fanboys. It's like watching people defend Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft on Sup Forums - sad shit.
>muslims only chimp out because they feel marginalised, we need to pamper them more so they feel included in our society
when euros say the same thing, they're cucks, but when putin does it, he's based.
but swedes are naturally cucks
>the point probably is to make them russians first and muslims second
He can try all he wants, but that thing doesn't exist and it will never exist. The Ummah comes first.
>Muslims have always lived in Russia, just like Asians have always lived in Russia.
200 years is not always.
>Central Asia