Map of KFC locations around the world

Map of KFC locations around the world

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open one in niger already you faggot

The sun never sets on the KFC Empire

...ehhh, Karl Fazer Company?


In Spain, only Latin american immigrants seem to like KFC.

it's nigger food


I think they will close here, they are always empty

Roast Chicken > Fried Chicken

really proud of that map
death to shitty food chains that serve shitty as shit food

KFC is garbage shit

Only 2 in Denmark ;_;


KFC burns my ass here, is this normal? Why is it so spicy that my ass is on fire

I've never seen one here.

I unironically like kfc 2bh


There's a KFC a 5 minute walk away from my house, it's grubby as fuck but the food is nice

kfc in the us sucks ass

0 in Finland.

Irrelevant country where kebab is the national fast food.

I feel that there's one sticking out..

stop to eat it

Sweden doesn't really count. We only have two of them


say hi to mi

Based Belarus

Fuck off faggots, KFC is god-tier

>france defending yank slop
disgusting, have a word with yourself

Kfc is very popular in russia, you can find them pretty much everywhere and they're always packed


>reeee you can't like american stuff because on this board we don't like americans!!!!!
grow up spastic

Get out. Black people hate KFC. We’re all about that Popeyes life.

t. Mahogany Kang

kfc isn't even real food
would have expected a frenchman to know better

"real food" it's made out of chicken if I recall lol

Hesburger is

I've never seen a KFC here, we maybe have like one