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get a real hobby

glad I'm not wh*Te

>whites literally take pride in invading other countries, genociding it's inhabitants and then playing the victim when said countries demand that they apologize

nothing wrong with it but I've yet to see one succesful, respectable person who's into that shit

Glad I'm a slav and not a disgusting huwhte subhuman

globalist bullshit for americans who self-identify based on their skin colour because they have no culture.


>wh*Te pride

I'd shoot anyone that says that irl

Ah yes its the whites who play the victim all the time, that sounds right

Literally meaningless outside of America where because thats where their ethnic groups happend to be divided

There is literally nothing for me to gain from white nationalism, so I see no reason to support it. People who get autistic about being proud of their own race tend not to have all that many friends of other races.

Wouldn't mind if the Feds pulled a Waco on every huwhite pride organization tbqh

snowniggers are vile

you're just perfect, my French friend.

Another fringe ideology for people who have no personality or anything special about them. Just like the far left, a worldview for people who need to base their identity on a label.
Jupiter save us.

>im a white nationalist, thats why i want a weak and fragmented Europe and support the Russians because a country with rampant alcoholism, HIV and drugs is epic and redpilled not to mention they pay me well


wben will this meme die

they are though, our nazis go to Russia for military training even.

yank cancer

The yellow man will rule the world!


They think that allowing immigrants to come into the country and racemix constitutes genocide. They're idiots who can only find value in themselves by putting all their loyalty into their race.

They used to be the good guys but they lost their way.
Hoping for them to make a comeback.

russians subsidize nationalist parties around europe
it's a fucking fact

whites have nobody to blame but themselves for their current troubles, and I don't feel bad at all whenever I hear about a bombing or a shooting, or refugees beating up whites.

This but unironically. If whites werent such cucks they'd actually stop them, since they prefer to have gay pride parades and welcome refugees then clearly they enjoy it.

Hopefully more violence against whites happens so they do something, otherwise good riddance to them.

>im a swede, thats why i want a weak and fragmented Europe and support the mudbloods because a country with rampant goatfucking, childrape and bombings is epic and redpilled not to mention they fill up me well

Didn't know Sup Forums had so much self hating whites and shitskins
Feels good to be the only proud white man
Off yourselves self loathing viriginsoyboys

Back to Sup Forums

>taking pride in being born a part of a race
>not for anything you yourself have done but something someone years ago did
It's stupid. Racial pride in any form is simply illogical. It's one of the reasons why I'm against Black History Month tbqh.

Back to shitskin lands where you belong

t. Pooeyed Mutt

Back to Sup Forums cumskin you have no power here

Shitty meme invented by amerimutts.
Hitler did not identify as a white supremacist.

How does selfhate affect your mind
Genuinely curious

Cry more

He is g*rman supremacist.

Lower pic shows white safeheaven
Sad it got so small, I am proud to conserve the white race together with my wife

That's what i meant, white supremacy has no legitimacy.
It's just goblinos being desperate to feel superior.

I'm not wh*Te I am a BLACK bull

i dont remember doing any of those things

>"I may not contribute in any meaningful to my society but at least I'm white"

White people unironically believe that immigration of non-whites constitutes invasion and even genocide, no other race has such a ridiculous victim complex

>literal monkey talking about contributing to society
Here, fetch!

Most fascists are _____ supremacist tho.
See franco was a catholic supremacist.

You are an insecure shitskin intimidated by superior white people, so you are in need for compensation of your inferiority by creating shitty self irony meme, while not realizing that you delegitimize yourself even more

Log off and go do something useful if you're such a successful whiteoid I bet you're a NEET unlike KARA BOGAS

>you know remember nicole richie is has the surname of richie because lionel richie adopted her
The 80s were weird.
nonsensical from even a biological point of view

Dumb Organisation with a self destructive ideology that will eventually bring an end to ‘white’ people

t. Irrelevant snow wasteland

Going to the gym later, et tu?

leave Islam out of this, fucking kafir

Sure you are creature. BLACKs are bigger and stronger than your weak shrimp pink penis. Why dont you fuck off you're no match for kara BOGA

National pride makes sense, because a proper national identity contains values, culture, noble deeds, brave people and so on, and all of it is connected by the idea of a particular country.
Can't say the same for race, especially considering how blurry its definitions were over centuries.
tl;dr dumb shit for brainlets with no culture


What a qt

>Civic nationalism
Off yourself dumb slav

I think he's talking about ethnic nationalism. "White nationalism" is the most retarded american meme ever.

I'm not surprised a g*rm hates civic nationalism considering what your disgusting nation stood for during the last millenium
I pray every day that this time islamic hordes will finally dismantle your spergy country for good

Not before we make a pact with russia ;)

he never mentioned race moron

Poland, the UK, France etc was just enthic-nationalist as Germany you buck-toothed plumbershit. You deserve another Swedish deluge

>he never mentioned race moron
*he never mention ethnicity,

He said white nationalism is retarded which it is.

What the fuck do you have in common with the French besides tone of skin? It's dumb.

I'm willing to bet good money that the Kraut poster is Russian

I'm willing to bet good money that the Israeli poster is Polish

Why would I be a mutt?
I can trace back my germany ancestry to the 15th century. No jew,no slav

glad im not white

>the antifa are the real fascists

Seems like my superiority led to controversie
Jelly shitskins and slavs being jelly

im willing to bet good money the Finnish poster is Scandinavian
im willing to bet good money the Israeli poster is Palestinian

you're a nation of mutts to begin with, eastern germany is full of germanized Wends, bavarians tend to be swarthy as fuck and generally you're not even a nation to begin with, you were still living in a bunch of ooga booga tiny states called
were half of the time you were killing each other until Napoleon slapped you, to not even have a proper unified country by 19th century is fucking laughable if you want to pretend to have some ground to stand on while talking about muh purity

also what is national identity of germany anyway? You started some absurd wewuzing that boiled down to ''we wuz all germanics from Goths to Vandals and shiet'' and even tried to go as far as to claim slavic pommeranian tribes which hated you were germanic, half of the fucking world consists of proto germans to you because since you have no actual identity you want to taint entire world the same way you ry to take down entire Europe with you every time you fuck something up

all things considered you should kill yourself

Ok now tell me about pooland in the last 2 centuries

>had to ask 2 other countries for help to dismantle an already weakened country
lmao krauts stronk

We fucked your ass without a sweat while rekting france and later russia lmao
Later we convinced polish death camps were actually true thing lmao stay jelly sl*ve

>my white asshole is on fire

Is this you? Lmao, settle down cracker bitch

Chang go home

You are failing to keep arabs and other niggers away from Germany.

So much in pride in aryan nation and yet filling the country with untermenschen? WARUM

Shut it white demon

Ask our government

Your government is the result of your actions. You did elect it anyway

I know right it's especially hilarious in Russia where nationalists believe that central asian immigrants are here to replace them because apparently central asians are more servile and accustomed to asian despotism.
These slav(e) delusions are just adorable.

This is what white nationalism looks like folks.

I'm 78% European, have really pale skin, brown hair, hazel eyes, and I still consider myself a white nationalist. People do not think I have a drop of brown blood because I look so European and I think that's all that matters. Even though I'm not 100% white I still think shitskins are inferior and need to be killed off. I support conservative candidates and love the fuck out of my country and don't want these kikes to fuck it up.

>in Russia where nationalists believe that central asian immigrants are here to replace them because

What a bullshit. White nationalists here believe in that low IQ, unskilled immigrants from 3rd world countries and respublics must GTFO out of the country back to their kishlak, yurts, whatever. These immigrant are often involved in drug dealing, selling counterfeit alcohol, blahblahblah.


>don't want these kikes to fuck it up
You were doing so well before you said this, goy. Now pray to Israel for forgiveness.

You would be considered "pooeyed" subhuman in Germany. At least that's according to german poster.

You are not white to begin with

>you must be 115% white in order to be white

Who the fuck is white then? 200 people per country?

Just because you are not white doesnt mean they are rare

My wife and daughter believe in that.

>You are an insecure shitskin intimidated by superior white people, so you are in need for compensation of your inferiority by creating shitty self irony meme, while not realizing that you delegitimize yourself even more
lmao look at this wh*Toid. Germany is for TURK men

Basically. White nationalism is pretty fucking retarded.

They are no different from crazy Feminists/Afro-Centrists are other types of left-wing nutcases.

They are just as cringe as the others.

This. This Brazilian gets it. Eurocentrism is just as retarded as afrocentrism

Come home white man

>I'm 78% European, have really pale skin, brown hair, hazel eyes, and I still consider myself a white nationalist.