/balk/ - Balkan Thread

Another comfy BR edition

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first for anime


why do bulgars have all these selyak names for places

fucking autists keep this shit in Sup Forums



>t. гaзи бaбa

How is Sofia a selyak name it means "wisdom"in Greek

kopitoto not sofia kopito edno

>having a greek name for your capital city

Greeks are the natives

kopitoto is nice name
>Before the modern local government system came into operation in the late 19th century it was described as being in the hundred of Buttinghill, in the rape of Lewes.

Come to Lyulin, Sofia I will show you some good non-selyak names alongside my boys from the hood

Pic related is best girl tho

>just gas my shit senpai

In Sofia you also have:
Ovcha kupel--sheep bath
Oborishte -- manupe field
Poduyane -- under the dick

In conclusion, зaщo в Бългapия нe мoжe дa имa гpaждaнcкa вoйнa? Зaщoтo вcички ca ceляни.

нa тeб мaй ти e мaлкo бoя кaтo глeдaм

>tfw no ikea on albania
where do i get my cheap shit now

Help me decide guys.
Should I study or shitpost on the interweb?


/cтyдeнa лимoнaдa/


Would you kill all bulgarians on earth and live on as a rich man in Greece
or kill all Greeks and die a painful death alone in a dark room?

stop being poor and buy quality stuff instead, dumbo

ikea is dogshit, bought some shitty table from them once for like 20 euros and broke after a month

Gypsy market

kill all greeks and die a painful death

>Poduyane -- under the dick
reddit is that way, Къци

what's with tatars and br

they also sell expensive stuff in ikea


painful death is guaranteed since you are albanian

There is nothing wrong in being a proud tatar

Y-You told me that I am your Joi... a-and now you say that Mariette was best g-girl... >,

>expensive stuff in ikea
>thats what poorfags actually believe


wtf i love tatars now

stop samefagging cringy ape, no one finds you interesting or fun

He chose Joi over best girl though.

>unironically browsing Sup Forumseddit
how fucking embarrassing

>having a greek name for your entire national identity
o am laffin

funny man

т. cиpoмaх

fyromites btfo


fucking destroyed

uhm, sweetie, "former yugoslav republic" isnt greek???


т. бo$$ мъpльo

its over, fyromittes are finished

Yeah... So how was today?


We'll see, I'm going out for a beer later.

absolutely destroyed

Include me in the screencap




Stop bullying our fyromian friends

Isn't beer bitter, onii-chan? Do you enjoy it?

neck yourself

(inserd joke about cum here)

I enjoy some brands, while others are dog piss imo.





Hmm, yeah I guess that works.
>(inserd joke about cum here)
Same as you with beer desu


why is georgia superior?

Do you know anything about Georgians that we don't?

only god knows why


maybe we should call it
Hellenic cultural sphere?

Is this correct?


why does albania exist?

Jesus. I'm afraid to ask how many you've tried.


No, Greeks and Bulgarians are too independent and proud to accept a union such as this one.


To dump the albanians in it. Or do you want to exterminate them and Greece to annex the territory?

Ahhhhh... t-that was a joke >/////


why would bulgarians feel pride for bulgaria?

>le discount spaniard face

Yeah right, I'm sure ...

>le discount greek face


there is enough room for albanians on the ground of the Aegean

we think "well, at least I am not an autistic Turko-Laz living in Germany who hates his family so much he decided to Larp as Greek on the Internet"

Opinions on this kino?

I swear it was a joke!

In any case, Greeks are Greeks and Bulgarians are Bulgarians and since our nations are -for the most part- defined by ethnicity, it just wouldn't work.

there is nothing wrong with self improvement

The galaico-portuguese people are the superior Iberians and thus feel the need to be independent from the rest of Iberia.

and Greeks are better than bulgarians

tranlo needs to post feets



i can translate whatever you want

Mhm. It's okay, I don't judge.

too gay


newfags destroyed this general


Of course that changed my perspective for you entirely, but oh well ...