We are strong together、

we are strong together、
asia military ranked 2 Japan
asia military ranked 4 Thailand
we kill gooks and chinks
I love you Japan

Other urls found in this thread:


How old r u m8, aren't you low-teen?

zitto animale

> 、

You did a good job

tojo and his thai ladyboy gf, a match made in heaven

Who is rank 3?

What's this, tojo


>not Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, India, Pakistan, or the Koreas

Nice, the Japanese comma, at least you're trying.


I am Thai
I installed Japanese keyboards
I am learning Japanese

nice try tojo

I know that. That's why, good quality bait.

If you really like Japan stop shitposting and learn English

Hiro caught red handed shitposting.

>google the op pic
>Japanese website

Hmm try again hiroshi

You know that Google is location-sensitive, right?

you are low IQ gook
shut up

I'm Singaporean actually. And I have a positive opinion of both Thailand and Japan, Siam is the best SEAsian country by far.


I don't think you are Thai for shit, for your English is horrible af, and there's no one on Sup Forums whose English is as bad as you, beside Japs here. Or r u seriously a low teen Thai kid ?


What makes you think Thais should be inherently better at English? The average Indian on the internet speaks worse English than OP, and Thais are far less exposed to the language than us.

Japanese English is poorer than Thais and Indian English . :_3
I've been told " broken English "by user in this board before.

>Surrendered within 5 hours