1. Country

1. Country
2. What do people in your country think of black queens?


>1. Country

>2. What do people in your country think of niggers?

Subhumans, you'll be seen as less of a person you settle with one - white women are preferred by males of all races here.

wtf i hate brazil now

I could never handle this girl or a latina feels bad I'm a quiet autistic guy I could only get an asian or a weird white girl.

Latinas are very sociable but also jealous.
If you get a Latina gf you'll have to get used to her wanting to check your phone. Also staying inside for too long makes them go crazy and they like going to social events more than other girls

it's the truth no matter where you are.

I don't like white women that much but they ARE proven to be the most wanted worldwide whether you like it or not.

As for me, Asians are the only decent option IMO, specifically Mongolians, followed by Japs.

also, in Brazil, blacks are seen as poor (in a non-racist way, it's just the history of the country).

So people assume you're better off the lighter your skin/hair/eyes are.

For example, not memeing but my brother has light green eyes and medium blonde hair, when he's in the north of the country people always try to scam him (kek) thinking he's a foreigner.


Subhuman. You lose street cred

I wonder why Italians are much more open about the way they view blacks and gypsies than French and German people.

people would be interested for sure, they can expect hectolitres of Slavoid semen from us.

Germans still have the gestapo to worry about. Frenchs I don't actually know.
I think Italy, like Greece and others who are seeing directly the immigrant influx tends to not be so delicate.

you would be surprised how tolerant black/latina chicks are of autistic weirdness

I swear to god he same person keeps posting this, do you have a agenda?

You do realise blacks have varied personalities and can have autism also?

this, I know a big assed and big titted stereotypical "black queen" like literally 10/10, hotter than a lot of these girls you see posted on Sup Forums..Tiny waist, huge ass and tits the size of melons that defy gravity. fug. but she's literally an autistic sperg.

She lashes out like crazy for random shit in an autistic way and if she doesn't have a 1000 yard stare its the exception, not the norm.

Once we were eating lunch with a group at a uni event and i kicked her leg.. she tried to be funny and said way too loudly

"OH. You TOUCHED MY LEG. Guess I'll have to CUT THEM. HA. ha." like literally this autistic
She's actually quite the loner and the other day we bonded over both making 10 grand on the stock market this year and how we did it..

but if you saw her you wouldn't think it. she mostly keeps her mouth shut 99% of the time to avoid scrutiny.

Don't listen to this fag. He is a bully.

I demand pics

>1. Country
>2. What do people in your country think of black queens?
Nubian Goddesses are the peak of feminine beauty

How can Becky even compete?

>Recently getting hordes of immigrants from haiti
>excited because I'll get to see black queens for the first time
>Every black woman I see is horribly overweight and have an unbearable rotten stench
>they all have fucking beards

Black girls are for people with taste.

Then why does Brazil have so many darkies and half Blacks? My guess is that they aren't preferred but your countrymen still fucks the shit out of them?


Indian/Pakistani women > East African women > everyone else

>it’s the truth everywhere that men have white fever and have a Nordic fetish

No it isn’t

niggers will still be niggers.

which means we hate 'em

haitians are wh*Te

Dark skin is masculine. Since I'm pale as fuck myself, I'd feel emasculated with a black girl even though I'm tall (195cm) and go to gym regularly

same as you. It depends I guess but overall most people appreciate a beautiful black lady

that means you arent strong.

Ive been with plenty of strong black women and if you act like a man and stand up for them and yourself they will make you feel like a man.

Awesome in bed, complete sex demons. Do you gotta be alpha though.

Eh, could be so then. I prefer white or Asian nevertheless. I'm stoic enough to feel like a man among them

Not good for anyone. Media support