British republic flag

>British republic flag

*throws up*

wtf i hate the queen now

Was it not this one?

tricolors are such trash, surely you could do better with your republic

To be honest, Cromwell was more like a Caesar or something than a classical republic
It was a strange period and I don't think it goes easily into a category

More like Hungary

Why are European flags so boring?
>hhaha lets have 5 flags exactly the same tricolor lolol

>Spanish republic flag

*throws up*

i don't like it either, at least we used to have the coat of arms on it but now its just another aquafresh variant

This one actually looks nice.

*throws up blood*

Nah, turn down the brightness

You should LOVE it instead because she's the one who prevents this flag from happening.


Really nice desu

hungarian posters are absolute trash of our society here, dont listen to what they say, i mean really, hating your own flag because its not the retarded arpad house flags, bunch of fags, die

At least it has purple on it.

indeed, anyone who derides their colors is self hating and a loathsome pox on whichever polity they inhabit

>flag good! you bad me hate you!



>nem utálni a zászlót amit a szabadkőműves Kossuth bandája használt

>t. clown costume flag

Well I'd prefer different colours for our tricolour and an eagle slapped on. Alternatively just using the current federal ensign as the national flag.

get out

no thanks

Kurva anyád retkes cigány