/Éire/ comfy day in bed edition

/Éire/ comfy day in bed edition

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Love you boys.

What are the plans for today lads?

Dreamt I went out with an indian girl and we really like each other.
I do have these dreams from time to time, and its always with a girl who really likes me.
Shame this has/will never happen.
Besides Indian girls never date outside their own caste/race.
Clean my room. Cook dinner. Check my car tyre pressure. Iron work clothes. Sleep.


Stop feeling sick, play video games, play the guitar, learn how to play Japanese mahjong, maybe finally start studying for that IT qualification

>people at work discussing the abortion referendum

Be honest and tell them what you think, unless you're ashamed of your views.

Enjoying my illness,will be checking flight prices,hotels,weather forecasts etc later
And you?
Are the /enlightened/ or not?
Do you agree with some of them or is it a one-sided discussion?

Hello my fellow Irish brothers

Laughing at your misery desu.

>t.Paddy Pastéis

Well I'm not involved in the coversation for one thing, so that would be a bit weird.

>Are the /enlightened/ or not?
>Do you agree with some of them or is it a one-sided discussion?
Nope. Pretty much an echochamber of a conversation.

>Pretty much an echochamber of a conversation.
>"I believe that abortion should be legal"
>"Very much so"
>A dark figure is vibrating at it's desk in the corner
>Ready to strike
>The arguments carefully sharpened through days of /éire/ discussion
>He raises from his armchair
>"Shuddup you filthy westbrits"

Do you have a cold? Hopefully you're going somewhere warm.

Loads of things I've been meaning to do that I'll spend the day procrastinating on by playing games and watching anime.

You got me there, Lux.

Ulster is not Irish

>Do you have a cold?
Just a normal fever
>Hopefully you're going somewhere warm.
>Loads of things I've been meaning to do that I'll spend the day procrastinating on by playing games and watching anime.
Sounds like a plan,what anime,what games,what things you should do?

Have a shower and make my dinner and eat it. I am living the life

Fuck off you smelly gook

I dreamt last night that me and my cousin that i have not seen in about two years was hanging out about the back country roads where i live and he brought a wheelchair with him and he was hitting 25mph on it on flat ground and i learnt a running technique that allowed me to run 30mph and we were racing across the country roads in the middle of the night.

My dreams are always odd

I was wondering why I never saw threads for Irish people.

Do you guys have "Irish and proud" tattoos too?!

I love going to Irish bars on st Patrick's day and getting drunk LOL

Prepare for the new job

Just seasonal anime. I was playing Celeste which is a lot better than Iconoclasts.

I have things to buy, forms to fill out, things to research and tutorials to watch among many other things.

What's the difference between the Hong Kong flag and the Vietnam flag?

I fear the 8th will not be saved.
Just look at all these cringey babykillers

>God iz dead!
Perhaps we should change the law so that people with IQ in the double digits shouldn't be allowed to vote.

All you would be left with is people that have single digit IQ's.

I see,there are a lot of birthdays coming up so I'll have to do some shopping too
But for once,I have absolutely no idea what to get people

Whatever you say, Tyreese Jimenez

I'll have you know I'm ethnically pure Irish

I'll bet you've been polluted by the filthy British and aren't even a true Irishman.

I bet you don't even drink everyday or have an Irish flag tattoo like I do

A day spent playing games and watching anime is a day well spent.
It's the days spent pressing f5 on the same rotation of pages you need to worry about.

Great idea. It's not wise letting the retarded masses decide the vote

kek! fuck off mutt

The Hong Kong is far nicer

>I'll bet you don't even drink green beer

Maybe you are fully ethnically Irish (i doubt that) but you have been uprooted from Ireland

>tfw mandatory debate class in college
>abortion is coming up on the debate agenda
Wtf do I do lads?

Stop shitposting would be a good start

Show them that video from the 70s where that babykilling doctor sounded the woman while he was performing the babymurder and recorded it on film, which showed that the fetus felt fear and pain and tried to get away from the knife as it cut the poor bastard to pieces.
Also tell them about how the babies that are too big to be cut up with knives are murdered by being sucked up through a tube that breaks all their bones.

Just to clarify, I mean ultrasound, not the other kind of sounding.

Learn your stuff. Think it through. Contemplate on the subject.
What else is there to do but that?


All irrelevant since the proposed law would prevent abortions beyond 12 weeks. A fetus doesn't even have a brain formed by then.


>mandatory debate class in college
I thought this sort of thing only existed in the USA?

And? Would you be so callous towards a woman who just had a miscarriage at 12 weeks?

"What are you crying about? It's only a clump of cells. Why do you hate women?"

>What's the difference between the Hong Kong flag and the Vietnam flag?
The Hong Kong flag will soon be replaced by the Chinese flag.

So,we have regular pop,J-Pop.K-pop but when will the world finally be ready to experience Eire-pop?

Not sure why I replied to you

I think the Jumbo Breakfast Roll song was the closest we got (unless you count B*Witched from the 1990's).

Skipping this thread, subject line missing again.

It's disingenuous to correlate what happens in a final trimester abortion to the first. Equally so to correlate attitudes on an abortion with a miscarriage.That's all.
I'm glad you've found a sudden concern and interest in the well being of women though!

>I think the Jumbo Breakfast Roll song
Between that, Dustin, Rubber Bandits, Richie Kavanagh etc we do seem to have a love for crude, comedic songs by colourful characters that isn't really shared by other countries.

I'm not entirely sure if one can classify the breakfast roll song as "pop"

>It's disingenuous to correlate what happens in a final trimester abortion to the first
I don't believe I ever made such a correlation.

>Equally so to correlate attitudes on an abortion with a miscarriage
Both result in a fetus dying.

And that's without even touching on those semi-ironic country-western/country-Irish songs that are churned out constantly but only ever heard on regional radio stations.

Well, it was certainly popular.

>I don't believe I ever made such a correlation.
I'm glad you accept the distinction.

>Both result in a fetus dying.
The sadness in a first trimester miscarriage is from crushed expectation in being denied a child, not a sorrowful remembrance for the clump of cells that failed to form successfully.

>not a sorrowful remembrance for the clump of cells that failed to form successfully.
Abortion denies a healthy "clump of cells" the chance of becoming a child and a human being. A fetus is most definitely a living organism, the question is when it becomes human. Since there is no scientific consensus on that question, I prefer to play it safe.

Since there is no scientific consensus on that question, I prefer to entrust people with the choice to abide by their own moral compass on when life begins within reasonable parameters.

Does anyone here have an electric toothbrush?

Which brush head do you think is best, one of the rotary ones or one more like a traditional toothbrush?

Well that's where we differ; I'd rather not run the risk of legalising murder.

>"Science hasn't reached a consensus on this issue yet, so in the meantime do whatever you feel like"
This isn't a stance that sits well with me. Are we that dismissive of the importance of scientific consensus with regard to other medical matters of life and death?

I used to have one but I stopped using it. You still have to brush your teeth in a normal manner like you would with a manual tooth brush. Just because the head spins doesnt mean you can just move it around and think the spinny head does all the work.

A normal toothbrush is just as good.

source: my friend is a dental nurse and also i asked my own dentist.

its' a gimmick.

This is the top comment on thejournal article about ryanair recognizing unions.
How fucking out of touch with reality and the knobheads who make these comments?

>A normal toothbrush is just as good.
Spend a bit extra on a high quality manual toothbrush and it's just as good (if not better for your gums and enamel) than an electric toothbrush. My dentist doesn't recommend electric toothbrushes anymore.

That's what I meant by normal toothbrush.

>How fucking out of touch with reality and the knobheads who make these comments?
I'm convinced that they occupy a parallel reality to the rest of us where things are similar but everything has been taken to its natural extreme.

I know - I wasn't trying to contradict you.

I wonder who could be behind this post...
>Croydon is a large town in south London, England, 9.5 miles (15.3 km) south of Charing Cross. The principal settlement in the London Borough of Croydon,

What are you implying?

I'm not implying anything,are you?

No but your question over who it could be followed by a quote as to where croydon is seems out of context and weird.

I posted without having read the full article,but just the screenshot.
I didn't know that those unions were meant for British pilots,so it seemed like someone was trying to deny the proud Irish people their right to form unions,but after having read the post,it seemed counter-productive for a Brit to deny other Brits their unions if they are being employed by a foreign company.
Ya dig?

Between coding and back breaking warehouse work which is more likely to make more money and give me a career lads?


>he calls programming "coding"
You're never going to make it in the tech industry, laddo.

My dentist recommended it and said it gets rid of twice as much plaque.

Yes but you still have to brush as if you were brushing with a manual toothbrush.
People seem to think they can just hold their arm straight and move the brush over the teeth letting the head do all the work, which only does a worse job.
Also your dentist is a retard. Find a better one.

Not very nice to discourage him like that over such trivialities

>working in the tech industry.
I always imagine the kind of people you'd end up working along side to be completely insufferable.

I'd say so too,but I believe some of our posters are active in this domain,so it would be nice to hear their experiences

>The court heard that later that morning, while the complainant was texting her friends telling her she had been raped by “Ulster rugby scum”, the four defendants had a WhatsApp conversation which the Crown say “give a true flavour” of their attitude to what happened.
>In the WhatsApp conversation he said, “We are all top shaggers” and described the scene in the bedroom as “it was like a merry-go-round at a carnival”.

Guess their career is over.

I thought Whatsapp conversations were encrypted?

Depends on the job. In some places you'd end up working with virtue-signalling soyboys and in others you'd be working with /éire/-types. And then there's those IT workplaces that are inexplicably filled with normal people. It's a diverse industry.

Define this

>virtue-signalling soyboys
The fuck does this shit pol meme even mean? stop using you fucking cunt.
>you'd be working with /éire/-types
yeah so insufferable people. fedora tippers.

Lot of anger in this post.

have a fever and flu for the second time in 2 months lads

They're encrypted end to end but not if the local device is seized and the data can be requested by governments if its backed up to a cloud service which is probably what happened.

Soyboys are real. They're emasculated men who have redefined masculinity to infantility.

They have a 'quirky' sense of humour and are passive around women and tend to work or have an interest in IT and their main hobby is gaming.

A lot of /éire/ posters are soyboys. Personally they disgust me.

I'd imagine most things and people in life disgust you

Imagine being a grown adult and being this insecure. Bit sad.
I'd say you're fairly passive against women too lad, by the sounds of it.

>I'd say you're fairly passive against women too lad
What does this even mean? It's not like anybody here is a winner with women anyway.

There's big scandals and cover ups in rugby with lads fucking some slut senseless.
My secondary school teacher knew a girl who had to leave Ireland as there was a video of her getting pounded by two rather famous Irish rugby players. Hilarious to say the least.

How is that hilarious?

>two rather famous Irish rugby players
They wouldn't be two prominent Munster players by any chance?

In fact yes they would be.
Roasties btfo that's why.

Edgy 16 year old detected.

Was hardly a cover up, it was a well known story at the time and it was consensual.

>Roasties btfo that's why.
Get help

Why so defensive lads?

I'm just saying there's probably ones we aren't hearing about but you get the drift.

It's not being defensive, it's called calling some underaged faggot out for thinking rape is cool.

>Roasties btfo that's why.
I laughed but I always assume(d) all this /r9k/ and Sup Forums alt right stuff is ironic. I was a bit astounded when I realised there are genuine gobshites who believe this stuff.

Why would you assume that? It's clearly not ironic. It's just in reality these people aren't vocal or visible in society for various reasons.