Would you marry a half-asian half-white qt3.14?

would you marry a half-asian half-white qt3.14?

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yes but not that one

but she's ultra rich, qt, and likes getting fucked in the face

The fact that she's a wealthy, spoiled bitch from Manhattan is the best part.

>gets married and says its all in the past
>still super kinky in the bedroom
you could be the one doing the facial abuse user

I want to be the girls in facial abuse.

Maybe 1/4 asian

you need to be cute and feminine on the outside but super slutty and cock-hungry on the inside

What's her name?

>would you marry

Kelly Jiayi Wang

formerly Kelly Balthazar



>successful smart beautiful girl from a rich family

slightly better quality version of OP's image

I might settle for a 1/38 asian mutt




>you will never be a model that paints and smokes weed all day in a Patrick Bateman tier apartment

Kelly Wang at Chinese Artists forum


Mayli paints 40yo buttholes with her tongue and smokes cocks.

Kelly Wang is the Muse Scholar Program Teaching Assistant and an adjunct in the Office of the Arts. received her BA from Hunter College in Art History and Chinese in 2014, graduating summa cum laude as the first Muse Scholar Valedictorian with a perfect 4.0 GPA. In April 2016 she joined forces with her former professor, Dara Meyers-Kingsley, to work with the Muse Scholars.

In May 2016, Wang graduated from Columbia University with an MA in Art History. Her thesis presents new material in the field of Chinese painting, discussing a lesser known ink painting by the last emperor of the Northern Song dynasty.

In addition to her academic experience, Wang is a contemporary artist who uses traditional Chinese materials in unconventional ways. She is currently part of an artist co-op gallery in Piermont, NY, where some of her work is always on display. Since February 2016, Wang has had two solo shows and has participated in one group show. She has held positions at an extensive array of art institutions, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Christie's, China Institute, The Chinese Porcelain Company, Julius Lowy Frame & Restoration Co., and J. J. Lally & Co. Oriental Art Gallery.


full asian or gtfo

I wonder if she recognizes the "looks" of a stranger that "knows"

Kelly Balthazar or something

Does he know?

Looks like a cuck

He probably has Jamal and Tyrone's number

pretty sure everyone does at this point

Who is this

formerly kelly's suck and fuck

Yes I'm the BULL

As to the question, no. I'm marrying a half Chinese, half Indonesian girl.