Tfw you'll forever be a Shitalian and there is no way of changing that no matter how hard you try or how far you run...

>tfw you'll forever be a Shitalian and there is no way of changing that no matter how hard you try or how far you run from Shitaly, even in death you'll be remembered as a Shitalian

You could at least post with a proxy so I don't have to be reminded Sh*talians exist.

Yes i know that feeling bro

>even in death you'll be remembered as a Shitalian
not necessarily...

t.chink in Italy

Come to America and you'll become white

its punish for crimes in previous lifes

Nice try Tyrone

Just move to the mountains and live in peace.

Stop making these threads, kudasai

>god tier food
>god tier women
>god tier football culture
Why the fuck you Italians hate yourselves so much?

he's an amerimutt with a proxy, see

You can at least improve your condition.
I myself refuse to believe I should ever settle for being anything less than the perfectness I strive for. I don't give a 100% or 110%. I shoot for the Moon in everything.
I guess it's in my Nordic nature and may not be entirely applicable to Southrons as yourself but that's a pessimistic view that's entirely my own.

>god tier women
>god tier football culture
Like kicked out from the WC by fucking Sweden

You're right, us Southrons lack ambition and fail in everything we do, as we are far inferior to the proud nordic man and we should only be used as dumps for superior nordic cock

>Best landscape in Europe
>Best girls in Europe
>Best food in Europe
>Best art in Europe
>Best cars in Europe
>Best brand in Europe (Italian-anything is seen as a luxuary
>Best ancient history in Europe
>One of the best languages in Europe (Not quite as useful as English)

Face it Marco, Italy is awesome.

Come live here if Shitaly is so amazing

That's, like, your opinion man

Planning on travelling there for a few weeks next summer, Mario. My job lets me work from practically anywhere in the world.

I've been fapping to only Italian vintage porn for the past 2 months , so yes , your women are fucking godtier

>anything like actually living in the country
Kenya is the best country in the world!