Still the ONLY spider-man film that actually has Spider-man keep his mask on during action scenes

>still the ONLY spider-man film that actually has Spider-man keep his mask on during action scenes

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still shit

But he did that in the raimi films as well.

literally a scene with him on the front of a train with his mask off in SM2

also takes it off in the final fight with Doc Ock

can't really remember the other Raimi films, but they always had Tobey's mug on show

This is why nobody cares about comictard opinions on capeshit flicks.

He had his mask on in every other scene though.

I prefer the Raimi spider man

It had more emotion and lessons to be learned

he stills takes it off in all the memorable action scenes, though.

Who cares if he takes it off? Does it violate your comictard autism or something? That's literally the worst reason I've ever heard to dislike the Raimi films.

He had his mask on in the fight with Doc Ock though.

I prefer the Raimi films, but the nostalgia people like you have towards the films which drives you to make demonstrably incorrect statements is always baffling

It's not nostalgia, they are objectively better films than any of the capeshit made today.


He literally takes his mask off

What's your point? The movie is total shit anyway, but at least in the "so bad it's good" kind of way.

That has absolutely nothing to do with the point in question

It's called setting the tone, something the Amazing flicks completely lacked

What about his statement is demonstrably incorrect? Him taking his mask off is no real reason to dislike a movie.

No Spider-Man movie has matched the emotion and intensity of this scene and the chase that follows it. The music, camera work, lighting...what a master piece

That wasn't the statement, the statement made was "Spider-man has his mask on during action scenes in the Raimi films"

which is, in fact false

you can prefer the films but nostalgia doesn't change the facts

After the fight is over

Ok, but literally who cares if he takes his mask off during action scenes? What's the problem there? Also, iirc he doesn't do this in the first movie.

It's not just spider Man. Watch gladiator or Troy, they always take their masks off for the battles. They don't hire pretty boys for nothing.

Just a minor annoyance is all

Always looks so awkard when they've got it off, just praising ASM2 for one of the few things they did right by keeping it on

>Kill them all, Peter
This. That scene was truly powerful.

>That wasn't the statement, the statement made was "Spider-man has his mask on during action scenes in the Raimi films"
I never posted that you fucking moron. Learn to know who you are replying to.

Why don't you answer this question? Are you afraid to admit that you're a comic book reading man-child with garbage taste in film?

Only superhero film ever made where he loses every battle

He had it on in the Goblin fight, it just got ripped.
He had it on fighting Sandman, and the final fight of 3. Only took it off to say goodbye to Harry.

you seem rather upset, are you hurt somebody criticised your precious nostalgia flicks?

>"Spider-man has his mask on during action scenes in the Raimi films"
>which is, in fact false
Its true. If the statement "He has his mask on during action scenes" is false then you're saying "He never wears the mask during action scenes." because there are plenty of examples where it is on.
If you meant "sometimes he has it on, occasionally he doesn't" then that begs the question "So fucking what?"
Also the point of the scene on the train is dramatic.
The point in that scene is showing the strain on peter's face as he tries to save the train, and then the reveal to the people on the train that "He's just a kid..."

But it helps create a moment of personal interaction between characters and sometimes it's just necessary. In spiderman 2 he takes it off during the train scene because it was smoking from an explosion and again after the fight with doc ock in a desperate attempt to convince him to help shut the machine down. Also now that I think of it spiderman 3 doesn't have an action scene where he takes the mask off.

He beats the green goblin though.

thought it was the new cunt m8

Oh my god I mean to have annoyances like that what the fuck are you man? Are you a fucking virgin


>Oh my god I mean to have annoyances like that what the fuck are you man? Are you a fucking virgin

They kept the mask on so they could make the scene 100% CG.


Best answer in this thread

Unpopular opinion. This movie isn't as bad as people think. The action/swinging scenes are pretty cool

It's also objectively the worst Spider-Man film.

Yes, worse than Spider-Man 3. Say what you will about that movie, but at least it's script is straightforward and coherent. Amazing Spider-Man 2 is a clusterfuck that was literally Frankensteined together by shooting random scenes and subplots with no clear direction as to where they wanted to take the film before shooting.

It's the definition of a film made by committee.

Homecoming was probably much worse for that

Homecoming is 90% CGI. Fuck there are scenes where he's just standing around and he look CGI
>Scene on the fire escape where its first person and his hands are CGI

Doubtful. Homecoming followed the Raimi mold of using CG only during swinging scenes and portions of the action scenes. Close-ups and times when Spidey is sedentary are all Holland/a stuntman in a suit.


Honestly the way the suit was made its hard to tell if it was real or CGI

>Homecoming less CGI than The Amazing Spider-man films

Are you smoking crack? ASM1 & 2 are shit but Homecoming is like 90% CGI, literally has a scene with him just standing in the ferry scene where his feet don't even touch the ground

Are you talking about that screenshot going around? He's in the middle of fucking landing
It is CGI though

Only Sup Forums thinks it's bad

Could be, that whole scene was definitely CGI, it was very jarring, you could at least tell in the other scenes in Homecoming what was and wasn't CGI with spider-man, but the ferry scene really took the piss