Now that the Dust hast settled , can we admit the Job Rogan verbally anihilated Steven Crowdshiter in the weed debate?

Now that the Dust hast settled , can we admit the Job Rogan verbally anihilated Steven Crowdshiter in the weed debate?

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i agree, he was way out of line

Why does Sup Forums love joe rogan so much? You do realize that in real life he'd think you're a weirdo and kick your ass, right?

Why would anyone defend Steven Crowder?

What did he mean by this?

gestalt>the big enchilada

Joe was acting like an asshole but it's Crowder's fault for getting flustered and offended over his silly playground taunts
>you silly bitch
>aww what's wrong don't get defensive we're having fun

It's more interesting that rogan threads are getting deleted now yet way worse threads stay up. Is it just me or is this new janny a piece of shit?

How did he do so? Not implying he didn't, just didn't watch this so I have no idea what their points even were.


im pro weed and i watch jre religiously but joe was way out of line in this episode. never seen him act like such a drunk buffoon aside from this one.

Because he knows that if he stared at her ass it would be all over the internet. And one he's clearly doing it as a joke by making it extremely obvious that he's looking, and 3rd one is funny reaction to the guy almost exposing himself to everyone

Yea. Rogan was being an asshole. Crowder shouldn't of let it upset him so damn much. It's not like Rogan would become hostile unless you touched on specific key issues he actually cares about which are psychedelics/weed MMA and hunting.

Men's asses

Okay Joe no one cares if you're a homo

Why was crowder so anti-weed again?

Joe is a faggot and a degenerate

Because he is an actual Alpha with beta Joe getting mad like boggie2988 with healthcare

just your typical uninformed, unfunny conservative comedian.
>lol im dressing as a women, AGAIN

Weed makes you retarded

*farts into microphone*

Haha, funny liberals at it again :)


Conservashits make awful comedy

Listen Patton we get it.

Haha conservabutts are too uptight for comedy, not like us liberals :)

>You know, it's so fascinating to me that human beings are still stuck in this cycle of creating peanut butter, creating jam, putting it between bread, eating it. Where did it come from, evolutionarily? What compels us to consume pastes made from just natural things and put it between slices of bread that we've churned out of grains? If we had to fight a gorilla right now we would get fucked up (Jaimie pull up gorillas fucking up peanut butter and jelly sandwiches) but we're at the top of the food chain anyway, creating these, these products out of the natural world that have become staples to us. And it's so crazy to me that we're allowed to make these things out of these substances, but weed, which is a COMPLEEEETELY natural substance, is off limits, sorry bitch can't make shit outta weed. It's insanity. It's utter insanity. Oh, yeah look at that. That gorilla is FUCKING SLAMMING that sandwich that is a monster son, that is a real live monster. I bet if you gave a gorilla weed it'd get the munchies like cray haha then it'd REALLY be begging for that peanut butter and banana sandwich, Jaimie pull up gorillas eating peanut butter.

>Added replies
>IP count doesn't change



You dumbfucks been epicly trolled!!!

It's not hard to annihilate Steven Crowder because he's fucking stupid and worthless. However, Rogan still grossly overestimates the safety of weed and the benefits of its large-scale legalization.

but where does quick run down rank?

well no because
*brings the mic closer*
every 10 years your cells in your body actually completely change.
i was reading this article about how DMT can actually advance this process into only taking 6 years because your pineal gland- jaimie could you get that article up? yeah but its because your pineal glands can actually make your cells rejuvenate faster ... here we go
*looks over at the screen*
look at that ...
yeah that chimp must be what? 400 pounds? jesus those things will tear you to shreds

it's like alcohol. weed should be legal but people shouldn't really smoke weed.

Like having children out of wedlock or without a partner in a stable relationship capable of supporting said child.

>durrrrr I wuz juz pratending to be ratarded

Haha great joke liberal :)

right up there with your digits.

yeah. i hate niggers man.

What are some succesful tier conservative comedians working today that can red-pill me?

every tim

Fuck off christ fag.

Anything that artifically produces serotonin should be handled with caution

Don't go easy on the spics too.

Owen Benjamin is pretty good imo

Steven Crowder and Mark Dice

Because he belongs to a team and when you belong to a team you must believe everything the team believes, no exceptions

I want Amy Schumer to sit on my face while Lena Dunham kicks me in the balls and stomps on my tiny cock.

>every 10 years your cells in your body actually completely change.

man the theseus' ship paradox hasn't meant shit for ages now

protip: think of an object in 4 dimensions (i.e. time) and it's no longer just the sum of its parts

You're the Amazing Atheist aren't you? Good lord man go to fucking bed.


Point stays the same

Right on fellow liberal. Stupid right wing nazis probably think heroin is bad for them too LOL, dumb group thinkers

I'm actually a white protestant trump supporter. I also kinda want Anita Sarkeesian to put her toes in my mouth and abuse me desu

Norm MacDonald

He didn't mention raping bananas though


Tried them and they suck. Is that all?Maybe

George Carlin, Bill Hicks

>He didn't mention raping bananas though
Or hot wax but still..

Turn the other cheek to make anita's strapon slide in easier

Conservative unironically vote against their own economic interests

Dick Masterson

though he's actually not conservative, he's libertarian, but at this point anyone who thinks "yeah law abiding citizens should be allowed to own a gun" or "mass unchecked immigration of people who hate the nation's culture might be a bad idea" is considered to be a "nazi" by the modern left

Some people aren't pussified numales with a fear of hard work and an independent lifestyle.

when u high as fuck reading anti weed threads

I love living in Uruguay

Liberals unironically want more right wing Catholic and Islamic conservatives and can't see this ending badly

Also you're an economic retard, you probably gave your starbucks money to Hernie Panders you noodle armed limp wristed cuckold

> George Carlin
>Bill Hicks
> conservative

Liberals unironically vote against their own safety.

Bill Burr, though he's not really a conservative, but he gets labelled as one anyway because he is relatively indifferent towards Trump instead of actively campaigning for impeachment

What does it feel like after smoking days straight and running out?


Refer to

>Joe: "Hey dude, do you prefer cats or dogs"
>Crowder: "Huh?"
>Joe: "Cats or dogs bro, pick one"
>Crowder: "Man, i'm not doing this again...."
>Joe: "Fucking pick one you little bitch"
>Crowder: "Dude i really don't care...."
>Joe: "ahh that's adorable, the little bitch can't pick one...."
>Crowder: "...fine dude....dogs"
>Joe: "WHAT!!! So you hate cats bro? You dumbass! Hey, Jamie bring up some stats about how people who hate cats are sociopaths.
>Jamie: "Googling now..........ok, found it"
>Joe: "nah bro, i'm too high to read it...zoom in.......yeh cool. reading Washington Post, a survey of 10 people determined that 36.5% of people who disliked cats also registered as sociopaths..."
>Crowder: "...well i didn't say i dislike cats for starters and i..."
>Joe: "SHUT UP FK FACE don't interrupt me, i'm just presenting facts"
*one hour later*
>Crowder: "dude, i really don't care"
>Joe: "you seem like you care a lot dude"

seconding this, only podcast i totally enjoy anymore

oh my god how is it in my economic interest to be forced to consume the exact same product as some fucking spic family with a collective iq of 95?


Actually cat people are more likely to be sociopaths. But what can be expected from a DUDE DMT roidhead who probably wears adult diapers

Because waaaaaa you racist cisgendered white shitlord!

>Hey, Jamie bring up some stats about how people who hate cats are sociopaths.

Fuck yes

>"Oh look, Joe's doing his 'Watching Men's Asses' bit"

Pretty sure he's just watching men's asses

Just listened to this

sargon seemed reasonable while rogan devolved into the "you're adorable" argument

If I had time I'd make a really good image for the punchline

i dont know the guy or anything about him but fuck how joe argues.

he plays so dumb when it suits him, acting like he cant see the other person's point no matter how it's explained to him

>inb4 "not playing"

Crowder isn't funny
Say wat you will about his opinions he's the least funny conservative comedian active right now

To be fair Rogan is inundated with leftism every god damn day. He even lives in one of the worst areas for it. Comedy is strictly controlled by commies/jews who will make sure you don't anywhere if you don't march in step. He's still a dick though.

It's always funny how Americans think they know what commies or Nazis are, and think that dems or repubs are just one tic away from being them
Rogan is basically your run of the mill American libertarian nothing really left wing about him

>da jews again

fucking kek never change

Close enough

They said leftism tho not democrat or republican. Leftism in america means progressive commie which generally vote democrat down ticket.

Trump is a rino and really a classic biz or moderate democrat like jim webb etc

Saigon was clearly unprepared as usual.

>commies vote democrat
Yes who can remember the fucking succdem sanders who's supporters were HUGE fans of Hillary
You Americans deport your news to every single other country but are so retarded you think trump is a Nazi or that Sanders is Stalin
America has very little actual leftists and very little actual fascists, you guys are way to soft for anything

Sounds like you only have a topical or cursory knowledge of politics in the USA. Words have different meanings here than in Europe.

>Trump is a rino
Explain? for non Burgers

crowder is no better than all those schmucks who inhabit late night TV comedy wise
he's low brow shit

Sanders is a full blown communist. Europe is chock full of them too. Looking at any of Europe's parties in the major nations there and all of them are the same for the most part. It just looks like you have choice over there.

Yeah Americans usually don't know much about politics


He's more of an old school business democrat from Jew York. Moderate Democrat can even apply in these times. Jim Webb is a good example. Democrats should've run him instead.

Listen buddy I'm from An ex yugo nation we have actual commies ethnic nationalists and fascists over here
Sanders is just a social democrat who likes to live action role play