I'm going to a Frasier trivia in a couple weeks. What's the best team name?

I'm going to a Frasier trivia in a couple weeks. What's the best team name?

The Gold Level Members

the virgins

Wish you were Cheers

The Yum Yums

The Salty Jewish Wines


also could be spelled the Salty Jewish Whines*

The Faggots

Salad and scrambled eggs.

Sounds like it would be populated solely by age 50+ women.

Three Little Maids from School
Flesh is Burning
The Newport Chainsaws

Les Freres Heureux

The buttons and bows

La Cigare Volant

*Tossed salad

The Salad Tossers

And patricians.

The Connoisseurs of Fine Art, Culture, and Coffee

I'm answering.

The get down Eddie's.

The scrambled eggs.

The Fraisers

This is so clever I don't believe you came up with it.

Team Faggot

Let's Get Better!

I did. And I've never even watched either of them. My knowledge extends to Frasier being a Cheers spin off.

>No Crane No Gain

Frasier > Cheers

the reddits

Nightmare Inn Nugs