Let's say the order of history of these countries you know

Let's say the order of history of these countries you know

> UK
Colony of Roman empire-> Hundred Years' War-> Elizabeth I-> Industrial Revolution-> British Empire-> Current

> France
Colony of Roman empire- -> Hundred Years' War -> Louis 14~16 -> French Revolution -> Napoleon -> Charles de Gaulle -> Current

> Germany
Savage -> Holy Roman Empire -> Prussia -> Bismarck (German Empire) -> Nazi -> Current

> Spain
Colony of Roman empire- -> Colony of Islam empire -> Spanish Empire -> Franco -> Current

> America
British Colony -> George Washington -> Lincoln -> Great Depression -> World War II -> Nuclear bomb -> Cold war -> Current

> Russia
Savage -> Mongolian colony -> Peter the Great -> Russian Empire -> Soviet Union -> World War II -> Cold War -> Current

> Russia
Savage -> Hired Vikings -> Mongolian colony

>> France
>Colony of Roman empire- -> Hundred Years' War
>> Germany
>Savage -> Holy Roman Empire
you missed something important there between those

Implying anyone actually cares

>Russian Empire -> Soviet Union ->

>Savage -> Mongolian colony ->
the fuck

Savages -> Perfectly integrated Roman territory -> Kingdom of the Franks -> Feudal period -> Crusades -> End of feudal period -> Hundred Years War -> Renaissance

then you're right about the rest

I'm too lazy to do it but you forgot a lot about each country.

For example:
Celtic tribes, Roman Britannia, Anglo-Saxon and Viking invasions, Norman invasion, invasion of France, many wars in Europe such as the 30 years' war and they helped the dutch in the 80 years' war plus they also got involved in pretty much every conflict even the italian wars and many wars in America, Napoleonic wars, Colonisation and Industrial Revolution, World Wars, Decolonisation, and however the fuck you would call what they are nowadays.

>Mongolian colony

Prince Vladimir just genocided half of the country because fucking pagans did not want to accept Orthodoxy.

Iberians, Celts, Celtiberians, Asturs and Tartessos --> Greek Settlement in the East Coast --> Phoenician Settlement in the Southern Coast --> Carthaginian Colony --> Roman Colony --> Visigoths, Alans, Suebi and Vandals --> Al-Andalus (mashallah) --> Asturias and Charlemagne --> Leon, Portugal, Castile, Navarre and Aragon --> Spanish Crown --> Spanish Habsburg Empire --> Spanish Bourbon Empire --> Bonapartist Spanish "Empire" --> First Spanish Republic (only for 11 months) --> Miguel Primo de Rivera --> Second Spanish Republic --> Franco --> Now

Also the English civil war

>american education

Gorillion of savages + Picts in Scotland --> Roman Colony --> Gorillion kingdoms --> Mercia and Northumbria --> VIKANG'D --> England, gwuuergjbnej (Wales) and Scotland --> Great Britain (+ Ireland) --> British Empire --> British Empire (-90% of Ireland) --> Great Britain (without empire)

Didn't his son or someone then try to bring back paganism but got shut down?

I remember something like that because a thing like that happened in Bulgarian history also.

Gauls (lmao) --> Roman Colony --> Carolingian Empire (Roman Empire) --> Division of Francia into 3 retarded kingdoms --> Hundred Years' War --> French Colonization of Louisiana and Quebec --> 7 Years' War --> French Revolution --> Napoleon --> Kingdom and Republic again --> Napoleon III --> Republic again --> WWI --> WWII KRAUT'D Edition --> Republic again --> Colonial wars everywhere --> Third French Empire under IVPITER MACRONVS

No, there was a battle between his sons, but Yaroslav the Wise won. He also promoted Orthodoxy.

>gwuuergjbnej (Wales)

>Perfectly integrated Roman territory
You were worse than niggers with your lazy latin that you call a language.

Savages --> slaves of ATTILA THE BLACK BULL --> Savages --> >Holy >Roman >Empire --> 30 Years' War --> >H>R>E gets FROG'D --> France gets KRAUT'D on the Franco-Prussian War --> Austria and Prussia fight on who gets to form the German Nation --> Prussia Wins, German Empire --> WWI, get rekt --> Weimar Republic --> Funny man with a mustache becomes leader of Germany --> Third Reich --> WWII, get rekt again lmao --> Division of Western Germany and Eastern Germany during Cold War --> End of Cold War and reunification of both Germanys --> Fourth Reich (EU)

>South Gonorrhea

Celts & Germanics -> Romans -> migration period, hunnic invasions -> Franks -> Otto the Great ends magyar raids -> HRE -> Hanseatic league -> eternal infighting (peasants' war, reformation, 30 years' war) -> Rise of Prussia & Austria -> Napoleon ends the HRE -> wars of liberation, national spirit -> German confederation, restoration -> 1848 revolution -> wars of unification -> German Empire, colonies -> WW1, revolution, debt, depression, instability, weimar republic -> Nazism, WW2 -> expulsion, splitting of Germany, iron curtain, cold war, stasi, border wall -> reunification, economic power, football -> refugees

>Completely ignorant
>still has enough hubris to open his mouth
Typical British behavior.
Latin only started evolving towards French after the fall of the Roman Empire, mostly because of Frankish influence but also because people forgot how to write. Prior to that, Gallia was perfectly integrated to the Empire: Roman scholars and writers were born there, two Roman emperors were born in Lyon, and none of these people considered themselves Gallic, they were essentially Roman and spoke perfect Roman just like the rest of the population.

>Gorillion of savages + Picts in Scotland --> Roman Colony --> Gorillion kingdoms --> Mercia and Northumbria --> VIKANG'D --> England, gwuuergjbnej (Wales) and Scotland --> Great Britain (+ Ireland) --> British Empire --> British Empire (-90% of Ireland) --> Great Britain (without empire) -->Savages

you know people sure hate us a lot for those wars we just "got rekt" in

>Savage before the horde

And this is what autism mixed with retardation looks like, kids.

All of those nations have histories too storied to relay in full, this is impossible within the character limit or the time I'm willing to expend in crafting a post.

>All of those nations have histories too storied to relay in full, this is impossible within the character limit or the time I'm willing to expend in crafting a post.

I have made something of a hobby of collecting these posts :D

Colchis->Romans->Byzantium->First unified Kingdom->permanent bloodbath and misery against t*rks->GOLDEN AGE->permanent bloodbath and misery against mongrels->permanent bloodbath and misery against t*rkd and tatars and northern churkas and other mudslimes->r*ssian empire->DR of Georgia->soviet era->now(yet another era of bloodbath and misery)