When did you realize that media are actually means to spread propaganda and journalists should be killed?

When did you realize that media are actually means to spread propaganda and journalists should be killed?
Me, 3 hours ago.

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What redpilled you?

a few years ago

And leave information sharing and social commentary to whom, partisan online outlets and viral social networks?

what DIDN'T redpilled me? just take a look at any known media corporation right now, they are always bashing and devaluing other countries with fake information and making people confuse, lead by interests

The chinese communist party, obviously

After i saw what the media does to Russia.

Yep true, they are actually doing what you are arguing, so you will stop using all of them once and for all from now on and live without relying on any kind of mainstream media?

seize the means of publication


everytime i see an american show where french are mentioned.

of course not because no one can, just complaining about how heavy it becomes and how they avoid real news

The plain-faced bias in the 2016 US Presidential Election towards leftist elements

>real news
What's "real" for you in the first place?

how the fuck would i not know when we have rags like the daily mail selling a shitload

any relevant news, not yelling everyday how bad Russia is or how imperialist US is.

Dunno m8 you all were pretty sure that Russia shot down plane even without any investigation.

media should be censored, just like the internet. Normal people cant handle this much propaganda and information. This much info should be only for people that can handle it

>any relevant news, not yelling everyday how bad Russia is or how imperialist US is.
So how do you get "relevant news" without adopting mainstream media? Are you going to acquire those information by direct communication with people related to politics you want to know? It's practically impossile as you may know, or are you going to adopt non-mainstream media like Breitbart? No offense

i don't believe anything the papers say
they're all fucking terrible here

I don't have any option left than keep seeing mainstream media, i guess

So what will you do from now on to grasp what's going on in the present world? Keep watching mainstream media?

we invented mass propaganda

Reminder that all of this unironically happened yet not a single person gives (gave) a fuck anyway

Sometimes it's quite amazing that such lesser form of life which cannot even control their most important organ managed to do what we did for the past 2000 years

watch the documentary hypernoramlisation and bitter lake.

Some years ago

>journalists should be killed?

Watch the edge faggot

To understand all is to forgive all.ε===┏(゚o゚; )┛

t. journalshit

t. joirnalism degree
off yourself