Why didn't Disney cast Bella as MJ? She was in the same Disney show as Zendaya, is a white redhead...

Why didn't Disney cast Bella as MJ? She was in the same Disney show as Zendaya, is a white redhead, and is more beautiful, popular and talented.

because she went whore mode

what is this from

The producers have to be able to fuck the chosen actress, and sticking your dick in that thing is a guaranteed STD.

no ass.

lots of acne scars.

tranny/horse face.

her face looks like a latex mask used in fetish sessions

>more beautiful
Lmao, not true at all. Looks like a man with bad acne nowadays. Also this >muh redhead as MJ!!!!!!!!
Sheeeeit, you Comic capeshit autists are the worst

diversity is the only thing they marketted this movie on. if they had a white redhead playing the love interest in the movie, it would have been a legit flop instead of the lukewarm profit it has now

probably from her just generally being an ugly whore.

She's a bad actress.