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Television and Film
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Television and Film #851
Television and Film
/got/ general
Little girl disguising as an old man
What are some movies that girls like?
Who would win in a fight
So you all heard about Confederate
Miss me yet?
ITT: Cringeworthy Shows from Childhood
So what's the deal with: "found footage science-fiction psychological horror films" ?
Watching a movie when suddenly
What exactly was meant by this scene?
Hello Sup Forums, I'm Louis from the BBC, how are you doing today?
We Kubrick Now
Why can't he act?
How did this make the final cut?
The Shape Of Water
Mad Men: Cheating with Peggu when Alisson Brie(perfect wafiu) at home
Was it autism?
Guys, have I gotten too emotionally invested into Breaking Bad?
Sup Forums feet in ads?
What did The Guardian mean by this?
Itt movies that are absolutely Reddit
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Are these the most depraved movies in history?
I''m unirionically confused why people think Tom Cruise is gay
Why did so many Catholics write articles about how this show was anti-Catholic? Did they just not watch it...
Can they be stopped?
Was it objectively good, or was it just nostalgia?
How is it that this manages to succeed as an actual serious movie, despite it being a campy superhero film...
I want more Knights movies
Stargate Origins
Did the chinks help this turd make a profit so people will have to suffer more of this crap?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General:
/got/ - Game of Thrones General
What are some movies about doggos who think they're human?
You know, I actually didn't mind this movie
Doctor Who General - /who/
Is this what SJWs really think will happen if conservatives get power?
Is this accurate?
What are some flicks about knowing your place?
If you flip the Human Centipede 3 Poster upside down it looks like a dinosaur
The Wheel of Time!
ITT scenes that gave you literal chills
Is this show kino?
Why did he sell methamphetamine when he owned fast food restaurants from New Mexico to Nevada?
What is Natalie Portman's best role in film?
ITT: Simpson's jokes you don't get
Star Trek
TItcow/Breast Envy (in tv and film) thread?
What is Sup Forums's opinion on Sofia Vergara's body of work? If you had to pick exactly two movies of hers to watch...
So Jay, what did you think of Dunkirk?
Leaves boy band
More like War for some random base in the middle of nowhere
Rick and Morty is kino
Name 1 (one) other woman who looks this good at age 50+
What's the last good movie you saw?
Written by Benioff and Weiss, who also will showrun...
Why do you hate him Sup Forums? no Sup Forums answers please
Snowfall Thread
Sup Forums confessions
Hello, Sup Forums
Variety: Lena Dunham Joins American Horror Story Season 7
The great debate
Previous thread >>85188731
Did you like Turbo Kid?
Buddy and Darling spinoff fucking when?
Leave Thanos to me
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General:
It looks pretty decent from the trailer...
ITT: Actors who you resemble
Why is this show so popular again?
ITT: Shoes only you watched
If this movie was about creationism, then what the fuck were new ones about?
What does it mean?
The Shape of Water
What did you think of S3? What are you looking forward to in S4?
Liberals: "SJW in movies are the way of the fut...."
Where does the "marvel is for kids" meme come from?
/bb/ Big Brother 19
HBO - "Confederate"
It's a Jazz gets bullied episode
Does talent go unappreciated without beauty alongside it
A true Drama Picture
What's next for her career?
What's the best commercial you've ever seen on Television?
ITT bad/ridiculous scenes in mainstream movies. Starting off with this classic...
*sips tea*
I just realized that the white race is doomed...
Movies cars you would drive if they were real
/got/ general
Just saw Dunkirk, AMA
This is okay for young girls to see
Zombie movie
Ass to ass
Did she buy the wrong one on purpose?
What does Sup Forums think of Knight of Cups?
Weird still captures from Simpsons episodes thread
ITT: Actresses you want to have anal sex with
Is his career over?
Honest working man put out of business by big government bureaucratic expansion
"I refuse to cook and clean while white men do all the fighting"
So damn true
True Detective
Wonder Woman 2 will be in the USSR
3x3 thread
Here's your popcorn, sir. Enjoy the movie
Hey kids!
So basically this show is the multiverse episode of Family Guy extended into an entire series?
ITT movies only you've seen
Nathan For You
Can someone explain to me why this whining whore is so popular?
You dont see the kind of cinematography in a marvel movie
BREAKING: 'Game of Thrones' (((creators))) new HBO series targets "racist" South
/got/ general: Forgotten lands edition
Started marching toward the Wall at the end of season 2
Now that Dunkirk is coming up, what were your thoughts on Fury?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Are you hyped for the new Disney films? HYPE
What went wrong?
Reddit or Sup Forums?
Can we all finally admit these two guys are our guys and there's not a damn thing you faggots can do about it
Justice League Hype Thread
The Curious Case of Benjamin
Look at me Agent Smith, I am The Matrix now
Who was the better protagonist?
Why did Bonesaw say his real name?
It's Everyday Bro
Jessica Chastain: I’m not taking jobs anymore where I’m getting paid a quarter of what the male co-star is being...
She put on 5lbs of body fat and she's hot again
Recast them
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Sup Forums hate thread. Today's blatant Sup Forums spam is >>85182228
Are all Netflix series trash?
I really hope you watched the original Swedish Kino and not the American bastardization of it
Thoughts on Riverdale, Sup Forums?
The X-Files
Was it Kino?
/got/ general: Over a million edition
Cast this, who would direct?
Can we get a movie going experience thread?
Whats up with Kevin Smith
There has never been a black actor in Wes Anderson's films, not even one. Why?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General:
Carrie Fisher reveals she was forced to lose weight ahead of first Star Wars movie
Stupid Nigger General?
These are great days we're living, bros. We are jolly green giants, walking the Earth with guns...
Classic SciFi stuff YOU'D KILL FOR to get a decent remake of
*aborts your baby*
What will the first scene be?
"It's what Disney says, what do you expect?"
What were they thinking?
Christopher Nolan criticizes Netflix's digital distribution model for movies
Wow this movie was fucking stupid
Just saw Dunkirk
Who /TEAM NEGAN/ here?
Is Gal Gadot a good actress
ITT Mismarketed movies or deliberately deceiving trailers
Why didn't just jump to an area to left or right of Obi Wan?
Favorite Foreign Film?
KINO video essays
That ending
/got/ general
ITT: Good films accidentally made by hack directors
Why doesn't this show get talked about more? It's exactly what Comedy Central has needed since Jon and Colbert left
What's his best film?
/drumpf/ general
Put a pop singer in your fantasy show as cameo
What's your favorite bad movie to watch?
It's another Daenerys "YAAAS QUEEN" episode
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Hacking concerns
Why is this allowed?
Tfw you finally realize the Pine Barrens episode was about Tonys failure to communicate
What does Sup Forums think of Mr Robot?
Obviously the new Star Wars films have been underwhelming and unmemorable...
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
What do you guys think of this documentary?
As someone who's never gotten into Star Wars, how should I watch it?
What should the BBC do to fix the gender pay gap?
Definitely Not a Sony Executive
Rive rong an prospeh
2017: I am... forgotten
Dear White People
I liked the synth music in the newest Blade Runner trailer
Guys I've figured it out
Ywn be a 30yo "successful" actor making meta buddy movies with your friends...
It's a locke episode
Why does Sup Forums always feel the need to hate on this show?
/got/ general
Internet Insanity
Guillermo del Toro new Kino
Movie About Fishy Vaginas
Christina Hendricks will be pregnant in a film
ITT: Films Millennials will never understand
He is the most overrated pleb director, prove me wrong
Basically its objectively true that Tywin did nothing wrong right?
ITT: Times Gordon Ramsay was wrong
Which show will win this scifi showdown? Both release trailers at about the same time...
To Catch a Predator
Why does everyone seem to like Neesons character, Qui-Gon? I don't remember it being a particularly good performance...
John wayne in movies was casted as the alpha
500th episode on Monday
What is the worst episode of Black Mirror and why is it pic related?
Did he fuckin die?
ITT: Actors it's impossible to dislike
What's the film equivalent of Flower Boy?
/got/ general
The Snowman Trailer
Thoughts on Tim Heidecker?
The Witch
Tfw rewatching Buffy season 1
Shape of Water Trailer
Who is your favorite Star Wars character that doesn't appear in the movies?
So all the murders were just in his head right?
Star Trek General
Are actors and actresses overpaid?
Was this a biblical allegory?
Its a Truman microwaves a carrot and sticks it up his ass episode
The Leftovers
Whats the worst movie you've seen in theaters?
What's so good about this?
Any other good recent horror movies like this? The first half of the movie was great...
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General:
Will this be a good movie?
When you watch a movie with a family member or friend and they don't even understand half of the scenes and ask you...
Which one is you, Sup Forums?
Damn good telly
Who is he, user? I think he's a Stark, like the founder of the house
What does Sup Forums think of A Goofy Movie?
What does Sup Forums think of Christina Hendricks?
/got/ general
ITT: we assemble a list of definitive redditcore
Autism kino is back on the menu
Dear White People
No! This can't be happening!
/who/ - Doctor Who General
What are your hopes and expectations for The Layover starring Alexandra Daddario?
A dead genre
Why does Sup Forums hate Aliens so much?
Is this the best sitcom in the last 5 years?
Leave saving the Thor trilogy to me
This is the best modern capeshit villain
Japanese 9/11 movie starring Charlie Sheen
/lbg/- Letterboxd General
/got/ general
My girlfriend got me this minimalist movie poster collection for my birthday! What do you think of it?
Felicity Jones, Not Natalie Portman, Will Star in Ruth Bader Ginsburg in Biopic
Did people actually like this when it came out? It's complete fucking shit
This show is fucking redpilled
Even a clock is right twice a day. The hack has finally made something good
Only reason i'm still watching
Who wrote the dialog for this thing Jesus Christ
Judge Dredd (1995)
Is /ourguy/ finished with DC?
Why do people on this board like Inside Llewyn Davis so much? Don't get me wrong, I liked it...
Why BBC documentaries are much better than US documentaries?
What the fuck was the little girl even in the movie for?
Reminder that this happened
Was it acting?
I can think of at least two things wrong with that title
Why is Sup Forums incapable of discussing film correctly?
Calm down you autist
What comes next in hollywood after people get bored of superhero sequels?
Are you guys ready for China's new 3D Kino fantasy movie?
WTF, I hate hipster movies now
/got/ General
What's the best movie you've seen
What films have you watched recently?
Post your favourite actor
Just been to an early screening of this film at Rialto cinema in Dunedin...
Why doesn't she even attempt to act?
Why is this so good?
What will the last scene be?
Has he done anything since?
What Iconic male role will women go for next?
Why didn't people like POINTS?
MLP - Thoughts?
What are her best roles?
Anybody else here scared to death of grays?
/ourgal/ is back, boys
Is this how capeshit dies?
Fucking hell do you retarded faggots seriously like GoT? holy shit
What does Sup Forums think of Scott Pilgrim vs The World
I'm not seeing Dunkirk
Was Rhodes really in the wrong? I think his reaction to Frankenstein's actions were pretty justified at first...
Whats next for Gal Gadot?
Is Olivia Wilde a good actress?
Say one good thing about this show without any spoilers
What was the funniest Itchy and Scratchy episode?
Was it SJW trash or what
Wheel of Time
I'm in love with your body
Hated Joffrey
Still hangin in there Sup Forumsros?
ITT - Characters That Ruined A Franchise
Did he ever do anything wrong, besides trusting Shane?
When you're posting in a sopranos thread and you BTFO someone who thinks Tony dies in the end
/who/ - Doctor Who General
/got/ general
What the fuck was up with Ebert? His opinions were so consistently shitty...
The Seventh Seal
/bb/ Big Brother 19
What are some movies that are as intense as this?
Most irritating trope in modern cinema
ITT: Oh yeah, that happened
This was the worst shit I've seen. It added up to nothing and wasn't fucking funny...
Name 1 good foreign film
ITT: Sup Forums in 2011
Pretty good interview with Daddario. Seems like a down-to-earth girl. Anyone find more stuff like these?
How come you fucking retards never talk about shows that are actually good?
What did you guys think of this?
Does Dunkike portray how the Anglos thanked the French for protecting their retreat by bombing the French fleet at mers...
The years since his death are starting to accumulate, you know that means the inevitable biopic is drawing closer
The scene that taught a generation of men how to feed their children. Respect
How is this so fucking good?
ITT: Simpsons jokes you still don't understand
Only made 11 films over half a century
Musicals Thread
So, she was a whore right?
The Mighty Boosh
What are some films where the bad guys get what they deserve?
Well, Sup Forums, I just got back from the best concert of my life...
Why did Qyburn change his armor?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General:
Supposedly the greatest filmmaker
What are some movies where the black guy wants the white girl?
Who formed your earliest sense of humor Sup Forums?
Toys for the Last Jedi
Sup Forums memes aside, why is there so many jews in the media business?
Wtf I hate McDonald's now
What does Sup Forums think of pic related?
Does your theater have Cinema Ninjas?
So could this have ever worked and everything was handled by complete fucking morons or is the idea itself tainted
Batman v Superman
Is Furious 7 the most culturally important movie of our time?
Washington monument was built by black slaves
Were the early 2000s the pinnacle of cinema, television, and life in general?
What are some movies?
Is there a more overrated actress in film history? Literally a one trick pony with the horseface to prove it
Ed Sheeran deleting twitter after getting asshurt in GoT
Honestly, why does anyone like this garbage? There are no redeeming qualities...
/got/ general: Dumb and dumber edition
Old shows
So how's your sex life?
Why wasn't he arrested for attempted murder?
Geez I wish I could be fat all day and travel the world eating delicious """"bizarre"""" foods
There's literally nothing degenerate about the truest form of love
ITT: the most boring movie you've ever seen
All jokes aside, will there ever be another good superhero film?
severely slanted eye that throws half his face off
Anyone mind explaining why this is being universally lauded? I'd say it's a 6.5 at most
ITT: Characters with ambiguous ethnicity
What are the best french fries for snacking on in a movie theater?
Why did Jughead freakout over Betty throwing her a birthday party?
Who's better actor Sup Forums?
Which series has the worst fanbase? Star Wars or Harry Potter?
Holy shit
Is Rick a radical centrist?
What order should I watch the entire Planet of the Apes film series?
What went wrong?
New Doug: Hulk 2003
I'm not ready for it to end bros
Why exactly is the phrase "get schwifty" so funny to redditors?
Leave Dunkirk to me
Why the fuck are people praising this trash!...
Male Rape is possible
It's a liberals suddenly care about freedom of speech when it affects them episode
Just finished pic related, is there anything that I can watch next that's as good or better?
Star Wars actor John Boyega slams Game Of Thrones for its lack of diversity
/got/ general
Mad Men premiered ten years ago
*theater cheers*
ITT movies that don't end happy
Characters who literally did nothing wrong
What's Sup Forums's opinion on Dr. Drew?
How can Americans watch this and not feel the need to apologize for all the atrocities they've committed and are STILL...
Which show will scifi fans like more?
Can we get a minimalist movie poster thread going? Thinking of hanging this on my wall
/who/ - Nurse Who General
Mfw a PG-13 flick says "fuck"
What the fuck were they thinking?
So did the mutated Simian Flu actually make humans lose cognitive thought?
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Spider-man is a flop
Who has the best milf relative: Superman or Spider-Man?
Who was your favorite Neon Demon?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General:
ITT: Good anti-war films
Do you remember the "Poop Goblin" from Mulholland Drive? Turns out it was a woman with a really peculiar face...
Well this was a waste of my fucking time
Women and cucs will defend this
Why aren't there more horror crossover movies?
Best Film of the Decade so far?
/got/ general
F.R.I.E.N.D.S Thread
My girlfriend's kid
Is Baby Driver worth a watch in the cinema Sup Forums?
What is your favorite adaptation?
Plane full of New Yorkers
Lol. Disney gives no fucks
John Wick vs. The Raid
It took him 9 films, but he's finally done it. He's winning the Oscar
ITT your dad's favorite film
What do you put on in the background while you go to sleep Sup Forums ?
The disaster artist
The Night of
Who did it best
What was the best episode of Community?
How did she suddenly become an expert assassin at the beginning of Season 7?
GoT cameo where he kills The Mountain with his bare hands when?
Fargo FX
/got/ general
That scene
Which actress would you cast in a film where a middle aged woman has lots of sex with a young man...
Look, children, it's a falling star. Make a wish
Platoon completes 30 years
Why haven't you watched Wonder Women yet?
ITT: books that still don't have movie adaptations, but should
HBO makes a new 2-season Rome series
This is the best lead protagonist that a corporation with unlimited money and resources could muster
Formalist Movies
This is the Chewie from untitled Han Solo film
Do you think it bothers her constantly being typecast as the pretty girl with the nice rack...
So it's been 5 years now since Twilight of the Porn Stars aired
This is Woody Allen's undisputed top 5:
I don't get it
/who/ - Doctor Who General
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on up and coming actress Rihanna?
ITT: réddit production companies
What was some of the best podcast over the last few months want 2
Well brehs?
Shall we begin?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
You'll never have a rich daddy that uses his money to make you a movie star
The following advertisement is intended for Jim Boonie only
May I have the password?
/got/ general
Mystic River
Is this thing only worthwhile shit came from comics
Can we talk about Kevin Smith and his shirt?
Rick and Morty General
With 2 Broke Girls cancelled, what's next for her career?
Doctor Who can be a woman
What does Sup Forums think of Con Air?
White women age like mil-
ITT post your original movie ideas
The Empire
Did Caleb fuck her? Does witch pussy kill?
Do you watch Tv shows with your friends together and wear tv themed clothes and have a discussion after like this ?
Black Mirror
Film with Nazis as the bad guys
Who is your favorite Star Wars character that doesn't appear in the movies?
Best movies about racism? Already seen American History X and Do The Right Thing
ITT: Embarrassing celebrity endorsements
What went wrong?
Why is nobody talking about Alice Karstark? The casting call said nudity was required for the role
Will The Last Jedi be better or worse than TFA?
Connie Nelson Met Gal Gadot For The First Time When They Were Both Naked
/bb/ Big Brother 19
What does Sup Forums think of her body of work? What are her best films?
Was he autistic?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General:
/got/ general
Who here /rocket/?
Why is this movie so underappreciated?
Wife beater and brown pants HAHAHAHAHAHA
This is going to be capekino guys
So, what is the priceless gift for Cersei?
What films would make it to the capitalism core?
French soldiers defended the english evacuation in Dunkirk
Why couldn't he give Peter a fucking job in Spiderman 2 if he was struggling for cash...
Train to Busan
Why aren't there more trans actors and actresses in Hollywood?
Mfw people imply friends isn't the goat
Rememeber those old times when kung-fu was your top favorite movie genre?
ITT celebrities who could be president
What would have Curzon done in this situation?
What are your thoughts about this guy and his movies?
So, why did Einhorn shit herself at the end of Ace Ventura?
ITT: Movie titles that destroy a films chances of being successful, i'll start
Disney ruined Star Wars
I can't take it anymore Sup Forums. Every night. Every single fucking night my girlfriend watches this visual cancer...
/got/ general
/who/ - Doctor Who General
What are some films about making the wrong decision?
ITT: We pretend that Atwell is the Doctor
'Spider-Man: Homecoming' struggling to reach $300M in the US
Is this good or shit?
What is Sup Forums's favorite Woody Allen film?
We Ted Wassanasong supposed to be Laotian or Chinese?
Carrie Coon
The Disaster Artist
TFW no bread about her new kino
This was disappointing. Why is it praised so much apart from muh animation?
Find a flaw
Has this finally BTFO the thin pizza?
You guys ready for capekino?
What are some movies about important phone calls?
Disney Says It Fired Kermit the Frog Actor Over "Unacceptable Business Conduct"
What did she mean by this?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General:
How did he get away with it?
Post you're fav GOT scene
Thoughts on Tim Heidecker?
After watching The Dark Side of Dimensions movie...
What does Sup Forums think of Julia Louis-Dreyfus?
Simpson jokes you never got
2 hours long Force Awakens rant
Hi, I'm the funniest movie of all time
Its been a long day without u my friend
6.9/10 on imdb
/got/ general
What is his writing policy?
Rise of Acid Attacks in the UK
2 epis in
This was the best episode in the series
Reminder that William Shatner lurks this board and he knows what baneposting is
Is this movie good? I like Paul Schrader but the poster looks like it's some BLACKED tier cuckcore
Tfw no season 2
Is this Marvel quip too smart for me? I don't get it
DC decides to fast track the shazam movie
Only 10 more days until absolute kino. Are you ready, anons?
Jesus Christ they're not even trying to improve from Snyder's mistakes
Here it is: The final, definitive list of the greatest films ever made. Add to it or subtract from it as you see fit
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Starship Troopers
People only pretend to like it in order to appear 'smart' and 'cultured', in reality...
Since December, fan site Making Star Wars has been reporting on rumors that, in The Last Jedi...
This is without a doubt the most fucked up, rage inducing, pit of fucking despair piece of film I have ever seen...
How do we make Doctor Who more inclusive to minorities?
Do you use a VPN for torrents?
The Disaster Artist
This is Mary Elizabeth Winstead, she is 32 years of age
What did USAToday mean by this?
Is this the biggest retard in TV history?
The Disaster Artist
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
What did you learn from The Sopranos?
Did anyone else feel sympathetic towards this character?
So is The Layover going to be the greatest film of 2017?
Was it kino?
"I may be small. I may be girl, but I won't be knitting by the fire while I have men fight for me"
Are actresses in general fairly jealous people?
MPC is officially dead. MPC fags on suicide watch
/got/ general
Eternal Wheel of Time /WoT/ General
Better Call Saul BCS Thread
We saw American Indians in The VVitch
Is this any good?
ITT: Secret kino that Sup Forums doesn't know about
How can anyone take black people and their "muh diversity" shit seriously anymore?
How would you have survived?
/got/ general: Time to move edition
Can anyone rec me some bleak thrillers?
I'm late to the party but what did you guys think of the first episode of the new season?
Who was in the wrong here, about this specific genre?
Explain to me as to how fantasy shit like Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones isnt as childish as capeshit
Describe these characters without mentioning following words or concepts
ITT: kinos that are secretly part of the same cinematic universe
So, what the hell did i just watch?
Why does Sup Forums hate this film so much?
Emmy nominated for Outstanding writing
Tfw no fiery, cherokee wife
This was the worst scene GoT has ever done, even worse than Jamie/Bron vs Sand Sneks
mentality that is impossible for a kid
Korean kino time again
Quentin Tarantino has confirmed in the strongest terms yet that he is planning to give up directing after two more...
Whats wrong with this picture Sup Forums
Come family lets take a night walk in one of the most dangerous cities in the world
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Doctor Who General - /who/
Do you agree?
/got/ - I didn't think including /got/ in the title was important edition
New matrix movie is a reboot
The Queen is back edition
If he didn't OD would he have still won that Oscar?
Wait, why is the pool closed for the weekend...isn't that the busiest time for pools?
Mummy 2017
Who would you cast for the inevitable killbill reboot?
Wheel of Time - TV series Confirmed
What went wrong?
ITT: Movie Characters Who Did Nothing Wrong
ITT: Movies everyone except you liked
What is his most reddit flick?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
W-wait bros... 92%?
/got/ general
What is the best animated movie of all time, and why is it Beowulf?
How to trigger tv in 6 words
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Any good documentaries that delve into the LGBTQ community in a serious non-biased manner?
Ah, so THIS is male privilege
Will she win the Emmy for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series?
What are some movies with a disparity between "critics" and audience?
Is this the most ironic kinomedy ever made
Where were you when YMS shit all over "Apekino"?
Higher average critic rating than The Godfather
/got/ general
Supposed to be an anorexic
Rick and Morty seriously sports some of the best animation talent in cartoon history
Has Sup Forums ever liked any of the women on Thrones before the SJW crazy of 2014- present day?
Is it a coincidence that the most powerful, talented, and influential characters in the story are Targaryen...
ITT: Overrated Garbage
Frasier Thread
Now that the dust has settled, can we agree that this was musickino?
ITT films that are literally reddît
What's the best movie to watch when high on cocaine?
Doctor Who General /who/
Itt: Chadkino
/lbg/- Letterboxd General
Make no mistake, if you are a man and are even remotely okay with this, you are a fucking cuck...
What went wrong?
Why is there so little amount of WWI Kino compared to WWII?
Thoughts on this film adaptation? Some pics came out today and it looked like they were doing a car chase...
Just started watching the new episode and lmao this shit is ridiculous
Lyanna Mormont's Feminist Speech On 'Game Of Thrones' Is The Rallying Cry We All Need Right Now
Just watched whiplash... what did I think of it?
I haven't got TIME, for this Mickey Mouse BULLSHIT!
What is Sup Forums's opinion of this film?
Wanna watch a movie or show
Do Mexican girls make their boyfriends watch telenovelas?
Wheel of Time TV series canceled
So this is your average season 7 audience
Pic related should be Christopher Nolan's next adventure...
/got/ - Game of Thrones general
Game of thrones watchers are idiots
What are movies where roasties get BTFO?
Was he right?
What the fuck was up with Ebert? His opinions were so consistently shitty...
Do you think Black Panther will flop worldwide cause black boys in the kino?
/who/ Only post in this thread if you are disgusted with a female Doctor General
Why do some people think that there's hidden symbols and deeper meaning in his movies? Are they just too bored?
Cant get caught
Favorite episode of Seinfeld? Mine? ASSMAN
Sex Scene
Just got done watching this was it kino?
"these blacks!"
What did Kevin's dad do to him after he spend $967 on room service?
Don't mind me, I'm just stea- I mean pirating this movie
Into big dicks
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General:
Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Eddie Vedder recorded a song that plays during the Twin Peaks finale...
GoT where to watch
She left Mad Men and now plays the small part of "large breasted redhead" in movie after movie...
Lauren Southern thread
*Blocks your immersion*
Castlevania is fucking garbage
Pick 2 protectors, the others will try to kill you
Star Trek
The Disaster Artist - First Poster
Ghost in the Shell
Just finished rewatching episode 7 and besides the OT pandering...
What would you do with the remote?
BREAKING: Directors cut of Black Panther (2018) is 4 hours long
ITT: actors who can do only one role
/got/ general: Lesbians edition
Key and Peele
Objectively the worst characters ever
I am
Baby driver
Name a worse actor than Jared Leto
Which one of the brides was your favorite?
What was his endgame?
Box Office Milestone: 'Wonder Woman' Passes Final 'Harry Potter' Pic
Find a flaw
Preacher Live Thread "SoK in New Orleans Edition"
Was Spider-Man: Homecoming actually good?
Which of the 3 will have a career after Riverdale ends?
That's it boys, pack it up, Dunkirk is /shit/
If Batman's realization is that he can't kill Superman because he is a son of a mother...
Daughter, nice and hot
Doctor Who General - /who/
He imagines he's being interviewed to promote his imaginary latest film
Its a new one
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
You're a large male
Why didn't Disney cast Bella as MJ? She was in the same Disney show as Zendaya, is a white redhead...
/bb/ Big Brother 19
What would you do if you had 1 million dollars?
China has delayed the release of Spiderman: Homecoming
"Of Course Luke Skywalker is gay" confirms Mark Hamill
/got/ general: Dnd edition
Spider-man Homecoming flopping hard
A big popcorn, for you
Is Rick a radical centrist?
More like Attack on KINO
Worst 2017 movie you've seen so far
3x3: Last 9 Films You Watched Edition
Times when Sup Forums introduced you to pure 100% unadulterated kino
Why is nobody talking about this? I realize GoT is back but this show is seriously golden
Time for a Mad Men thread
What are some good movies to watch?
Why are there no good right wing comedy films?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
ITT: Directors who stopped being able to make good films for some reason
Stop being fat
‘Game Of Thrones’ Shatters HBO Viewership Records With Season 7 Debut
What went right?
Why do people say the Phantom Menace looks bad? The CGI in that is actually really good for 1999
I know, I'll pretend I can't find the clean up towel and leave her caked in my sticky triumph for a few minutes
Constantly played the fat stupid guy in movies and TV
/bb/ Big Brother 19 - Condiment Edition
Hey user, are you going to watch my next kino? It's called The 15:17 to Paris and it's directed by Clint Eastwood!
All the smoking scenes in LOTR should be erased
ITT: interesting movie trivia
Batista will win an Oscar (already worked with Mendes and Villeneuve) while The Rock's litty flicks keep flopping...
/spiderman 4/ general
My first watch of Angel
What are some kinos where liars frantically backpedal after being exposed?
Ryan Gosling is attracti
Is there a more level-headed character? He seriously manages to keep his cool regardless of the situation
ITT we sum up a character by using "muh"
By November 1998, Thora Birch, Wes Bentley, and Mena Suvari had been cast in the parts—in Birch's case...
I don't get it
Why aren't there pirate flicks anymore?
Mr. McCallister, here's your very own pizza
If they were such an intelligent, highly developed species, why didn't they ever venture outside the desert...
/got/ general
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...