I don't get it

I don't get it

It's about a man at war with himself. It's the two sides of his personality. The spiders are a symbol that he feels trapped in relationships.

So there aren't really two people, just one guy having an identity crisis

giant alien spider invasion

Anyone read The Double by Dostoevsky? How similar is that book to this?

not at all. dosto's the double was remade into a film by that reddit guy who looks like the product of a semen cocktail of every race. i dont remember his name

villneuve's enemy was based on saramago's book 'the double' which is more or less the same except for the ending

It's Spider-Man 3 sequel. Really.

When they crash the cracked car window looks like a web is this a symbol that he can't escape his relationship?

Its about an invasion of space spiders, which can replicate humans.

What the antagonist is supposed to represent is different. Haven't seen the movie but I'm guessing its supposed to be more of a straight up antagonist.

Impressive. Four sentences that pretty much sum up the whole film.

It was Ayoade

Idris Elba

I didn't get it, showed it to my libtard ex because I figured she'll like it because of how "artsy" it is, she actually loved it

No wonder she is your ex now since you are too retarded to understand entry level arthouse films.

This movie is based in the book from Saramago.

you just have a low threshold for being amused and entertained so you are capable of finding boring movies interesting.

You shouldn't feel proud about having low standards.

is he married to the girl he co-starred the IT Crowd with?

high quality content

coming from a low iq pleb that is quite amusing and for the record i havent found it amazing it was just decent

I didn't feel an identity crisis from the movie, for me it's more about him being dictated by pleasure which turns his life into chaos, and the other self is like his true self.

But I didn't like the movie, it's so elliptical that it seems that Villeneuve couldn't give the movie a meaning so retards like me and you will make one for him.

This isn't arthouse though, this is pleb house.

Jake is a hack.

I really really like this motion picture

It's a plot inversion of Vertigo, only completely retarded.

There's nothing to get, Villenueve is a hack.