/bb/ Big Brother 19

HOH: Panda
Veto: Jason
Nominations: Jessica, Dominique

previously on /bb/

Why did CBS cast a known fraud like Raven? Did they want her lies exposed?

Second for milkies

>tfw my screencaps make the OP


So did Jason pray to the right God and Dominque pray to the wrong one?

Wistlenut gonna shake things up


so picking christmas for a veto comp is a gamble whether it's a throwaway?

fucking stupid as fuck

>tfw broke foot in 20 places but don't have brain cancer

How will McCain-fags ever recover?

I really really really like Mark posting


lewl jason waiting for tiger to hit the button

It makes for potential interesting gamemanship down the line. I think it will come into play to be interesting as a gamble move by someone to pick her.

Strictly speaking if you want a better chance to win yourself you should pick christmas

>Matt- We should all just throw the HoH to Paul again.
>Raven- Yeah, I agree. Completely agree

tfw i have no face

hey nicolefag/markposter youre so ebin making an early thread again lol XD

>mrw Paul is on my tv

Also she can replace people who have been chosen for veto. So best to align with Xmas so when you are on the block she can replace someone who is on the other side of the house and throw the comp to you.


does anyone have some rare Markies ?my collection is really lacking

who was in the wrong here?

>tfw missing comfy hoh feeds while watching show

>good work kid

Josh. Trying to squelch on a bet

>alex to mark: we want to put you on the block as a pawn to keep you safe

wait WHAT?

Alex is a retarded Paulfag

Don't you watch the feeds?

>mark telling them to their faces he isn't voting dom out

Brass fucking balls.

Pao really is a retard isn't she :(


xmas and paul running a play on jess

Yea this shit is fucked upppp
Keeping the result of this week interesting though...


When did Paul get so smart?

Well they are saying the plan is still voting out Dominique but they want to rattle the shit out of Jess or something. I don't even get it lol.

how did Dom get a MAGA hat in the house

yes. But the worst part is she thinks she's smart

shit i gotta hit up my weed spot. someone text me the veto results

paul does this every week, he thinks he's planning something ebic but it's really just some stupid shit

Jillian left it

>dom talking in riddles instead of just dropping names


Paul is setting Jess up as a future target

Dominique is fucking insane.

yeah panda you only look dumber after that. reminder everything dom said is right


Why is Paul dressed like some sort of leather daddy

dom is LITERALLY insane she has no basis to come to ANY of these conclusions

>Den of Temptation
>Halting Hex
>Jess has it
>Paul DR
>Comes out
>Paul all of a sudden wants Jess to think she is going to be voted out

Yet she's 100% right



>Xmas making it SUPER obvious trying to bait Jess and she's not taking it

God I hate Paul but I don't really like Dominique either.

You could have chosen Cody mark, you could have chosen to live

literally everyone in the house is a "snake"

people lie to each other daily in the bb house

my wife's son's dick is bigger than his and he's only 9

just like always grodner calling paul to the dr

Then how is she so right about everything?

God spoke to her

Dom is less likeable than Megan.


Dominique almost makes me want to cheer for Paul.

>she has no basis to come to ANY of these conclusions


this edit is making me regret voting for jess over dom in the DOT but I really didn't think it would get awarded before this eviction

anyone who says "watch the episodes" loses the argument immediately

cbs commercial lied about the battleback being a 3 ep event

Despite lack of evidence, paul is playing every single person in the house. She's not wrong about any of that.

Sure there are "snakes", but there is also loyalty to certain people. Paul doesn't have that. Now, that may be beneficial to a great player, but it doesn't make what Dominique says wrong.


she literally said she's telling the truth and paul is lying and that god will see. we are the voters that watch the feeds and we are god and we gave her the temptation this week. the rest of the HGs will see she was right

anyone know where i can get some beach sublimation tank tops? am man btw

this X-mas plan is not working out well lmao. Jess aint giving her shit.

but it's retarded to bring any of that up when you're the main target on the block

jesus halle berry career went to shit

In the end kevin wins it all

I suppose what it is, is that Dom knows that "people" didn't like the whole Cody interview fiasco / started talking about the 2 people Cody mentioned he spoke with about nominating Paul. Dom suddenly becomes a target, and connects that with the fact that Paul would be the one most heavily interested in who the 2 people Cody spoke with were

I never implied dominque was smart or even a good player. She just isn't wrong when she says paul is the least trustworthy person in the house right now.

You are correct in your assessment it was beyond retarded when you don't have a smoking gun to prove any of it.

she isnt trying to get anything. they just want to spin her telling people different things

we wont know if paul will BLOW HER SHIT UP till after ramses corners her

wow a heroin addict isn't doing something smart?

she had evidence, but she refused to simply name the jew and talks in riddles


>no #salsajuicegate


Marky crying even MORE now
And about his own safety not even Dominique like c'mon boy do you really need your milkies now?

Mark should seriously just start crying everyday in the DR. If you can't win the game, then at least beat Ginamarie's crying DR highscore.

it happened after the veto meeting

they'll show it tomorrow

Fucking Jason was right he needs to leave the Alex train.

jason trying so hard to do what master paul says

tiger shuts him down and makes him leave the noms the same

meme more

>Paul seems panicky about Jessica. Says he wants to get her freaked out, but everyone should still vote out Dom.

I knew whistlenut would regret not using the veto. Paul is flipping the house on Jess to go this week

When will the cult of Paul fall?


Paul is so RACIST. This outfit is offensive.

You reap what you sow, bitches!

Jason refused to use the veto if there was any chance Mark would go up and told him so.

He's building a solid broship

literally the opposite
stop posting



no you for you

that last dom DR


Now i'm actually really curious, can it fucking be used tomorrow or what? This is ridiculous by production

>pretends to be Jesus freak
>say you will take the temptation

Black face? Can a feeder explain?

I'm going to be so angry if Dom or Jessica reset this week.

Someone should make a clip of Christmas going up the stairs.

As you saw Paul put some black face mask thing on parts of his face to dress up as a snake, they had a conversation where he said "I'm going to where a black face mask tomorrow and be a snake" and TMZ posted it as blackface racism