Why does Sup Forums hate Aliens so much?

Why does Sup Forums hate Aliens so much?

Because it's filled with teenagers and autists who think automatically taking the contrarian view will make them look intellectual.


Aliens is a movie for hacks. You turned a respectable mpvie into a action meme.

Because it completely destroyed the original vision of the alien. Cameron turned an intelligent, patient, catlike killer into a stupid bug. It makes sense lore wise and it's still a good movie, but it should have been its own franchise.

>calls others teenagers
>likes Aliens
had a good laff

>Unironically hating a james cameron film
You have to go back.

it kind ruined the superpredator image that the Alien had in the first film but it was ok, not great.

It took a decent horror film and potentially great franchise and twisted it into mindless action flick for low IQ lowest common denominator mouthbreathers.

Just look at

This, hating aliens is a telltale sign of contrarianism at its finest.
Cameron innovated puppetering and cgi before u fags had your marvel or dc, without cameron you'd be at a loss in many aspects of the spectrum.
I piss and shit on all of the Alien 1 fans who say it ruined the franchise

Mostly because of this.. mostly.

get fucked you pussy, you have no clue about film or intelligence quotients posting like a 10 year old faggot.

Its ok action movie,I prefer Alien and I think its a fluke in the sci fi world that will never be repeated.

Sup Forums loved aliens, until Avatar was released
then suddenly it was cool to hate all cameron movies.

fact remains aliens is superior to alien in every way.
and ridley scott is a senile hack

>Mostly because of this.. mostly.
>A kid actor, yes. But one who remains mostly silent, mostly
>Whose presence in the movie is mostly to provide Ripley with a daughter surrogate, mostly
>The maternal instinct to protect her child is a mostly believable motivation for a heroine, mostly.
>He doesn't realize newt actually made Aliens good.

>and ridley scott got lucky with Alien*

Wrong. I've watched more film in the first 20 years of my life than you will in 2 lifetimes you drooling ape.

>newt actually made Aliens good

That's what butthurt hater's actually believe.

>ridley scott is a senile hack
So i take it you saw the dumpster fire that was covenant?

Alien was a slasher B-movie in space. It wasn't deep.

I guess Ripley survived by hiding behind that bush.

That's why I only said "decent"

Yeah "watch" doesnt mean shit you dumb bitch, appreciate/respect and learn from people who actually appreciated and innovate cinema like cameron does otherwise everyone can see you for the whiney bitch you are.

Is that you, Abatap? Where have you been?

Im mostly just posted that to meme. Mostly

I havent watched Aliens in a while.

Just starve yourself you retarded ruskie mongrel

yeah sadly i did.
i whent in hoping it was better then Prometheus. but it was the same pathetic shit that barely explains anything about the xeno's and instead we got more gay david moping around and people behaving like retards
"durr hurr it's safe to look over the big egg"

it's a shame cameron is too busy with his 5 avatar movies. he could save this franchise

Nice comeback, you so got me bro, action isnt a genre of film, no it cant be innovative because YOU said so right.
Epic burn

It explained quite a bit, it just didn't spoon feed you by explaining it with words. Way to pay attention. 2deep4u

Spot on

Now your just pulling shit out of your ass again Ridley.

Turned an original thought-provoking psychological thriller into a bloated action popcorn flick

yes, that is why ridley's new xenomorphs that david created behaved even more retarded then the cameron aliens you hate so much
hell even the clone xeno's from alien ressurection behaved more intelligent then the 2 brainless turds that david made

He's right though. If you need lengthy dialog and exposition to grasp an understanding, then you might be retarded.

Opinion discarded

>thought-provoking psychological thriller
It's a B-Slasher flick, there is nothing thought provoking about it.

because they're Plebbits

>what is a timeline

I liked Covenant but I agree with you here. "Lets go down to an alien biosphere with no hazmat!", "I'll just look in this big alien egg!", "I'll just unlock this door that's trapping an alien entity then try to kill it but slip on blood!".

Seriously, it's like space exploration done by Benny hill.

because peek-a-bush is disgusting

Covenant was shit, dont start making excuses for ridley, that is beneath tv as a whole and its downright shameful. No dialogue or exposition or set design could save the film, but you liked it so idk why im bothering responding,thats proof enough

Oh, I absolutely agree that it's shit, just for different reasons.

>anything being beneath/tv/
Muh sides

You also said Aliens made it lowest-common denominator trash, which is acting like B-movies and slasher movies aren't exactly that anyway.

Since it's an action movie you look smarter by disregarding it as trash.

Alien: 9/10
Aliens: 10/10
Alien 3 (assembly cut): 7/10
Alien 3 (theatrical): 5/10
Alien Ressurection: 4/10

Prometheus: 2/10
Covenant: 2/10

This is fact.

Id rather better dialogue or exposition than
>what did you do to her
>same thing im going to do to you
>i killed you
>there have been upgrades

Yes, but you piss and shit everywhere, and just leave it for the nurse.



Alien: 10/10 (Both Theatrical and Director's Cuts).
Aliens: 10/10 (all cuts)
Alien 3: 7/10 (assembly cut)
Alien 4: 2/10 (if you watch it as a black comedy/satire with friends, it becomes a 4.5/10)
Prometheus: 4.5/10
Alien Covenant: 5.5/10

*puff it*



I love all of the movies in that franchise, even Prometheus and Alien Resurrection.

It's probably because of my huge boner for Giger. His xenomorphs are fucking sexy.

How is that any different than what happened in the very first Alien movie?

>Let's go down into an alien ship all by ourselves without contacting anyone else first!
>I'll just look into this big alien egg!
>I'll just blow up the entire fucking ship instead of coming up with a better plan!

>wasn't deep
It had the deepest lore