Now that she's beautiful again, what's next for her.
"she" looks fucking disgusting
>will go her entire life an empty meatpuppet who fills the void in her soul with dick and social media/parties
I'd rather be brendan desu.
That thing has a stupid nose ring even if it was a real woman it still wouldn't be attractive
Am I supposed to know who this faggot roastie is
Hey, stop being mean to my Bellafu
Looks like a homeless heroin-addicted street prostitute with AIDs.
She could be in the quest for fire remake.
Still looks pretty cute to me. Is everyone here so isolated from women that they forgot what a girl without makeup on looks like?
Naw, she's pretty grotesque without makeup
sounds like you're the one thats been been so isolated from women that you'd even touch that thing
Post any and all recent pics of her hairy legs please.
What the hell is wrong with you?
unrelated but why do trannies have sometimes a lot of acne
I broke my arm skateboarding :(
Lots of sugar in your diet + allergic reactions to excessive make up
I ripped my foreskin, furiously fapping to midget porn.
>looks pretty cute to me.
>tfw she cucked Tana Mongoose at EDC
t. bella
what happened lads?
greentext story please
>I ripped my foreskin
White hispanics were a huge mistake.
>dyed hair an unnatural colour
>Afterparty at EDC at some hotel
>Tana's there and is somewhat high
>She spots Scott Disick from Keeping Up With The Kardashians from across the room
>She starts dancing like a little slut and makes her way over to him
>Keeps on looking over her shoulder
>He isn't even paying attention to her
>She keeps coming closer and closer
>He looks at her for a second and then looks away
>She comes closer
>Her ass is like inches four inches away from his crotch
>Bella Thorne steps infront of her and shakes her head no while giving her a judgmental look
>Tana fucks off
>She tries to enjoy the rest of her night but Bella is slut-dancing all over Scotts dick (while he ignores her for his phone) while giving Tana mean looks
>Tana says fuck this shit and leaves
>Sees Paris Hilton getting her makeup done in the hallway when leaving
That's pretty much all there is to it.
that is one hot tranny
Their photoshop must've been exhausted after fixing that
>feminine penis: the pic
>has red hair
>dyes hair pink
>White hispanics
She's a fucking meth addict, you chodes. There's no UNJUST to be had at all.
Are you fucking retarded? Fuck off you piece of shit.
Rich hispanics with white heritage wo didn't mix with niggers like the poor ones
You know mexico was founded by the spanish right? And had shitloads of german immigrants, right?
It's a more diverse country than most people think. Its not just all cholos.
>Zendaya is black and covered from head to toe in white
>Bella is white(ish) dressed like a stripper in black
This is the last time they spoke as friends
>that bruce campbell jaw
lmao no wonder she's fucked up all the time
pretty obvious she was abused as a kid or some shit
looks like Jeffrey Star
From zero to Lohan in 60 seconds.
>it took two hours for someone to finally post that
Fucking hell, she looks like the wrestler The Great Khali.
Is there any worded proof that Bella has daddy issues? Has she ever said anything implying it, other than that one interview where she said her dad died.
Also has she had any face surgery, or does she just have a natural tranny face?
well, let's see, her dad died, now she's a freakish whore of a garbage human being constantly whipping her tits and ass out for attention. I think it's a pretty safe bet
hormonal imbalance due to irregular levels of hrt or trt
>what's next for her.
a lot more meth
>those teeth
>whats next
""""leaked"""" sextape
fade into obscurity
awesome puffy nips
How long are you supposed to last in her? Cuz I don't think I could last more than 10 seconds with my tiny asian dick. Only a big black cock could satisfy her.
getting knocked up by a black guy
Dat jaw
>still has trashy hair
>still has trashy nose ring
>still dresses trashy
>still looks like a crack white
Ha! No.
people don't know that the only worthless mexicans are the ones with heavy abbo blood
Looks like Jared Leto in Dallas Buyers Club.
100% foolproof method of finding out if your waifu is trash
Post it on Sup Forums and watch how long the janny takes to delete the thread
>acne still massively visible
We also only ship the ugly, short, disgusting mexicans across the border.
We keep the fine specimens for ourselves.
With makeup Bella is the most beautiful woman on the planet.
She is legit fucking vile. That nose ring looks utterly awful on any female.
Yep I would 100% still passionately lick her asshole for like 20 minutes at least. Only when she just had a shower though.
her tits are obviously fakes, like her ass
90% of redheads have disgusting pale puffy nipples. She's no exception.
Proof of fake tits.
Your Gadot trash had a nosejob
>disgusting pale puffy nipples.
Shit taste, desu. And i'm not implying that Bella looks nice, she is repugnant.
I have this in my folder but am unable to upload it now, glad to see its still circulating.
>like her ass
Her ass is close to flat, what kind of fake ass is that
>randomly brings up another person for no reason
u need to stop fappin everyday
They are fake, dumbass. Went from flat to stacked overnighty
boner achieved
check your privilige
How do you go from this to Women not even once to be honest.
fake as fuck
I think she has a very mild form of dental fluorosis, this is extremely common but hollywood actors usually get their teeth bleached as unnaturally white as the fluorosis patches. Perhaps some staining from tea or smoking as well. I don't think meth is her thing and she's more of a molly/ecstasy girl.
I would love to bake her cookies and then drink her piss right out of the source, all bubbly like somebody opened a champagne bottle in my mouth.
Bubbly and full of yeast, probably
fuck this version bella was kino
There is no way they're fake just really really nice, they bounce like real boobs and disappear when she stretches, also get bigger and smaller with her weight.
She obviously had collagen in her lips though, sometimes it looks ok but sometimes it doesn't. I hope she has them taken out at some point but probably not.
Fuck, it's not fair that Scott Dickhead dicks her down and throws her to the side when he's done. If it were me, i'd treat her like the queen she is.
No they don't and no they don't. They're stiff as fuck and look completely fake.
Co-creator of the Matrix Lana (formerly Larry) Wachowski
Yeast is good for you if you drink it iirc. But I think that it would probably be refreshingly light and zesty.
user, why do you want me to wear makeup during sex?
Damn, Larry Wachowski looks like THAT?
Zooey won
I don't get the obsession with this whore