Is this what SJWs really think will happen if conservatives get power?

Is this what SJWs really think will happen if conservatives get power?
If they wanted to show a world where women have no rights and are only used for reproduction why didn't they just have the story take place in the middle east? It would even have the same plot points of gays being hung and women not being able to drive.

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Oh because the middle east is SO liberal...

Are you legit retarded?

That's a rhetorical question. Don't answer it you retard

This show gives me more of a "what if Warren Jeffs controlled the government" vibe.

Do you really believe women should be allowed to vote though?

>why didn't they just have the story take place in the middle east?
isn't the actual book based off of some sort of criticism of Islam?

>Women get circumcised so they can't feel the joy of sex
>Men have multiple female sex slaves
>People get stoned to death for crimes without a a fair trail
This entire story is literally "What if America was the middle east" but I doubt the writers realize it.

sounds like the Sup Forums paradise desu

>Never one to miss a good marketing opportunity, Atwood affirmed our apparent unfolding national horror show on April 19, speaking to the Los Angeles Times about the Hulu series: “The election happened, and the cast woke up in the morning and thought, we’re no longer making fiction
What the fuck? When has Trump ever shown hostility towards gays or hinted at taking female rights away?

Ya, if you're getting all your information from Sup Forums

Why would sjws attack islam? They have the same enemy, western culture.


>The future is a fucking nightmare

What's hilarious is the more rights and privileges afforded to women, the less happier they become.

Yes. What sort of retarded question is this? Voting should be a right given to every citizen.


seems accurate after seeing hardcore feminists allying with radical islam in sweden

Yes. The middle east is a good real life example of religious conservatives being in complete power. It just doesn't scare americans as much because they don't identify with something so foreign and distant. The point of this show is to take the American imagination to that place where they can imagine it.

Yeah, it's not like it's a literal cultural norm in other parts of the world or anything.

hoses are a banned technology

in christian culture?

voting rights should be based on IQ

Of corse not, don't be retarded. Christianity teaches that sex within marriage is a gift from God to be enjoyed by all parties involved.



they can already imagine it, just look at europe

Christianity is retarded but not Islam retarded. Even the worst of Christianity's history is better than modern day Islam.

except those Middle Easterners are taking over the west and turning it into the same shitholes they left

Never, They're afraid of Trump because he chose Mike Pence, a conservative as his VP. Nothing scares feminists more than a man who lives by God's laws.

>Nothing scares feminists more than a man who lives by God's laws.

unless it's Sharia law then that's fine because brown people

Liberals never loved the West. They made a career undermining Western Values to prop up a more humanist tale.

>Is this what whores really think conservatism is?

No. They're too retarded to think anything. This is what their handlers tell them to think conservatism is.


Can't you poltards turn your brains off for even a second and just enjoy the show?

Unironically this
>inb4 muh racism

>unless it's Sharia law then that's fine because brown people
no, sharia is problematic for sjws but the fact muslims want to rape the west balances it out

>you're not allowed to criticize anything -- especially things with political messages
>if you do, you're clearly a Sup Forums Nazi


We can't enjoy the show became liberals unironically think it's a perfect reflection of what's happening in America. (It's actually the opposite, Conservatives being laid back while Liberals going batshit insane)'s Sup Forums that's politicizing the show. It's the new Guy Fawkes mask.

Wait so she sis supposed to be a fuck doll for men? Who would want to fuck that?

The premise of women losing their fertility and few that don't becoming a class on their own serving only the elite is simply idiotic. You gotta stretch that suspension of disbelief quite a bit. As there is absolutely no logic behind the whole handmaiden thing. What would actually happen is the few fertile women would be pumped up with hormones and their eggs collected for transplantation to other women and insemination would happen in test tubes. The writer of the book clearly couldn't grasp how a man thinks, why would you even bother if having children is off the table?

Not OP but the show just wasn't very interesting because it stops for narration too much
Also the premise is just laughable


lol was their an anime convention in town why are they dressed like that lmao

Ask it on Sup Forums


Why the fuck are they called "handmaids"? It's assured they aren't maidens and they don't do any physical labor like a real handmaid, they specifically don't do jack shit other than sit around and bear children. They literally have a better fucking job than most people in the dystopian society they live in, and the majority of people throughout human history? Shouldn't they at least be called "breeders" or "wombs" or even just "mothers"? How the fuck can you possibly fuck up this badly? Who wrote this fucking book?

Was this supposed to be the first attempt at a pregnancy fetish story?

She's a rape fetishist

>Why the fuck are they called "handmaids"?
Because it makes them sound more vulnerable and pure.

Why do you think every citizen should be allowed to vote?

what about that part where christians banded together to slaughter people of different religious beliefs


>turn your brains off

No and you should never do this you fucking troglodyte. Except when shitposting on the chanz.

How can you enjoy something with your brain off?

why would I watch that when I can watch

No, the author thought the US was headed to this state after Reagan was elected. She would carry around documentation to "prove" thay she was right about where the future was headed.

>Is this what SJWs really think will happen if conservatives get power?
Yes, yes, yes, unironically absolutely yes. People fucking killed themselves on the night Trump was elected because they had these kinds of ridiculous dystopian delusions.

You would have to be blind to not see how much the religious right wants to control women's rights, especially when it comes to sex and bearing children. Shit, during the campaign you saw actual videos of right wing women saying in interviews that women are not meant to lead or run the government or even have political opinions (which is ironic in itself considering these same women were at a political rally, vocally supporting Trump).

And it takes place in America because it's more relatable for audiences, it's directly adapted from a book, it's about religious extremist fundamentalism that's applicable to all religions and the inspiration for the story came directly from witnessing the rise of the religious right in the 80s during Reagan's term in office.

He literally said in an interview women should be punished for having an abortion, has advocated gutting Planned parenthood through his budget proposal, cut funding from foreign aid programs that covered women's health programs such as family planning and abortion and also has a long history of throwing really nasty personal attacks against women if they dare to speak against him, just look at how he talks about Megan Kelly or more recently Mika Brzezeinski.

Memes aside, how the fuck did they think they would get away with this?

>When has Trump ever shown hostility towards gays or hinted at taking female rights away?
he chose mike pence as his vp and jeff sessions for attorney general and said women should be punished for abortions.
And that's even before going into his obvious traits and past history with women.

>People fucking killed themselves on the night Trump was elected
fuckin hell. i'd like some proof, but i believe that they are that retarded.

>live in canada
>had a feminist prof walk into class late the morning after the inauguration
>she was distraught and couldn't teach that day because of trump, she said as much
>kept talking about how worried she is for the future
>fear mongering to a bunch of young impressionable people
>when i asked her what specifically she was worried about her response was "the future, because I READ THE NEWS" (this is what she said, verbatim)

and then i fucking pulled out of that school. universities are a fucking joke, if you are underage and see this, don't fucking go. go to trade school, you'll be better off and better educated than the mongs who get indoctrinated at university.

Plebeians. The patrician path is only land-owning white men who have served in the military are allowed to vote.

>women should be allowed to kill their children

Fuck it I'm taking the bait

>He literally said in an interview women should be punished for having an abortion

Way to cut out the context you nigger. The interviewer asked him if abortions were illegal would women get penalized for getting back alley abortions. No shit you should get penalized for doing something illegal, that's kind of what makes laws work.

>Planned parenthood

the state has no business paying for abortions with our tax dollars. There's a ton of ways to avoid pregnancy that are far cheaper then an abortion, just think ahead a few seconds and you'll be good.

>cutting Foreign aid programs

Please remind me why we have to pay for abortions in Africa?

>long history of throwing really nasty personal attacks against women

Trump beaks literally everyone. Further more most of the people you're white knighting for threw nasty personal attacks at him first. I think it's really current year of him to treat women like equals by flinging their shit back at them, don't you?

Any group of people that treat women as equals are inevitably conquered by a group of people that do not. Giving women rights is suicidally insane.

>Sup Forums
your post made me think, lad

>white men

t. Mr 56%

The point is that (((Christianity))) is just as garbage as (((Islam))). Both are Abrahamic religions created by the Jews.

just watched the first episode after reading about it on peter watts' blog the other day.
does it get better? i find myself wanting to find out how the world works but desu i'm not gripped at all yet.

It's actually an anti-american book. Atwood views the US as an evil theocracy and Canada as a far more progressive state that should be a refuge for enlightened American dissidents.

Also has anti-Israel elements, Atwood is hugely involved in the pro-Palestinian/BDS movement

the world doesn't work very realistically. Basically a bunch of Evangelical Christians launch a coup that take over the US and regress it to a Khmer Rouge-like state, though Atwood wouldnt' say Khmer Rouge because she praised them in the 1970s.

The book is mainly commenting on how she fears Reagan/US conservatives are subjugating women, how the US is regressive and Canada is progressive, and Israel using the Old Testament to oppress the Palestinians.

Too bad 'the religious right' is fucking dead as a political force in America. Conservative right now are all about basic economic security that has been peddled away by generations of neoliberals.

Is all of this really in the novel/show?
Does the general audience really take all this at face value?
Are you literally, figuratively and unironically telling me this isn't meant as a satire of Islam?

meant to reply to


>a show to demonize conservative white males when the stuff that happens in it only happens in the shithole middle east
Who would make such a show ?

I mean, Trump did strip away protection rights for gays, so now places like adoption agencies can have an easier time refusing you on grounds of religious beliefs, and making deals with the Saudis. And the whole abortion thing.

But yeah Atwood is being retarded.

I can't believe you guys even watch this

was this cringekino?

>taxes should pay for my mistakes

If planned parenthood stopped doing abortions and just offered the other services Trump wouldn't go after it.

I'm pro abortion rights, but not pro abortion. I don't believe I should have to pay for them either.

did the same with obama in the other direction. america is retarded.

>pro abortion rights, but not pro abortion
What a fucking cucked position.

Its the opposite of cucked.

>He literally said in an interview women should be punished for having an abortion
Even if this were true, it wouldn't be wrong.

It's interesting how retarded you are on several levels. PP mostly offers "other services" (generally medical screening and birth control related care). Also they aren't defunding other medical groups/practices that do abortions, so it's stupid to focus on PP to begin with.

And it's way cheaper to pay for an abortion than to pay for some unwanted, fucked up, unhealthy child to need medical treatment and/or end up in state care or dependent on welfare or any other assorted bullshit pertaining to unwanted pregnancies. Even if the kid did manage to be okay it still means more tax dollars going to pay for its school and all that anyway.

>Is this what SJWs really think will happen if conservatives get power?
It was written during the Reagan era as a response to the religious right and its belligerent entrance into politics. This was well before SJWs were a thing.

It's clearly an exaggeration, but that's what dystpopian fiction does. It's funny in your butthurt that you bring up the middle east because it very intentionally depicts what a western ISIS might look like.

you mean when Arabs almost reached France and besieged Constantinople so many times that the Orthodox Church literally has a day dedicated to killing them?

user please, no facts. OP wants to get butthurt about a fictional work and its connection to the SJW and you should let him.

>Christianity dominated the western world for centuries but look a random book says they will become ISIS if we give them power lol
this is what liberals believe

There were still SJWs in the 80s, they just held pretty much no cultural power. There's a reason why this show is being adapted now, and that's because they do have cultural power.

This is based on a book written by a woman who thought Ronald fucking Reagan was heralding in female circumcision.

>we have existing examples of how religious extremism results in women being treated as trash
>no no, how about this hypothetical situation where it's Christians instead of Muslims

they should at least made the protagonist, idk, not so fucking ugly
she looks hideous

At no point in history did christians treat their women that way.

>It's clearly an exaggeration, but that's what dystpopian fiction does

And it fails at that like all dystopian fiction reboots do, because adapting it twenty/thirty years takes it out of its contemporary context. Is the same reason why no-one remembers the Red Dawn or The Day The Earth Stood Still remakes, the fears that motivated those films (Soviet invasion/occupation and nuclear war) aren't so relevant now

>LOL its a fantasy
youre ignoring the fact that the show tries to create a false equivalence between a non existant white Christian extremism and the centuries old muslim extremism for their own obvious partisan political purposes
she persisted :^)


"god" is no different than allah kid
Sooner you christcucks realize this the better

>Is this what SJWs really think will happen if conservatives get power?
>pretending this isn't a reality now.
-trying to defund planned parenthood
-President has literally advocated at multiple points in his campaign for criminalizing abortion and giving jail time to women who undergo abortions.
-take money out of international efforts overseas to help setup women's care facilities in third world countries.
-some states now brazen enough to straight up take women's care products out of healthcare packages on "religious grounds".

No, it's been going great and conservatives are very popular...

why is the only issue women care about child murder?


White men aren't the literal devil in the Middle East though, Liberals wouldn't know who to hate