So did the mutated Simian Flu actually make humans lose cognitive thought?

So did the mutated Simian Flu actually make humans lose cognitive thought?

Nova seemed mentally fine except for becoming mute, even learning sign language pretty fast

Also Nova is a qt pi

Colonel said his son became primitive. It might differ from people to people.

When Caesar confronted the Colonel for the last time he seemed to still have cognitive thought, begging Caesar to kill him, so maybe it's gradual.

She behaved pretty similarly to the Apes, I think it just basically makes you as dumb as an ape.

primitive apes can learn sl fast too

didnt humans become immune to the virus in the second movie?
thats the whole reason they arent completely dead why pull more stupid virus shenanigans

did you watch the fucking movie?

the humans we see in Dawn and War are immune to the virus, but it mutated. while the new version doesn't kill people it renders them mute and primitive.

It basically explains how in the future apes are civilized and humans are basically animals

People might not be retarded now but the colonel saw that it was basically the beginning of the end

Jesus fuck...the apes look so fucking good.

to further this, the original vaccine was supposed to be a cure for Alzheimers, so its not too far fetched to believe it could mutate in such a way

the original made ceasar smart the one that was given to koba and the others was the one that started the simian flu

no i havent watch the movie yet

just feels a bit cheap, like the obvious needed a reason why humans are more animal like in the future so the pulled out the viurs thingy.

well it was never explained in the original why humans were primitive plus this isnt the last of the reboots

>virus turns apes into humans and humans into apes (mentally)


The virus was capable of mutation since the first movie brah, it wasn't an ass pull

Even if the virus only eliminates the ability for humans to speak, it's still going to eventually lead to humans going primitive.

It's extremely difficult to teach written language without accompanying it with spoken language. Once language goes, there goes most of society and human interaction.

apes can't even learn sign language at all, that's just a myth. Koko was a hoax.

I thought it was made very obvious in this movie that the whole "primitive" thing was there to show that the Colonel had zero empathy. The irony was how wrong he was and how mute humans, like Nova, were perfectly capable of learning sign language and communication outside of speech.

Every time I see this movie discussed I see people claiming the mutated flu made humans "retarded". Idk, I thought the message was clear.

based nova poster

She should have died in the avalanche

The last 20-30 minutes were the absolute worst

>girl walks in to guarded camp with multiple people on watch & patrolling
>nobody notices this as she both A) WALKS IN UNDETECTED and B) TAKES HER TIME TO FEED CAESAR and do some other shit and then she gets away no big deal
>A guard gets shit thrown at him and instead of yelling at the monkeys or maybe shooting one from his post or anywhere else OUTSIDE THE CAGE, he WALKS INTO THE CAGE AND LOCKS THE DOOR so the plot can happen
>Woody Harrelson epic confrontation set up just to have him laughably mumble like a retard when he got the monkey disease
>Woody's crew is dead, the monkeys are on the hill, and the remaining human army eyeballs the monkeys

awful movie

the movie was too deep for most people, it's understandable it is getting mixed reviews

Colonel said that his son still didn't know what was happening when he pointed a gun at him. Humans are becoming primitive, in line with the original 1968 movie.

yar that was the point of the war.

Watching Nova learn to sign, display empathy for the apes and go through an existential crisis of her own is evidence that the Colonel was fucking wrong.

In the end, we are meant to understand that the Colonel was indeed wrong, and although humans were losing their ability to speak, they were not by any means any less intelligent or sentient than the apes or humans.

The Colonel wanted to suicide by the end of the film because he had succumbed to the disease he dedicated his life to destroy, AND because he understands that even without speech he can still think and feel the pain he felt before he lost his speech. I am sorry you didn't pick up on all of this on your first viewing.

Consider the story implications of building up a character arc around Nova, only for her to be destined to be retarded for the rest of her adult life. This was not the intent of the film.

Even Nova from the original film wasn't a complete retard. She couldn't speak but she was capable of assisting Taylor and Brent on their adventure.


> Monkeys all making their pride gesture and literally no one suspects something fishy is going on because if they had half a brain they would have turned to look towards Caesar's cage and noticed Nova and also seen Caesar communicating something to the other Apes.

It's frustrating because her entry into the compound is so fucking blatantly obvious. They didn't make a half-hearted effort to add a couple shots of her sneaking behind or under cover to sneak in. Nope, just waltz right in under a bunch of giant ass floddlights while guards are visibly patrolling the area and then stride between the Caesar's cell and the Apes' cage in the most indiscreet way possible. It's so goddamn lazy.

kys fucking faggot. movie was great.

Yeah they could have done that better.


>references Donkey Kong
>degrades apes by calling them a lower animal
>also references the fact that they're pack mules who bring weapons to soldiers

Are video game references kino?