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How much support does she have to sit on the Salt Throne outside of foreign support from outside? How many ships did she steal? Looks like she will be a usurper being propped up by foreign interests with little support at home..

First for best girl



Azor Jaime!


Gonna repost this because it was the stupidest thing in several seasons and must be remembered

>Waif gets the drop on idiot Arya completely
>slashes open her belly
>stabs her repeatedly in the gut and sides
>twists the knife in her chest
>Arya falls into a filthy Braavos canal
>Drowns/bleeds out/somehow makes it out but dies of infection soon after?
>Somehow gets out of the canal without the Waif seeing, walks through the city with multiple fatal stab wounds to an actress who nurses her back to health overnight

The Waif got screwed. She straight up murdered Arya on screen, but Arya literally had a cheat mode on where you can only drop to 1 HP but not ever die.

>tfw you were drawing up clues as to how varys is a blackfyre supporter and a bloodraven vs varys sub plot could have taken place, bringing such a deadly but truly based rivalry to the present and possibly connecting past events with the present events, shedding light on how a series of events from two half-targaryan bastards have reshaped the course of westorosi history then realize it WILL NEVER FUCKING HAPPEN