Why aren't there more horror crossover movies?
Chucky vs Puppet Master
Leprechaun vs Wishmaster
Leatherface and his WV cousins go on a vacation and get lost aka Leatherface takes a Wrong Turn at The Hills Have Eyes
The ideas write themselves.
Why aren't there more horror crossover movies?
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I think it's basically because most of the characters aren't owned by the same company and they don't want to share the profits.
Puppet Master vs Demonic Toys exist.
Make money but have to share some of it or don't make money.
>Leatherface and his WV cousins
It's literally called "The TEXAS Chainsaw Massacre"
Do you not have any family members who live in other states?
Companies are usually very hesitant to collaborate on projects with competing companies.
That's why we will never EVER see any movie or video game having to do with Marvel heroes meeting DC heroes.
>making up characters
what are you talking about?
Sup Forums is always right I guess
I've not seen this movie, or any of them really, but isn't there a complete mismatch in the abilities of Freddy and Jason?
One is a dream based murder clown and the other is an immortal giant from what I can gather. Isn't Jason entirely OP?