What the fuck was the little girl even in the movie for?

What the fuck was the little girl even in the movie for?

Haven't even watched any of the movies

For Solomon Paul Carter to fap to

See, that's what I thought it was gonna be. But no, she doesn't even do THAT much, she doesn't do a single thing the whole movie. She's literally just a silent side-kick.

Also Monkey Planet thread

You mean there's a new loli actress on the scene and there are no threads sexualizing her?

She was Caesars last link to humanity.

This litle shit was redundant as fuck. Also le funnney monkey was annoying
>comic relief in a film about literal auschwitz

Except they didn't interact with each other at all other than Caeser liking her at the end without her actually doing anything.

To represent that the future of the human race doesn't not belong to white man. I'm not even starting a thing, that's literally the meaning behind it.

>liking her at the end without her actually doing anything
So she is a mary sue?

Where is he now?

Yeah pretty much.

In the Original movies the apes had a mute woman called Nova
That's it

>partial cute factor
>partial nod to Nova in the original movies
>partially to show humans regressing and how easily it spread through contact of infected items
>partially to show that even though regressed humans are still decently intelligent

Gonna be interesting to see the eventual 4th movie starring Cornelius and older Nova and how the apes are going to handle the growing amount of regressed humans

For spreading the virus you stupid fuck. Did you not watch the movie.

Her doll shows how easily the virus spreads once infected. It gives more weight to the colonel's logic, if it weren't for him, his troops would be mute long ago.

She kill the big bad

She didn't need to come along with them and be a huge focus of the movie. She didn't do anything at all, yet she came along for the ride anyway.

And it's not like she was "Caesers last link to humanity" or whatever, Caeser is perfectly fine with humans. Did you not see Dawn through to the end?

to get BLACKED

She carried the emotional weight of his mission. Maurice called him out saying he's become like Koba, but looking at that girl it reminded him of his child and also what could happen to them if they didn't fight back.

>Kills the colonel and saves Caesars life

Pretty much my only real complaint with the movie. She didn't seem to serve want propose besides being a plot device to move things forward. Which I would be fine with if they bothered to actually give her a character but they don't, so every time she's on screen doing something it's horribly obvious what's about to happen. Also how did nobody notice her feeding Caesar? I can usually ignore little plot details like that but this girl was just too much BS. I still loved the movie though.


Apes have a code specifically about Ape Power

They just wanted a little white girl to bang

>leave cunny to me

Based triggered r/pol/tard

To tug at the audiences heart strings. A little girl is the cheapest and easiest tactic to achieve this, especially when you make the character mute.

This. If it would've been a balding adult male diseased retard nobody would have given a shit, in fact he would've probably died comedically.
This flick was trash btw.

>If it would've been a balding adult male diseased retard nobody would have given a shit

I don't know. They gave him multiple sequels and a cross over film

Kek. He is a cunnybro

I literally went to watch War for the Planet of the Apes at the theater because an attractive cunny was in it. It was worth it.

she tagged along because she was homeless and Maurice was into cunny, she helped killing the colonel and nourished Caesar back to health along the way
Though a side character, the audience love seeing her 'cause she's cute

What's there to be critical about? She's a side character, adding a loli appeal to the movie.

Same desu

it's a metaphor for a black man riding off with a white woman. in this metaphor the ape is a black guy and the white girl is a white girl.

Obviously it is Black man with blonde chick social propaganda by Jews

Was he in the wrong?

Absolutely. Why in the world would he think he'd be safe from the humans that earlier that day killed so many of the apes he was in league with? Why would fear have him turn to the ones that would kill him on a dime?

Shit. Forgot to add that to my reply.

Oh, I didn't realize shitposting about this movie had advanced so far in just a few days

No eats sausage and mash outside Britain and Ireland apart from south Africa where it is maize meal instead of potato mash

To bring Caesar back from the brink. Entire movie Caesar is struggling with the memory of Koba and his actions leading to him becoming hellbent on revenge like Koba. The little girls compassion is what made him finally relent.

>hurrr durrr WHITE ape betrays the black apes hurr durr

Was there any black actors in this movie? I can't remember seeing one, even as a background character

No, but there was an ape at the start of the film

He was a true cuck

>movie is obvious allegory to Book of Exodus
>Nova is the plague

To get APED

for me

Logan ushered in a new trend.

eye candy

>Take your damn dirty hands of the white girl ape

the soldier with the headset at the very beginning

shes going to be important in the sequel I guess.

You mean War of the Worlds