HOH: Panda
Veto: Jason
Nominations: Jessica, Dominique
previously on /bb/
HOH: Panda
Veto: Jason
Nominations: Jessica, Dominique
previously on /bb/
Other urls found in this thread:
that's wassup
Ramses' mist training
>tfw cant read evil dicks tweets cuz I made fun of him for having aids
What a baby, it's not like he has a pace maker on a second heart in his abdomen
what did jess say about kevin?
pao nut time
jason/panda rules. to bad she sucks without him.
why is alex targeting kevin and jessica?
shes literally protecting the showmances for paul.
she said xmas and jess. she wants kevin in the jury
turn on feeds and hear Tiger saying to Whistle not to repeat this info to Paul so he trust her even more.
>switches to paul and meatball
kevin said that shabazz napier stayed at his house wtf
god i fucking miss cody.
Meatball gona talk to Marky now!
meathead and meatball meeting of the minds
fuck xmas
go back to pao tv
watch Mark and Josh get into another fight over this
black nose face. racist!
Voting for the Den of Dynasty ends in 9 hours
when will we get a jalex edit on the show?
this alex kevin rift is fascinating
if he had been honest with her like with Paul, she probably would of been cool with him tossing out those rando votes.
josh and mark are friends again
absolutely and he is feeling massively guilty about it
they will make up next week when alex has to live downstairs again with him
kevin has max charisma stats like shrimpman
Raven is trying her darn hardest to ruin the streams tonight.
>Josh- Who would you throw up if you could? Alex- Jessica cause I hate her. Josh- That's personal. Alex- Game wise, I dont know #BB19
why do ugly women hate jessica so much?
alex and jason encouraging meatball to put up matt and eugenia if he wins hoh
>"I'm not going to do the S (sex) with mark ever" - Elena 11:55PM
What did she mean by this?
Jealousy. Alex is angry that Jessica picked up Cody before she could come in.
Take a wild guess.
she told jason to not tell josh anything 5 minutes earlier. she is just telling him what he wants to hear
>tfw no milkies for marky
1/4 Black, 1/2 Black with insertion.
>Alex- I really want Jessica to go home. Jason- Kevin is like "please send Josh home". Alex- No #BB19
any more excuses?
is he the most screenshotted guy since Ian?
she doesnt want to tell josh who to put up cause he will spill her tea. she 100% wants him to break the showmances. she has said it several times when alone with both jason and paul
your reddit hate of alex is showing
the feeds fucking up at midnight is the most annoying goddamn thing
thought panda would be my fav this year but she's proving herself to be highkey annoying
any good shots of her worn panties?
>hating alex is reddit
nice argument
tbqh markposting is already kind of old he's not really worth the spam but the paints did freshen it up a bit. I still hope it dies soon
pic related mfw this post gets (you)s that are more markposts
quad cams broke for anyone else?
bbviewer fucked up
>i dont want blood on my hands
>i dont want to show my cards
>i got to do what the house wants
>im voting with the house
alex has disappointed me
shes now working for paul.
Paul is doing well to set him up to win. He's liked by most people in the house and he's running the show. He's had two hohs in a row and is most likely going to have a third.
>no one this beautiful will ever be in the big brother house again.
Tiger Midnight Assault
OTT was the best season for waifus. This is the worst season.
>mfw i missed out on OTT
I hate her game but I love her Whistle-Nut interactions
You can still watch it on cbs all access.
yeah, i might after this season.
finally find a comfy room and Josh or Paul kills the vibe
Every night when I find a comfy cam to watch I can hear Paul's laugh echoing through the house in the background every couple minutes.
What do you mean? Paul is holding this season together. If he was gone then this season would be awful. Josh on the other hand needs to be put down.
funny dude ur a comedy genius haha
I went to school with one of Kevin's daughters.
loyal paulfag detected
Well said famalan.
Cup of Soup
pics or didn't happen.
>Alex walking back to her room, feels the presence of Satan in the house. Cut to Dom reading her bible in the dark
god don't rest, bebe
He really is the Dale Gribble of the season.
It's way to hard to see black people in the dark. They need to at least wear high vis clothing during times like these.
Two more days
Cody is boring on the feeds
only when he's with jessica. he is jason tier when with alex and ramses people like that
It better be a real comp and not some crapshoot bullshit
Nice upvote
Final Battle Back is probably the rock climbing puzzle comp like last year.
>autist in last thread thinks xmas is a goat to bring to final 2
>he doesn't realize she would win for making it that far while being unable to compete in comps
I asskood
You're welcome
>this is what people thought about Victoria in BB16
>3 days of showfags and livefeeds being down
You ready?
Is Cody coming back and working with Paul the darkest timeline?
Cody was obviously misting Paul when he said that to try and salvage Jess and his games when he got back. why does everyone believe it? and the darkest timeline is Grodball finding a way to block Cody from coming back at all.