What did Kevin's dad do to him after he spend $967 on room service?
What did Kevin's dad do to him after he spend $967 on room service?
Liam Gonzalez
Wyatt Gutierrez
How do you spend $210 on Custard flan?
Josiah Barnes
$48 on flan, but still outrageous.
Aiden Powell
Aren't they super rich? That's nothing to them. Doubt he'd be too upset.
Connor Lee
Realistically, you have bigger problems after you realize you've left your prepubescent child to fend for himself twice in a couple years.
Michael Peterson
a grand on deserts and food?
remember during the first mvie they ordered like 10 different large pizzes? wasnt it like a couple hundred bucks?
Aiden Nelson
He rented him out to NAMBLA for a weekend.
Colton Evans
>Aren't they super rich?
They lived pretty average for americans in the 90s.
Brayden Baker
you have never been to a hotel in New York, have you?
Jason Smith
no. that was what happened to Lil Mac in real life.