Is it a coincidence that the most powerful, talented, and influential characters in the story are Targaryen? Targaryen are clearly superior than any other House or race. They are the ubermensch of Westeros.
Is it a coincidence that the most powerful, talented, and influential characters in the story are Targaryen...
Jon is mixed race
Is it a coincidence that the most powerful, talented, and influential characters in the story are the "Ice" and "Fire" of the series' title? Main characters are clearly superior than any other secondary character or side story. They are the ubermensch of Westeros.
The Hound is Azor Ahai
and dany is a product of incest
targs BTFO
>A Song of Fire and Ice
>Dragon Girl
>Snow Boy
Oh shit I just got that
The more redpilled interpretation is that Jon will be the overall savior of Westeros and is himself the personification of A Song of Ice and Fire. Being that he is the product of a Targ (Fire) and a Stark (Ice)
And they both get the shittier actors as well.
Valyrians used to be the master race until they became degenerate and were killed by the gods with grayscale and the "doom". The last degenerate family became incestuous and destroyed themselves.
I like that.
I like that a lot.