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Ah, hello contrarian
Because it's good.
Helloooooooooooo anti - 20th century fox or pro-marvlel shill
It's okay dude you can just watch Spider-Man again nobody will insult you for not getting this movie
Cuz it's gud
tfw to dumb to enjoy monkino
everything sjw is now a hit
see the last diverse capeshits, wondarwoman a spiderman
>implying that this movie isn't sexist as FUCK
Did the misleading advertising turn this film into a pleb filter?
>giving a fuck what he thinks
Yes, it is unironically a movie that numales and plebs will never understand
yes. if you did not like this movie you are literally a brainlet
t. Mad Marvelcuck
not really sure. the first 30 minutes are pretty kino but after that it just gets worse and worse. i almost got up and left it was so bad.
>Brianna Wu
Damn it's been a long while since I've thought of him.
Oh look, there is a movie you faggots don't like because everyone else does. Color me surprised.
So about those SCR's, they're fake right
Shit's been out for barely a week
there are cams of baby driver dunkirk and apes on kodi now
nice shoop brainlet
sage still bumps the thread newfriend.
Not enough le stronk female protagonists for Sup Forums?
I thoroughly enjoyed the first two, as many other people did. so it's no surprise that the opening week is big. But I do agree that this one was a pretty big step down. I had to fight to keep myself awake for a big portion of the movie.
What happened? why did it drop off so hard in quality?
Yeah but i was asking about the screeners
Ah nevermind the thumb kinda does look like a cam, fucking clickbait mislabeling again i hate this shit
Hopefully it's a TS tho
thats your opinion man
I thought it was great ending to the trilogy and was a satisfying conclusion for the character Ceasar
they killed off the humans with an avalanche out of fucking nowhere so the audience wouldnt have to see apes genociding humans.
Whites brought the Mother Earth to the brink of destruction in just 500 years..
Over 2000 species of animal and plant life have become extinct, not due to natural extinction, but due to man made extinction under the white satanic rulership...
They have polluted the food, the water and the air.
Whites have introduced contaminants into the natural environment that have caused adverse changes.
They inject food with hormones and spray pesticides on fruits and vegetables. Whites dump toxic waste in the ocean daily.
Whites destroyed the ozone layer and the Amazon Rainforest...
Whites created weapons of mass destruction. Today we have one group of murderous white devils in America with over 10,000 nuclear weapons aimed at another group of savage white monsters in Russia and vice versa.
I could go on and on. The White Man is the master of disaster, and disaster only. Everywhere he goes he brings NOTHING but death and destruction...
Is it genetic?
I wonder if we will find the 'White Man' gene in the future.
Maybe one day our children can really have World Peace, and it would be due to 'fixing' whites.
so this is the end? they aren't going to continue the story with Cornelius?
It was to reinforce the fact we killed ourselves off. You know how they did with the simian flu? Nature killing off humans for their mistakes, ya know subtext?
This is one of the few movies I've seen in my life where I regretted watching it.
The internet and fags everywhere hyped this is as "a masterpiece"
The last act was the worst shit i've ever seen in ANY MOVIE
>girl walks in to guarded camp with multiple people on watch & patrolling
>nobody notices this as she both A) WALKS IN UNDETECTED and B) TAKES HER TIME TO FEED CAESAR and do some other shit and then she gets away no big deal
>A guard gets shit thrown at him and instead of yelling at the monkeys or maybe shooting one from his post or anywhere else OUTSIDE THE CAGE, he WALKS INTO THE CAGE AND LOCKS THE DOOR so the plot can happen
>Woody Harrelson epic confrontation set up just to have him laughably mumble like a retard when he got the monkey disease
>Woody's crew is dead, the monkeys are on the hill, and the remaining human army eyeballs the monkeys
the movie is just fanfiction for niggers, half the theater was blacks and you know without a doubt they self insert as caesar.
>muh evil white bad humans wont leave uz good monkeyz alone!! we aint start dis warr!!
Those movies are shit too.
contrived nonsense. perhaps youd be more at home at reddit.
t. Nigher
I can't imagine what it's like to watch a movie and only care about the plot
Hey brainlet! Not enough explosions and pew pews for ya?
t. brainlet
All of the movies are contrived nonsense dumbass. Perhaps your addled brain would be more happy with reddit dissecting "plot holes"
>just turn your brain off bro
you're right. the avalanche ex machina at the end that crushed all the remaining humans was really high-brow and honestly it was just beyond my tiny mind to comprehend how good it was
What about Lake?
You're right but the direction is so dull and all the characters besides Caesar are actually trash. It's not good imo.
The movie would have still ended the same way without that avalanche. It doesn't really change anything, it was just there for this reason
a little slow maybe, but certainly not bad
These movies were certainly better overall than the original series, but I was more interested in where the story was going in the originals. With all the time travel, and nukes, and rebellions and whatnot. They were certainly cheesy as hell, but the story wasn't as predictable as these ones, thats for sure.
The second one was fucking terrible, what's wrong with you?
Apparently sign language doesn't count despite the fact that the majority of characters in this film sign rather than speak.
If the avalanche didn't occur, those humans could've just massacred the few remaining chimps, even if they were doomed anyway the monkeys would've been fucked as well. So no, the movie would not have still ended the same way without the avalanche.
What's your defense for
>girl walks in to guarded camp with multiple people on watch & patrolling
>nobody notices this as she both A) WALKS IN UNDETECTED and B) TAKES HER TIME TO FEED CAESAR and do some other shit and then she gets away no big deal
>A guard gets shit thrown at him and instead of yelling at the monkeys or maybe shooting one from his post or anywhere else OUTSIDE THE CAGE, he WALKS INTO THE CAGE AND LOCKS THE DOOR so the plot can happen
>all the monkeys are missing for a significant amount of time and NOBODY ON BASE NOTICES THIS until one guy does at the very end when the shit hits the fan
>keep in mind there are establishing shots of the camp with multiple guards on the watchtower.
there is none. it's just really fucking bad writing that you faggots give a pass because "THE MONKEY CGI WAS SO GOOD HOLY SHIT !!"
I remember liking the second one. It was certainly better than this one
I'm not defending those scenes, but these are Cinema Sins tier complaints. There was a lot of good stuff going on with this movie when you don't get caught up with small plot details.
>There was a lot of good stuff going on with this movie
They're not small plot details. If those things didn't occur the PLOT COULDN'T HAPPEN. Every one of those things was integral to the main plot.
Did you even watch the movie?
Quick reminder on the significance of just one of those "small plot details"
>ridiculous unbelievable event happens and everything goes great so she can feed caesar and get away unharmed
>caesar now has had food and water and his strength is returned for the plot to continue
>Guard gets shit thrown at him and then WALKS INTO THE CAGE AND COMMITS SUICIDE
>Now the monkeys have a gun and a key to the cage to let themselves out.
Oh come on. They were too busy watching the skies for missiles or nukes. What did the Apes have? Sticks and poop? They were completely indisposed (as far as the soldiers knew) so why waste time watching them? Especially after the Apes disregarded Caesar and the Colonel made a point of proving he didn't give a crap about killing them.
>Guard gets shit thrown at him and then WALKS INTO THE CAGE AND COMMITS SUICIDE
>Now the monkeys have a gun and a key to the cage to let themselves out.
that really was retarded. going in is stupid enough, but he didn't even tell any other guard he was going in or anything. Even if he didn't get pulled in that hole, and they just swarmed him, they could have escaped with no one noticing.
I guess that they'll wait a few more years, then maybe they might remake the orginal movies, but I doubt they'll do it or that they'll be ass good.
Dawn was the best blockbuster of the decade you stupid motherfucker
It was like austin powers level bad where he tells the guard how he's gonna do what he needs to do to escape and the guard complies
20th Century Fox will definitely do it, but it probably won't be good
The first one was shit
Being as mentally ill as this freak is doesn't surprise me that he is completely convinced of his own diseased beliefs when they are outright, demonstrably false.
Cornelia signs when she is reunited with Blue Eyes, Lake signs, and Nova signs. "Not speaking" is a fucking plot attribute of the film.
They might include him. I was thinking that it would be about other apes around the world, but it'll probably wind up in New York so they can show the statue of liberty so I can see Cornelius getting involved somehow
Yes. Even though I love it I admit it's a completely unoriginal story...Except it's done with animals. It combines
>the revenge plot from John Wick
>the slavery/prisoner of war trying to save his son plot from Life is Beautiful
>the leader that gets betrayed and still sacrifices himself for his people from Passion of the ChrisÈ›
>and the lets try to escape from this place to a better more closed off area from the Ten Commandments/Logan
Except since it was all done with cg and animals it comes off as great even though the expressions on the cgi were made explicitly to manipulate your feelings.
I'd much rather they keep this story going, than redo the originals.
Some of those sequels were so ridiculous it'd be hard to make them without being cheesy.
>john wick is the first story about revenge
>it copied stuff from movies based on the bible, not the actual bible itself
I liked Rise, but this was much better IMO
nazis vs jews
The next logical continuation of this story is to retread the original 1968 film. There aren't many humans left, and the ones that do exist can't speak, they already set up the missing space ship in the first movie, and they arrived at that desert environment that looks like the setting of the original.
are you kidding me? this shit was by far worst.
More emotional and better effects, thats all.
is this a serious post?
Can we all agree that this movie has impressive CGI? How come Spiderman Homecoming doesn't look as good as this?
What the fuck is the bible?
Impressive is quite the understatement
It has the best CGI of any movie ever made
marvel flicks look like garbage. their braindead audience doesnt notice.
See I could get on board with that I guess, keeping in the same "universe". Although the original story doesn't do much for me at this point. I mean it only had that one shitty tim burton remake, but idk. They could flow right back into the originals, with the people underground after that, and then cornelious and zera going back in time in the next one. I would actually really like to see how they'd do that one. I love the time travel stuff. story wise I think escape was the most interesting one for me.
when you can only criticize the film's plot's believability, you are a brainlet
It was solid. At little underwhelming - especially Caesar's entire role imo. I'd say I'd go 2 > 3 > 1 for sure.
Sorry I was under the impression I was on Sup Forums not /lit/. Don't pretend you read the sword at any point in the last 12 years.
Abd complaining about John Wick being the example just furthers my point about it being unoriginal.
What the heII is your problem?
I know we won't ever see caesar again which honestly makes me fucking depressed but hey that's life, i just hope we see another movie down the line with his son or something.
This. I'm a sucker for birth to earth movies. When you get to see the characters from childhood until death. Caesar was compelling though... in adolf hitler/ malcolm x way.
Atleast i can kill myself to this masterpiece i suppose.
>Caesar was compelling though... in adolf hitler/ malcolm x way.
The fuck did he mean by this?
I have no idea. I could see Koba being compared to Malcolm X, but Caesar is quite literally ape Moses