This show is a masterpiece.
Disagree? All criticisms people make on this board are only surface level crap.
>Le Rick is a Edgy atheist nihilist
He's also to shown to be giant hypocrite in the show.
>Muh reddit
Not an argument.
I do admit reddit likes it because of pleb reasons though.
Rick and Morty is kino
Other urls found in this thread:
H*ll yeah it is!!
This is a really long winded argument and no one cares what you think. Just enjoy the show and don't give a fuck about the edge lords on Sup Forums.
I mostly like it because it shows Christfags the power of science.
I also really enjoy characters burping, stammering, and generally screaming real loud.
It's random and funny. Some anons here should just admit it.
Also that episode where they beat up the nazis? Absolutely epic
>Doesn't conform to my political views
Again not an argument.
OP this is why you don't make these threads
>Retarded fanbase means I can't like a show
How do you consume any media?
i like it but you'd be delusional to not think this show is r e d d i t in cartoon form
everything about is r e d d i t to the core. still a decent watch imo. first cartoon ive watched since i was about 14
>cuckolding episode and feminist episode with in the first 5 episodes of the first season
King of the Hill>Rick and Morty>Classic Simpsons>>>Futurama>Family Guy>Modern Simpsons>>>Bob's Burgers
How accurate is this?
Serious question. What is the appeal of this show. I watched a few episodes and it was try hard cringe shit. No one ever explains why they like this garbage.
How many times do you plan to make this thread attempting to 'convert' people?
What's your stake in this?
>Also that episode where they beat up the nazis? Absolutely epic
lol tipping your hand, Sup Forums
Probably shills that work on this shit show. It needs to die off in shame. I wish I got the two hours of my life back after watching as much of this trash as I did.
its fairly creative i guess. i wish they wouldnt inject politics into it though. the second season had less of that shit
Reported for trolling and rule breaking you know perfectly well this belongs on Sup Forums.
The only reason you post it here is to troll why else would you make a thread knowing full well it's going to be shitted up with 99% of haters when you can enjoy a thread where everyone likes it on Sup Forums .
No other reason than to gets some attention and to troll because that is how sad lonely and pathetic your lives because trolling and attention whoring is all you have in your lives you sad little pricks.
Just barely sensible enough for me to not be sure whether you're trolling
>99% of haters when you can enjoy a thread where everyone likes it on Sup Forums .
Echo chambers are boring.
>haha yeah guys this show stinks xD not nearly as good as all the shows i watch yet never seem to have the time to post about
It tries too hard to be "edgy", the voices don't match the characters, the "plot" of any given episode is trash or nonexistent, the random profanity and belching appeals to 12 year old edge lords. What is the point? Are these pro Rick and Morty threads done but trolls or shills? The world will never know.
No one in any of these threads explain why it's worthwhile or any good. They just attack others cos they know this show is shit tier.
>Cuckold episode
It's depicted as bizzare and disturbing.
>Feminist episode
Those Amazon's were crazy fucks who enslaved all the men.
Again just strawmans and not real arguments.
Of course you ignore the posts asking why anyone should watch this TV AIDS
You can't argue with Stormfags. They all belong to the same hive mind and have to dislike what the rest of the group dislikes.
Classic Simpsons>King of the Hill>Rick and Morty>Bob's Burgers>Futurama>>>Family Guy>Modern Simpsons
I know this board doesn't like Bob's Burgers, and I'm not entirely sure why.
Why do people keep posting these threads? It's been 4 months since the last episode.
I think the show is good, but not groundbreaking like so many people addicted to wearing fedoras think it is, it's a lot less clever than it thinks it is even with all its sarcastic writing and is pretty cringeworthy at times, but it still reliably has fairly creative ideas and expresses them well so it's not as bad as people on here would like it to be.
Not to mention this stupidity. Jesus Christ is this show awful.
>liking a show that panders to retards
>chew my food and spit it into my mouth because im too retarded to understand what other people see in eating
Its funny. If your faggot ass doesnt think so tell me what you do like? Oh, nothing? Just sitting in your room typing R E D D I T for the millionth time today? Hilarious
Season 3 is staring in like a week.
I quite enjoy watching Rick be a piece of shit to everybody, in a similar vain to characters like Trevor Phillips. Sometimes it's fun to watch the assholes just shit on everyone.
It's "deep" and "profound" and also "sticks it to the man"
I never mentioned reddit. I asked why people think this garbage is good and no one ever has answers. Deep down you all know it's shit..
Everything successful panders to retards, or is atleast palatable by them
Not only this, but there are usually half a dozen up throughout the day. All of which simultaneously spouting off the same "It's good guys I swear u guys are just poo poo heads!" message
As another user said, at no point in these threads do we see OP even attempt to elaborate on why it's good. It's just blatant spam which, surprise, is totally allowed and never fucking moderated
>Why do people like things?
Why should I answer dumb questions?
That post is exactly what this post
Is saying. I swear Rick and Morty fans are mentally challenged.
And i answered you fucking autist. No one ever answers what they think is an actual good show. Its better than caoeshit yet those threads continue undisturbed, fucking faggots.
Rick and Morty isn't the only king of reddit....
The only thing truly pretentious about it is how proud Roiland and crew are of improvising everything. The episodes where they have Roiland improv for twenty minutes are terrible and clear improvisation is bad improvisation.
Can someone explain this meme to me?
Ill say its hit or miss
>two brothers
Long winded and not funny
At the same time the harmon structured plots can be a little hammy for my taste.
Same reason Insane Clown Possie still has a fanbase. Pure idiots follow this shit
It just shows how the writers really aren't as clever as they think they are, they just think they can pull anything out of their asses and it will be gold. Same for when they do an oh-so wacky made up name for something, like we get the joke already, do we really need to hear it 500 more times of someone improvising a "wacky" name for an alien or whatever when it was done to death within the first episode?
At this point it's like shitting your pants on purpose to try and make fun of people shitting in their pants.
Ive never watched the show but I fucking hate because I see it everywhere and it looks like straight Reddit pleb shit.
still normalization and whoever wrote that shit was definitely a leftist. im not political and id rather people just keep their politics out of tv unless you want me to hate your show
We should start a campaign on Twitter to show blacks how racist this show is. Get this shit show off the air for good
>"I'm not political."
>gets panties in a twist over jokes involving cuckolding and extreme feminism
At least be honest that your entire life and opinions are driven by your political views.
found the self righteous leftist. not everyone wants to be exposed to you faggot ass propoganda dude, at least the right keeps their shit tucked away on the sewers of the internet. cant even watch a fucking film without some cock sucker pushing an agenda on you, its pathetic
i mean dam maybe if it wasnt every fucking movie and show
but hollywood is setting records with the ammount of political dribble they force feed into every shit heap show they shit out
and now you're mad at me because i dont wanna hear your gay ass opinions through my tv? you're trash dude
There you go, exposing more of what a Hypocrite you are. I'd have said nothing if you didn't try to bullshit that your reasoning for disliking it wasn't entirely political. Don't hide behind lies.
And I am not a leftist. I consider myself a right-leaning moderate. It's people like you that fuck it up for the rest of us.
you cant even critique a television show in the year 2017 without having to say first "im not racist but"
like god dam you people are so self righteous its really incredible you think you can just bully people into liking left wing propoganda
I think it would be a good idea if Roiland did a kids show.
you're a complete and utter loser
>for you! lol
>2 SCOOPS kek
Man children and Reddit: The Show
Yeah, nice comeback. Talk to me again once your balls have dropped.
dude dont you have some racist posts you should be flagging on r.eddit. take your politics elsewhere
Why is reddit a buzzword whenever Rick and Morty is mentioned?
Strictly worse than Ugly Americans
Oh gee, I wonder who it was who said anything about politics first. Oh yeah, it was you.
>Shows can't have politics.
I don't like the shows writing. Roiland and crew praise themselves for being great at improvising, when in all reality it is a miss. I reminds me of the cut-away gags in Family Guy, just filler. I will admit when the improvising is good it is actually pretty enjoyable, unfortunately the gems that do come out of it are ruined by the fans constantly saying them. But for the most part it feels really shallow. I do not understand why it takes these guys a year to a year and a half to write it.
Nice pasta
I wrote this, I don't know where you'd find a pasta like this. Also you didn't attack any of mine points. I thought this was up for debate.
you can do whatever you want with your tv show
but i personally find it condescending and wont watch something if they make their political agenda obvious as rick and morty did
in b4 "wow you're Sup Forums" never posted on Sup Forums in my life, with that said i dont have these same issues with right wing politics, its only leftists who seem so obsessed with politics they cant even make a cartoon without injecting their cuckolding fetish into it
really riveting stuff
You're not fooling anyone, kiddo.
>right wing politics, its only leftists who seem so obsessed with politics
Bullshit, Right wingers are just bad at making anything creative like Leftists
nah i just really dont want politics force fed to me. if it was nazis doing the same shit id say the same thing. althought i just might end up a nazi if the left doesnt stop. its crazy how you retards still dont understand why so many people hate you
I think you love each and every opportunity to be a conservative mouth piece. You try and hide it saying that you don't care about politics, when deep down you can barely hold your anger in.
irrelevant, fact is everytime i turn on my tv its some leftist dickhead telling me how to think. when i simply turn my tv off, leftist dickheads like you actually get mad at me for not sucking the leftist media cock. you people really lack any sort of self awareness
in your head your fighting a nazi right now, reality is im just a guy who cant be bothered dealing with politics on my fucking netflix subscription
This thread has gone on forever and it's hilarious that these Rick and Morty fans cannot explain what is good about the show, they just attack people. The reason being is nothing is good about this show. It tries too hard and lacks any quality of any sort and they know it.
yeah you got me, im secretly a nazi symnpathizer and you're defending justice and liberty by attacking me, you're the hero
really great stuff
You're a narcissistic imbecile who thinks people give a shit about how upset he is at the liberal media. Get over yourself, you miserable turd.
dude why are you so mad. all i said is i dont like the show because it injects politics into it and doesnt even remain moderate
im really so confused as to why you're attacking me so hard about this. why do leftists get so mad when you dont wanna hear their shit opinions.. its really creepy
Good list I agree with it for sure :)
>I'm Mr Meseeks look at me
>bobs burgers over futurama & family guy
>"why are you so mad"
>playing the victim card
>no capitalization
You're just shitposting. I get it.
its like leftist go out of their way to push people to the right. most people just dont even care about politics, but leftists cant have that. they're cyborgs programmed to destroy nazis and when there are no nazis left to destroy they redefine the definition so they can keep killing nazis
>found the racist
dude you dont seem healthy. i dont get why you're so pissed off right now. its just an opion, geeze
truer words have never been spoken. these people really need to chill out, not every is out to get them
>Rick and Morty>Bob's Burgers>Futurama
This is one of the worst rankings I've seen.
Rick & Morty is Futurama for dullards.
Those are all good points. Why are there no good reasons to watch this show in any thread ever posted on Sup Forums? Because there are none and fans of this garbage just rage because they know it's shit tier. This cartoon is for man children and worse than the Cleveland Show.
>I might end up being a nazi
omg fuck off to Sup Forums you retard
Futurama is much more 'Reddit' than Rick and Morty is.
Looks like it's time to go back to oogaboogabook, Tyrone
ATHF>everything you listed
i hate this show. Adult swim puts too much politics in all their shows. I only consume art that is a-political
This. It's all right if it's subtle but when they have whole episodes devoted to these political topics you really lose me
It's not funny. Or clever
>not watching this
>not realizing its just the embodiment of human suffering and alcoholism and random shit
>not liking justin roiland
>not liking justin roiland after watching this
It was clear bait dude.