he is the most overrated pleb director, prove me wrong
He is the most overrated pleb director, prove me wrong
>he is the most overrated true auteur
At least he had his own style, if you want to call it that. The only one I own is Moonrise Kingdom. The rest are forgettable though honestly.
He found his style
Milked the shit out of it
Atleast if he makes a boring movie the visuals are 10/10
nolan, fincher, tarantino
I feel like Sup Forums mostly just pretends to like Malick.
I like his movies
Is that bad?
Plus he mastered a style and cinema is a visual medium
So why the hate towards him?
I like him a lot. He's such an oddity in american cinema. There is a sincerity to his movies that so many seem to lack these days.
>yfw hes actually redoilled and uses racial and gay slurs in his movies yet normies pretend not to notice because hes tumbler core
>directors everyone on Sup Forums pretending to hate to seem cool but secretly love