Well this was a waste of my fucking time

well this was a waste of my fucking time

This thread is a colossal waste of space

I hate movies like that. Like you're vaguely interested in it enough to check it out, and then about 30 minutes in you realize that this is not going to get any better, but you tough it out because you are an autistic completionist and must see the whole thing through.

Can I get a summary that's not on imdb?


does anne hathaway show her feet
does the monster show it's feet

Alcoholic woman (Hathaway) goes back to her hometown after being dumped by her boyfriend. Finds out that if she goes to a playground during a certain time, a monster materializes in Seoul copying her movements.

Her childhood friend who never left the city (Jason Sudeikis) found out that he can also appear in Seoul as a giant robot. Bullies her into staying for reasons. Anne Hathaway travels to Seoul instead, monster materializes in her hometown and kills Jason Sudeikis.

Can someone explain the bs ending?
>entire fucking film it's established that the monster only appears when she's in the playground at the right time because of events in the past
>suddenly being in asia at that time generates the monster in america with no explanation
And that's without her magical ability to somehow accurately be able to figure out where the monster is in relation to what's-his-face

I liked it until then though

sounds retarded

Is the vaguely feminist theme why it was received positively by critics?

I didn't notice any overt feminist themes. There were parallels/allusions to domestic-violence but that was it. There weren't any "you go girl" moments.