/who/ - Doctor Who General

Timequake edition.

>We are delighted to announce our first piece of casting for the forthcoming film, K9: TimeQuake.
>We can confirm that the much loved metallic hound will once again be voiced by JOHN LEESON.

I thought this would be a given. Have they even started filming?

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First for Dominique Tipper as the 14th Doctor.

>casting for Timequake
Oh shit it's happeni-
>John Leeson as K9
For fuck's sake WE KNOW

Will it be VNA-level dark?

xth for the Master

wasn't this film announced like 3 years ago.

i'm pretty sure its never going to happen. no one wants to watch a K9 movie. just give the rights back to the bbc you cunts.

reminder to never forgive cartoon graham norton for popping up during the climax of time of angels

I can't tell if I love that K-9 redesign or want to throw it into the sun

Are any of the missing classic episodes worth listening to the audio of or watching those strange animated versions?

It's not the worst thing ever but it's giving me Snyderverse superhero costume vibes, it's overwrought with a shitload of segments (where sometimes just solid blocks are more memorable and easier on the eyes).