Wheel of Time - TV series Confirmed

Good news the Wheel of Time series will be made into a TV show.

>Variety and IGN announced today that the long-awaited TV show adaptation of The Eye of The World has finally landed at a production studio with a named writer and executive producer.
>Sony Pictures will serve as the production studio

Finally a high fantasy series is coming to TV.

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I really hope they play up the "feminist" parts of the books that were super fetishy, so at least I'll have something to fap to.

>no historical encyclopedia and section on philology

firstly i'd like to start by saying that the producers have said they will stick to the cannon and their will be no black people in the series

tuon will be snow white with eurasian features

nice integers

you will be lucking if there even white actors on the show.
> So you be sayun I iz DA dragon reborn?

Makes me wonder why can't black people just make their own fantasy novels based on old African traditions and shit instead of fucking up the source material for already existing novels.

I'm totally fine with the Aiel being a bunch of thicc brown chicks with dyed red hair. We Gerudo now.

fuck mickey mouse.

>no illustrated diagrams and blueprints of various fantasy designs
disappointed desu

Earthsea is fairly Indonesian if that counts. Of course that was written by a white woman.