Who is your favorite Star Wars character that doesn't appear in the movies?

Who is your favorite Star Wars character that doesn't appear in the movies?

Had a good thread last night

OP already has him
Episode 7 should have been "Thrawn fucks the Republic to pieces", including force shielding Iguanas

Is it non canon too?

I don't see why it shouldn't be. 90 percent of Sup Forums is too pleb to give a shit about canon anyway

He's basically a blue Grand Moff Tarkin, except 10 times as clever

I mean I haven't seen/read/played anything canon outside the movies anyways

I claim Jaina

Reminder that this is the rest of your life.

This guy here.

He fucks.


Zig E. Starbase and his cool friend Paint Chips Jr. from the SWEU, now set to appear in TLJ.

I always pondered about grey jedis.
> be jedi/sith
> decide this little feud is pointless
> go hide on a jungle planet
> mediate and reach enlightenment
> return into the civilization
> regard it all as a game with no goal
> play jedis against sith
> evolve new species and factions
> make sure neither side ever wins and the game goes on forever

>Adult Books


>Who is your favorite Star Wars character that doesn't appear in the movies?


I don't get this meme. Is the joke that they sound like they are supposed to be erotic novels?
Or is it hard to believe that the sw novels are written for an adult audience?


"Who is your favorite Star Wars character that doesn't appear in the movies?"
>character that doesn't appear in the movies?
>doesn't appear in the movies?
>Sup Forums

if is not in the movies, i don't care

idk but I was reading "adult" star wars novels that was pretty fucked up as a kid in middle school

>that scene where boba fett is being eaten alive in the pit and blows his way out with fire.

Probably Ahsoka and the clones from the tv show like Rex, Fives, Hardcase, etc.

But the movies had grey jedis

Who /audiobooks/ here? Just finished the thrawn novel

Qui-Gon wasn't really a Grey Jedi, he was more of a Jedi that just worked outside the bureaucracy of the Senate and the Council. He still believed in the Jedi Code and their ideals.

A true Grey "Jedi" would be someone who thinks both the Jedi and Sith codes are retarded and would follow their own path, either blending both sides or the Force or using neither. Would be a very interesting character to break the overly used dichotomy but Disney would never do that

>Who is your favorite Star Wars character

Are you a fucking child?

Exar Cunt and Ulic

back to lit


>not considering Disney canon to be noncanon
It takes time to force the cognitive dissonance upon yourself but it's so, so worth it.

We had this thread yesterday ¬¬
Anyway, Kyle Katarn

I remember when he stole the death star plans not felicity jones

>he's a Kreiafag

Kreia wasn't a Grey Jedi, she wanted to destroy the Force.

"Never trust a bartender with bad grammar."


Gary Stu. Also Snoke.

Also pic related

Darth Revan used to be interesting. Before TOR fagged him up.

R'kik D'nec. He was a hero among the Jawas.

More the guy from the first one, that lived on kashyyk i think?

So how long until we start seeing Extended canon characters making physical appearances or even having major roles in the Anthology movies?

Rogue One was a good start with references to Kyber Crystals and the Syndula name drop, but I want to see some actual characters casted.

I am still really hoping that Sana and Aphra show up in the Han Solo film in some way or another.

KOTOR II Revan > Comics Revan > KOTOR I Revan > shit > TOR Revan


Kotor 2 was shit and so is your taste