What does Sup Forums think of Scott Pilgrim vs The World
What does Sup Forums think of Scott Pilgrim vs The World
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Your gif. It's exactly what's wrong with you. Edgar Wright lifted the panel directly from the dumb comic and translated exactly to screen. There's no witty adaption or commentary, it IS the reference. It's not smart, it's bland, recycled. You should be ashamed
chink numale creator
check his selfie game during his comics run
thats all you need to know
Multiple sevens NEVER lie.
Scott Pilgrim was a terrible fucking comic written by a hackneyed nobody and the movie is even WORSE.
Dubs thread it is
Scott Pilgrim was okay but never really great, if it was more ironic and critical in its depiction of hipsters (which the comics were but they were boring as fuck) it might have worked better
Pirate Pajeet = best character
The asian made my blood boil to the point I almost turned it off but on the second watch all I did was imagine her sucking my balls.
The fight scenes are great, the "gamer" references are babby tier but other than that its pretty enjoyable.
Best scene hands down is our boy Captain america fighting Cera with his army of stunt men.
I liked it when I was 16, I think anyone older than that would find it cringy
got to be my top 25 films maybe top 15 love love love it