>I haven't got TIME, for this Mickey Mouse BULLSHIT!
What was this line about? How does Mickey Mouse hold any relevance to the situation? I never understood why he randomly brought up Mickey Mouse.
>I haven't got TIME, for this Mickey Mouse BULLSHIT!
What was this line about? How does Mickey Mouse hold any relevance to the situation? I never understood why he randomly brought up Mickey Mouse.
Jesus Christ, OP.
Substitute 'childish' for 'Mickey Mouse'. Do you get it now?
but mickey mouse basically means bullshit. same thing in full metal jacket, they talk about "this mickey mouse" stuff. and the movie ends with the platoon singing the mmclub theme because they're saying the war is bullshit
No, I genuinely don't get it.
What was childish about the situation? It was pretty serious.
He knew that Mickey Mouse, once a paragon of innocence, was corrupted by the Jewish studio heads at Disney. The same type of people who go sniffing around into the affairs of a cop. Thus, "Mickey Mouse" is a symbolism of people poking their nose where it doesn't belong.
Mickey Mouse also has a big nose, much like a Jewish person. Do you suppose that's related?
Who's the leader of the club that's made for you and me?
it means small time or amateur. like a band playing at a micky mouse club means theyre playing at some irrelevant dingy joint.
Uhhhh... probably just coincidence.
>(((Uhhhh)))... probably just coincidence.
Who dresses OP in the morning?
>wearing clothes
Look at this fucking pleb.
You must not be American.
I'm guessing you are since you're an idiot.
You're the idiot who has to ask what mickey mouse means.
How would you know? And you can't say because you're a mod, because you're not allowed to reveal that.
So did anyone ever figure this out?
>all these varying answers
Perhaps the question is more complex than was initially thought.
>>I haven't got TIME, for this VOODOO BULLSHIT!