Obviously the new Star Wars films have been underwhelming and unmemorable...

Obviously the new Star Wars films have been underwhelming and unmemorable. I've frequently heard people say that there are so many interesting, compelling and original stories to tell in this universe.

>cast your movie
>tell me what the plot is
>how will you make it innovative, imaginative?

I wouldn't know, I didn't watch them when I saw all the usual Leftist cunts talking about white men and multiculturalism. I don't want to live in South Africa or Pakistan, so I don't support media from people who think America and any other white nation should eradicate its culture and people. I'll just watch the originals thanks.

>Sup Forums

A clone story, same actor playing at least a dozen characters, though they mostly keep the helmet on. Basically a war is bad mmmkey movie in line of Vietnam films.

Wouldn't know who to cast but he would have to be brown-ish.

Two hours of Darth Maul hunting and eating Ewoks.

Hahaha, you work for Kathleen Kennedy and you want us to write stories for you, free of charge? You fucking greedy kikes

I would let star wars just die

As if Kathleen Kennedy is interested in telling intriguing stories with artistic and cinematic merit. No, I'm essentially asking for the stories she wouldn't ever do.

They need to rework how they make these movies. Make the movies smaller in scale and use the setting more as a back drop.

A post-war film.
The protagonists are looking for treasure.
The bad guys, remnants of the faction that started but lost the war (so they're extremists) are looking for it too.
Bad guys are super scary, freak out the protagonists. Some fights ensue. The protagonists and the antagonists get into a race for the treasure.

The treasure turns out to be a superweapon akin to the Death Star or something like that. Protagonists start to realize what their enemies are after; a means of - if not restarting the war - retaliating against whatever form of government currently stands in the galaxy; probably to show their fellow remnants in hiding that their "cause" (whatever it is or was) is still alive and can still be validated.

Something ensues, etc etc. Ending can go either way; either they pull off a large scale attack that significantly changes the Galaxy's current political climate by calling the status quo into question (preferably at the cost of their lives) or they're stopped from ever actually using the weapon and it's destroyed. I didn't put as much thought into the ending as I did into the actual set up for the story.

You have a point. My apologies

There's a canceled videogame set in 1313 that would make a killer movie imo.

I'd make a sequel, not a soft reboot/remake. Set it 30 years after ROTJ and base it loosely on the Thrawn trilogy. No superweapons, just Thrawn launching a blitzkrieg against the complacent New Republic. Luke is the Grand Master of the New Jedi Order and now finds himself in a similar situation to Yoda in The Clone Wars, except he has the force ghosts of Yoda, Obi Wan, Qui Gon, and Anakin to help him try to avoid the mistakes of his predecessor. Leia is now a politician and Han is appointed supreme commander of the new republic's military with Chewie essentially serving as his chief of staff. Ben Solo is a better version of prequel Anakin: young, powerful, skilled, courageous, but fiercely loyal and attached to his friends and loved ones and possessing a fearsome temper. The force using villain is a former Emperor's hand who has now built up an order of dark side users to fight the jedi. Thrawn and him despise each other but recognize that they need each other, for the moment, to destroy the republic and jedi. Thrawn played by Mads Mikkelsen.

Idk I'm just throwing ideas out there but essentially my main focus would be on progressing the characters and showing the next step of their development e.g. Luke the jedi in training to luke the grand master instead of just trying to can and replicate their ot characters for nostalgia.

The greedy execs at DIsney-Lucasfilm are not interested in good films because that ould raise the bar and then they would have to be competitive with every new installment. This makes them nervous. They want safe genreic nonsense that follows extremely simple and dumb formulas that they can repeat over and over without any effort because you only have to change the background and the characters outfits.

Bane movie

>Make the movies smaller in scale
>the climactic battle of TFA was like, 15 x-wings vs the same number of tie fighters intercut with two untrained retards "dueling"

Kotor 2 or Kreia inspired movie would be kino. It will never happen though with disney in charge.

A movie about the attack on Coruscant and the kidnapping of Chancellor Palpatine.

Grievous and other Separatists would be the main characters, while the main characters from the movies would have smaller roles, like in Rogue One. It would be be good perspective flip, since we haven't seen the CIS side of things yet.

>an argument
>your post

pick one

Kotor 2. Don't bother with the first one, Revan works far better as an unseen quasi-mythical figure than as a protagonist. The Exile is far more interesting.

put more gore into star wars

This. Kotor2 has so much potential. A series would probavlt work better though.

Just like Marvel, Disney turned something imaginative and visually powerful into boring assembly-line TV with not a single memorable aspect past its incredibly cynical view of modern film audience.

>Not plot, but something I discussed with my mates before the poster to TFA was released

Bugs design superweapon
Deathstar is under development
Deathstar is near completion. Testing 2nd tier fire power
Deathstar is completed. Testing 1st tier fire power. Gets destroyed.
Planning/construction of 2nd Deathstar unbeknownst to protagonists/audience.
Reveal of construction of 2nd Deathstar. Reveal of fully operational weapon. Gets destroyed.

The problem with the Deathstars is twofold:
They spent 22 years from design to completion on the first one. They spent 4-5 years on the second.
The Empire can't cover much ground with only one superweapon, so instead of having the second Deathstar being built as a consequence of the first one being destroyed, only to being forced to come up with new ones, larger and more difficult to destroy (not really), for each film, we should instead have a reveal in this new triology:

The first and second Deathstar were only two out of hundreds of Deathstars, that all were being built throughout the years between episode 2 and 4. When the Rebels destroyed the first Deathstar, the Empire was already far into the construction of the second one (eliminating the problem with amount of years it took to build,) and there's a whole brigade of Deathstars spread throughout the galaxy (eliminating the problem with how easy they are to destroy, since we don't see them as the ultimate threat anymore, anyway.)

I'd rather see a space battle involving a number of Deathstars, than the farce that was the Starkiller Base. The Starkiller should be revealed later in the trilogy, with several Deathstars guarding it, so that we would see the size comparisons as actual space stations onscreen, instead of a stupid hologram in a forced Resistance Base briefing scene.

Also, First Order Dyson Sphere when?

>The main objective is to stop a weapon that can literally destroy galaxies in one shot.
>Small scale

It's got retarded huge scales.

Originally I wanted a prequel to Rogue One about Jyn's past after the start of the movie when Saw rescued her as a child but before she's in prison.
Then a novel about her past was released that indeed takes place in between these events.
Now I'm almost done reading it, but her past wasn't as action packed as I imagined.
It's mostly her growing up as a child into training as a teen with Saw then as a young adult when she's alone.
I don't think it'd make for a great film, but a good enough read.
Shame, I would have liked to see more of Jyn on the big screen.