Why do you hate him Sup Forums? no Sup Forums answers please

why do you hate him Sup Forums? no Sup Forums answers please

Nah, don't hate him, but I think he does better producing/writing comedy than acting in it, and I don't think his stand-up is particularly good.

Maybe he should look into directing or something.

He liberal. he has black friends and women. he thinks atheism is good which is contrary to redpill and virtue like we have. hes against genocide

I can't hate him because of the XFM podcasts. I kinda wish he just did more stuff like that. Just relaxed non-scripted fucking around on-air with friends.

No. Why would I hate him? I just don't find him funny or likable.

what did i say

Autistic atheist who'd suck seventy virgin Muslim dicks before ever admitting Christianity isn't the worst thing on the planet

Edgy humor.
Now edginess isn't bad necessarily but if an edgy joke falls flat on it's face not only do you not laugh but you kinda lose respect for the comedian.

I dont have to explain shit to you faggot he sucks ass and thats all there is to it.

Are you false flagging or for real? Sorry I need for people to be more literal

He can be known to beat a dead horse, but I love his podcasts.

He should just retire, he's just not offering anything that he hasn't already in the past.

Don't hate, just dislike him because I dislike smug people, no major mystery

He's just legitimately unfunny.

snarkiness =/ humor

He really needs to stop bringing up religion all the time, especially Christianity. He talks about it more than most religious people. Yeah, we get it. You hate religion and religious followers.

Contrarian autists want to stand out against their peers and carry an opinion that will gain them attention.

He's talented and can be very funny, the problem is his head is firmly lodged in his ass these days.

No matter what you think of him now, the UK The Office will always be kino.

>a bloo blo muh beliefs. he shouldn't say things that hurt muh feelings

>it's another classic "No YOU'RE butthurt" episode

I'm not even religious, it just gets old listening him talk about the same thing over and over again. Can you imagine a comedian that mostly talks about politics all the time, and there not even trying to be funny about it, such as Jon Stewart or Colbert? That's Gervais, except his politics is religion.