Nextwave Storytime

Best superhero team, hands down

Other urls found in this thread:!B90wDQjR






>mfw Elsa gets mini during Secret Wars
>her training from hell isn't played for laughs
Felt cheated.






Oh, boy!













I really like this pages

wait what, source?






Secret Wars: Marvel Zombies. You know how in Nextwave Bloodstone throws her to fight demons when she's baby? And she's armed with plastic spoon? Now, that mini had it all MY FATHER TORTURED MEEEEE, I NEVER HAD NORMAL CHILDHOOOOD



That's just awful










such a good page






this is the page that got me to check out Nextwave in the first place. I didn't even read big two comics back then








Yeah. Mini was kinda fun, lots of zombies were whacked.



you were expecting something other than absolute trash from a marvel zombies book?




Marvel Zombies 3 gave us Aaron Stack fucking robo-bitches and saving the goddamn world, though.











Here's a mega of some cropped pages from Nextwave that work great as wallpapers. Especially if you got multiple monitors.!B90wDQjR

It's the huge fights in the last pages

Also thanks OP for the storytime.







I just reread it yesterday, and this will always be my favorite page

also, reminder not to post images in the storytime out of courtesy to the storytimer.
Nextwave is biggun'



That was meant to link to the Toto HATE mail page. Awkward.











