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Comics #852
Can someone explain this whole 3 joker thing?
ITT: Fuck you, I like it
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
"superman is too dangerous"
I'm just gonna post suicide squad merch from Hot Topic to laugh at
So why is Captain Boomerang on the Suicide Squad?
Kelly does it again!
Man Of Steel 2 Expectations
Goddamn that bismuth episode was good
ITT: Characters that literally did nothing wrong and still got punished for it
Snyder is doing the Super-mullet
Does anyone have a picture of this scene from Suicide Squad or a side by side comparison?
When Will They Bone?
Have we gotten to the point where Marvel fans are just too stupid for their own good?
Why can't people get into animation that isn't a family-friendly movie or a lowest-common-denominator comedy?
Danny Rand is for _______
RED HOOD Introduces New REBIRTH Take on Classic Superman Foe BIZARRO
DOCTOR STRANGE Director: "Magic Isn't Science"
This would be a good lady villain team . I like that Livewire is there
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Why is she so perfect Sup Forums?
Isn't this kind of a cunty thing to say?
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on the Sonichu comics?
Every single thing Lion plays with is either blue or yellow
Hey Sup Forums, whose your favorite Thomas engine? Mines Boco
The Joker thread
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Quite frankly the best Joker scene ever put on film tbqh lads
Suicide Squad May cut
Why is owlman so much better than Batman
Best Spider-Man theme?
Last night I spent about 2 hours posting the archives of a dead webcomic called Pictures For Sad Children...
Jack Napier or Name Unknown?
I hate it but i love it?
Hey Sup Forums let's read The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys!
10/10 episodes
Birds of prey storytime part 5
Wonder Woman
Left or Right, Sup Forums?
Jaime's new suit is growing on me
PTSD and the military
Did Fredric Wertham destroy comics for a generation?
Where were you when Buddy, one of the very early Looney Tunes characters showed up in Steven Universe?
Why do people not mind they turned Slade from an incredibly badass family man mercenary warrior into an inhumanly evil...
Who'd win in a fight, Batman or Matches Malone?
We need a team to fight Superman-level threats
Natural Glands or Web Shooters
That episode of Arthur when he explores his sexuality
Quick Sup Forums! Candice is gonna bust you, what do you do?Phineas and Ferb Thread
Say hello to Stargirl
Heroes For Hire vol 1 Storytime (Part 3)
Is Dr. Wily really a terrible person?
For all these movies flaws, they have done 10x better than the MCU has done in making the movies have a coherent story
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Can you think of any examples of a kindhearted snake from an animated movie or show?
Mid 2000's trash
Why are the most recent gems so fucking damn ugly?
/sug/ Steven Universe General
So I just got around to watching Harmon Quest. What does Sup Forums think of this...
Three years of buildup
Is this how Bizarro is born in the cwverse?
Is it just me, or was Katana hotter than Harley Quinn?
Why haven't you bought one yet?
Sausage Party
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Birds of prey storytime part 4
How would you fix it?
Voltron: Legendary Defender
What does Sup Forums think of courage the cowardly dog?
Why do people hate Felicity
Were the Misfits' songs really better?
/sug/ - steven universe general
Would you watch a film where these two team up and take on World's Finest?
Wow, really makes you think. I'm glad there's still a webcomic out there for intelligent readers
That's katana. Her sword traps the souls of its victims
The fuck is this shit?
What's the thing out of all comics that you dislike the most. Not just a bad book or Creator or run or the like...
Why do we like him again?
In just the last couple weeks I've seen this fucker everywhere online...
It's a "Batman traumatizes little girl" episode
ENDTOWN 08/08/2016
Since Harley's costume changes every other day, let's post our favorite (or least favorite if you want) Harley designs...
/sug/: Steven Universe General
What's your pick for the best comic of the decade thus far, Sup Forums?
Shelf/Buyfag thread: New Apartment edition
I love her i truly do
Is Kamala Khan a well written character?
Does the West have any scary Vagina monsters of their own?
Does anyone have that fanart where Bruce, Clark and Diana were Pokemon trainers...
Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?
Kubo and the Two Strings
Bruce Timm
King Of The Hill Season 3 Episode 16 "Return to La Grunta"
Half in the Bag: Suicide Squad
Pic related
Hi, Sup Forums!
Cow tools
Judge Dredd vs Aliens Storytime
Has anyone seen any of this? I haven't heard anything about it
Fixing Sup Forums
Kamala's Fan Fiction
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Preview is up. Looks pretty good
What good web comics are there that follow the format of MSPA...
Futurama thread
Anyone else have a corruption fetish after seeing suicide squad...
DCEU reboot when
SKWAD Storytime: Suicide Squad Part 2
It comes out this week
Who would you main in a The Boys fighting game?
What artist draws the best babes in your opinion Sup Forums?
Who would win in a fight between Blue Marvel and Superman?
Warner Bros. Puts ‘Man of Steel’ Sequel Into Active Development
If someone as powerful as Superman attacks us, we'll need a squad to take him down
ITT: Your favorite Avengers lineup
First look at Gotham season 3's older Poison Ivy
Jesus fucking christ these designs are horrid, even compared to the others, worse than bismuth...
Why does she talk like she's half her age?
Red Hood & The Outlaws #1 Preview
/sug/ Steven Universe General
Like throwing a hotdog down an alley
How do Luthor's armors compare to the Iron Man suits power and utility-wise ?
ITT: We pretend discussing Batman TAS in 1991 before it came out
Why do artist draw fake shit like cartoons and comics but not anything real like a portrait
Hey Sup Forums let's read Heart in a Box!
What's ,in your opinion,the best Bat-symbol?
Noticing a good change in Nickelodeon
This is the best version of Captain Boomerang and I would be happy if it becomes the standard for all future...
ITT: Shit That Would Cause Massive Outrage These Days
Will you watch it?
I will let this here
Why, I do believe it's time for some early Silver Age!
Work On Your Art
I want to assemble a task force of the most dangerous people on the planet who can follow me around all day and defeat...
Cartoons with really bad art style, storyboarding, and character design
Felicia Day will be doing a lot more voice acting work in the coming weeks
Why does no one remember/mention W.I.T.C.H? Easily the best cartoon I had as a teen. Got me into fantasy as well...
Why is it so hard to make a good live-action Transformers movie?
So, went and saw Suicide Squad last night...
Flintstones #2 preview
All-Star Batman #1 Lettered Preview
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
So, what's the state of [as] ?
Spider-Man Homecoming hopes and dreams
I was looking for Justice League fanfics and most of them dealt with the Batman/Wonder Woman or Superman/Wonder Woman...
Transformers vs. GI Joe
Let's talk about how shit Leto's Joker was?
What are some shows with art styles that you just can't stand?
Flash knows before he's recruited
Wednesday Comics Storytime
Killing is wrong
It was okay
Don't lie Sup Forums
Hey Arnold: The Jungle Movie
RiRi should be on Champions instead of Miles
Feels Thread
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
I miss her Sup Forums
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Gunnerkrigg Court
So how many more years do you give this show until it gets canceled?
Hey Sup Forums, do you like webcomics? I really like webcomics. I'm gonna post this dead webcomic I like...
She's the voice of so many of Sup Forums's finest females
GF Art Show
Wa...what are they gonna do to her Sup Forums?
Star vs the Forces of Evil
She's Pink Diamond. I don't care what Bismuth said...
Voltron The Third Dimension
What does Sup Forums think of Chip 'n' Dale Rescue Rangers?
User...I need your help to reconnect with my past lives. I've tried everything! But no one will answer my calls
John Ostrander reviews Suicide Squad
ITT: We rate the last 3 films in the MCU, XCU, and DCEU universes
Steven Universe
Should I even read this shit?
I am Vengeance!
Even behind the faceplate you can tell Stark feels cucked
Is it true that Joker begs that guy to have sex with his girlfriend in the movie?
This is fucking adorable and I hate myself for thinking it
Why didn't he just snap his neck after the first collapse of a building he caused?
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Who is the best Disney princess and why is it Vanellope?
Harg Nallin' Brad Neely Show
Did he die?
Chat Noir is for _______
So comic book faggots who have never read a book since high school and actually watch cartoons may think this movie is...
Are they interesting ?
Sooo...I know this is ancient news and all, but, is ivan really dead?
I want to fuck the candy people from Smash it Steven
I've been interested in comics lately, but where should I read them...
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Is there any Uncanny X-Men run post-Chris Claremont worth reading?
What's the deal with The Loud House?
Man Thing
Shit that people who don't read comic books say
Steven Universe Kindergarten Kid Leaked Clip
Is she the biggest name in the voice acting industry currently, and the closest thing to a celebrity to come from it?
Why is Waid writing so many books with teens when he sucks at writing teenagers?
I don't want to meet anyone who likes this show
Birds of prey storytime part 3
So this and Suicide Squad apparently went through both development hell and studio meddling. In my opinion...
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Time for a storytime about true love, Sup Forums
You wake up from a party
Questionable Sup Forumsntent General #851
So do we all agree Leto is the best Joker?
Half in the Bag: Suicide Squad
What does co think of wordgirl
Where were you when The Amazing World of Gumball became an anime?
Are there any good X-men/mutant stories that makes actual rational sense?
"Teehee! Sorry we endangered your life, Peridot!" We're just sooooo in love!"
Doggo thread
The first 20 minutes of this shit was pure exposition from 2 people talking over a fucking table
Elena of Avalor
So reading through Saga and I have a question, if it's set in this sci fantasy space opera galaxy...
So was Suicide Squad really that bad? I mean, it was bad, but people are overreacting if you ask me
Dylan is sleeping
She-Hulk is still the best female comic book superhero
Does your favorite Sup Forums related character pass the Plinkett test?
Post feats of Superman
Is it canon?
Every Batman Comic Storytime Ass Covering Edition
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Can you believe the fucking CW does live action DC better than big time Hollywood?
What does Sup Forums think the best Punisher run/ story is?
Can we just take a moment and appreciate the corny 90's beauty that was The Punisher 2099?
Why did they fuck up her face so bad?
So, what do ya'll want in the Next arkham game?
Hey, can somebody tell me what cartoon is this?
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Since it's starting to look pretty likely that WB will want to make a Suicide Squad Sequel...
Birds of prey storytime part 2 dixon run
Since Phil Jimenez is doing the upcoming Superwoman book; lets read the first arc of his Early 2000's Wonder Woman arc...
ITT: Sup Forums characters we'd liek as big sisters
Ed Brubaker
Oh shit, you just killed Butchers dog and only your favourite childhood cartoon character can protect you
Now that the dust has settled, Sup Forums, what was your honest opinion on Captain America: Civil War?
Who's your favorite minor Spongebob character?
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
So...really? Guy beats Atrocitus like that? It sounds ridiculous to me
Remember when Galactus used to the big bad of the Marvel universe?
Watching Coraline in theaters on opening weekend
ITT: EddEddnEddy
Post your favorite covers
Official Win-O'-Thread #3
I APOLOGIZE for the tiny picture
Gumball thread
Did you like Leto's back to basics "clown prince of crime" Joker or do you prefer the more existential/philosophical...
ITT: Forgotten characters
A Sister More Like Me (Short Storytime)
What Sup Forums thinks about Madagascar? I remember when it came out, these characters were literally everywhere. Here...
/sug/ Steven Universe Genera
Spiderman shouldn't be able to solo them
DC Rebirth still selling
Can someone explain to me why The Simpsons, the most successful show of all time...
Lets read a relic of a bygone era
Last man
Would this casting choice save BvS?
Puppets and animatronics are tenuously Sup Forums-related, yes?
Is Superman a viable action star nowadays?
Can you name a better political cartoonist than Ben garrison?
Since I started reading comics, I've mostly been into DC books...
He hates Phil and Loves the Ladies
As someone who didn't even know Carol existed prior to Civil War II, or what Kamala's entire deal is...
Can we take a moment and admit this was the best live action adaptation of Batman the character ever...
Would you vote for him?
Religious Stories That Would Make Good Films
ITT: It's 2016
When the fuck is my space season airing?
Power Discussion
How is this going to work?
Misty will NOT be in Iron Fist
Do you generally prefer cartoons over live action shows?
/sug/ Steven Universe General
Lion guard thread
At least we'll always have this
YFW 267 millions worldwide in 3 days
Avengers: Infinity War Cast
This show is garbage
Is original Harley already forgotten?
Post characters that get mistaken for one another often
Cheetah As a Villian
Sup Forums General Drawthread
How the fuck does it work?
SKWAD Storytime: Suicide Squad Part 1
Can we have a Joker thread? Specifically to post examples of why he is consider so dangerous...
Tropes you hate
Adult Swim/Cartoon Network/Toonami Broadcasts
Anyone else mildly interested in this film just because of how stupid it looks?
ITT: It's 2027
What is his motivation why is he hates Barry so much?
What do the writers have against Veronica lately? Riverdale, Afterlife with Archie...
We live in a world where a pyrokinetic gangbanger is more likeable than Superman
Sunday Symbiote Thread
Girl with glasses thread
Do you read newspaper comics?
Admit it: The Dark Knight Rises was better than the three DCEU movies
What do you think about clowns, Sup Forums?
Why weren't ozy's nips criticized like clooney-batman's were?
Hahaha how the fuck can Batman be a threat without guns? Hahaha nigga just shoot him or something hahaha just walk away
So where the cops really called in?
So. do you have a boyfriend?
ITT: It's 1843
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Is morrison's jla any good ?
/sug/ Steven Universe General
So when I saw this picture for the new Pixar movie Inside Out...
How's Your Webcomic? /hyw/ #306
Assault on Arkham
Fact: Suicide Squad was more fun and enjoyable than the following other cape films:
Moon Knight 2006-2009
God damn that movie needed at least 75% more Katana and a lot less Harley Quinn
Forget all that Joker talk. Let's instead discuss the best version of The Riddler. What was your favorite riddle...
Whatever happend to all the minion hate on here? That shit was golden
Does Marvel honestly think we're this stupid?
Wander Over Yonder General
Gravity Falls thread
God damn this woman stole the show. Hard fucking core
What would you have her read instead of this crap...
Slipknot recommended reading?
Is there anything that says Opal ISN'T a turboslut?
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Name a better Superhero cartoon
/CTG/ Channel-tans General
/k6bd/ - Kill Six Billion Demons
Toonami General #6
FUCK the reasons it CAN'T happen
Say what you will about DC, but they sure as hell know how to give us husbandos
Are you ready for prequel and kaz to redeem themselves?
You will never caress mandys fat tits while she calls you a dork
Cartoons only I remember
Toonami General #5
This motherfucker right here could have easily won every single race
Man of steel fan edit
Movie starts with a solid WALL scene
Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated
Okay, we're going to put this to rest once and for all. Cesar is the definitive Joker...
ITT: Cool fanart
Heroes For Hire vol 1 Storytime (Part 2
Toonami General #4
Are they autistic?
Toonami General #3
Makin' up a song about Coraline She's a peach, she's a doll, she's a pal of mine
Are they going anywhere with this or will it be swept under the rug now that Mantis in in the field?
DC had the writers of the Rebirth #1s put together Spotify playlists inspired by their issues...
Totally Spies
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Toonami General #2
Samurai Jack Comic-Con Panel
ITT shows that made you go HNNNG
Secret War pt 2
Was lesbian korra the dumbest plot progression you've ever seen in TLOK?
Johnny Test is a cowafucking piece of dog shit. Way too many fucking whipcracks and abysmal animation. Fuck this show
Can one man single-handedly save the DCEU?
Worst Spider-Man
Was this episode the peak of Adventure Time? Why this show went downhill?
Steven Universe Bubbled Leaked Clip
What is better, good guy in love with evil girl or good girl in love with evil guy?
Did you feel bad for him?
Can someone go to court for Character Assasination if it's for a fictional character?
Hmm. What does /co think of Iron Doom?
ITT: It's 1999
American "humour"
What Sup Forums characters have the fattest butts?
So is this pretty much the ideal superheroine bodytype?
Sup Forums's Favorite Comics
Sorry if this has been done to death before but what exactly is rick sanchez's dysfunction?
/SUG/ Steven Universe General
Yet another critical failure. So when is WB going to sell DC?
Why are people in animation, especially cartoons, so fucking ugly...
Francis Manapul posted a bunch of teasers for Trinity
Watching the episode of Bojack where Diana goes home to see family
Why do people complain about Cyborg being pushed when DC has no better black heroes?
Books you'd love to see as comic/graphic novel?
Why is she so happy Sup Forums?
/sug/-steven universe general: bob edition
Why is it that the only Loki alive is the one nobody cares about?
Today marks the 10th anniversary of Metalocalypse
Toonami General #1
What a brave comic. Women of any size can be superheroes
Let's have a Sup Forums waifu thread
EEnE Online
Fantastic Four storytime
MEANWHILE, IN 2007 Sup Forums
Misty Knight Confirmed for Iron Fist!!!!
Grab the paint bucket tool
Rule 63 Thread - Gender Bending Edition
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
/sug/ - steven universe general
It's a Pinewood Derby episode
To be honest I think that the recent gender swap thing that comic books have been doing with their male superheroes is...
Dead Webcomic thread
Make way for the new God of Thunder!
So what are your hopes for "The Batman" in 2018...
SKWAD Storytime: Suicide Squad Part 0
Hollywood Reporter points out Warner meddled with "Suicide Squad" because the director was unexperienced with...
Transformers General. TFG
>yfw it's true love
Post an animal...
Bendis' Avengers Run
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Using KSD captain marvel run for reference
Ayer has a military boner
What does Sup Forums think of the Rio Olympics mascots' design?
Jupiter's Saga Pt. 2
What are Sup Forums's opinions on preacher? It's one of my favorite comics
Is there any hope for the Captain Marvel movie?
Japanese disney princess
Anyone watch it yet?
I forgot how different in tone this movie was compared to Dark Knight and DKR
Why did grim slowly become more of an effeminate coward as the series progressed?
I know why she was in the movie, but what's the in universe explanation for Harley being on Task Force X?
Spongebob Comics Storytime: Flotsam & Jetsam
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Why there aren't more comics like Matt Fraction's Hawkeye?
Why doesn't batman just shatter the joker?
Is Watership Down the closet animation ever gotten to being genuinely scary?
Why is Watchmen the comic better than Watchmen the movie? I haven't seen or read either
Sup Forums Creates a Batman Costume
ITT: God tier live action casting (real or dream casting)
I was going to have a subplot where they fought for Mabel but I didn't have enough time
Is it true that Disney is ashamed of this movie...
I need Bunnicula reaction images
This was a good show
How has she managed to go from being my favourite gem at the beginning of the series, to currently dead last?
Why are company wars a thing, here?
Did you ever feel sorry for them?
ITT: Things that genuinely bothered you as a Sup Forumsmrade about this movie
Weekend Sup Forums OC thread
Why was she on the team...
Box Office: ‘Suicide Squad’ Heads for Record-Breaking $145 Million Plus Opening Weekend
ITT: Reveals that shocked you
Gay Thread
Birds of Prey storytime dixon run part 1
/sug/ Steven Universe General
Everyone loves Magical Trevor
Huh, really makes you think
So is anyone looking forward to the Tick reboot?
Let's say Danny Phantom gets rebooted. Who would you rather see in charge of the reboot?
The more I watch Daria the more I think Daria had some sort of mental problem
Jared Leto Joker
Why is this awful while the new Mickey Mouse shorts are great?
The Secret Rivalry Between Pocahontas & The Lion King
Nextwave Storytime 2
Jumping on points are also reflected in brand new trade dress...
Jupiter's Legacy 2 #2 storytime
What are some recommended El Diablo comics?
I've only read a few Power Girl comics...
Essential Batman
Weekend Sup Forums creation thread
A Girlfriend For Wondy
ITT: Good shows that ended on a cliffhanger
Who Remembers?
ITT: Our Preferred Designs For Cape Characters
Is Wilson Fisk right...
Does this make CW Suicide Squad the better version now?
Steven Universe's first ever console game is a crossover
Batman #1-800 storytime
What do you think of the animation in Bojack Horseman?
It's a mind control/hypnosis episode
Nextwave Storytime
Pictures for sad children
Best Spider-Waifu?
So... why are people saying this is bad?
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Lincoln and Ronnie
Go to a strip club and see this
Supergod Storytime
It's a female muscle growth episode
Infamous Iron Man
What does Sup Forums think of Candy?
Bone: The Great Cow Race
Black Summer Storytime
/CTG/ Channel-tans General
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
There is now not one shred of hope that this will be good
Wow, this is good
Why wasn't JJJ ever this nice to Peter?
Oh shit, you just pissed of the homolander and only your favourite webcomic character can protect you
Fuck you guys for making me think I wasn't going to like this. It wasn't just way better than MoS and BvS...
Was Jimmy a homo?
Who was the horse girl who called bojack at the end of season 3?
Warner Bros. actually spent money to digitally make Margot Robbie's hotpants smaller in post for Suicide Squad
Who do you want in Suicide Squad 2?
Patsy from "Camp Lazlo" and Panini from "Cowder"
Suicide Squad - YMS
A Fox in Space
Steven Universe: Stevonnie
Les Dessous de Dofus
I want to marry Enchantress
So forgettable nobody even bothered to CamRip it
It's official, Carol just went full retard. Minor spoilers: Civil War II 04
The episode where Peppa's dad is arrested for not having a TV license
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Hey guys, Late night Cheesecake thread?
So whatever happened to this?
Post some Sup Forums tattoos
This is still running?
Find a flaw
How does Sup Forums feel about Stan Sakai?
Action Comics Storytime
Which worm was best worm?
Heroes For Hire vol 1 Storytime (Part 1)
Marvel's own countdown
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Previous Thread:
Why didn't Norton sign on for future MCU movies? Was it his choice or Marvels?
Steven Universe Back To The Moon Leaked Clip
Is weeb-influence a good or bad thing for Sup Forums?
Will the Green Lantern fanbase ever be able to get along, Sup Forums?
I just wanted to leave this to you
Superman's favorite movie is "To Kill A Mockingbird" and his favorite album is Metallica's "Justice For All"
Balto Thread
What is your favorite Batman TAS episode?
The Great X-Men Storytime - Vol. 4: Mutant Massacre (Part 14)
You Sup Forums %time for a drink story time! I earnns read Lucky pen cuz I hsve relationship isdues!
Why is this dude such a faggot?
Are Elsa is the most sexiest Disney princesses ever made by Disney ??
I liked it, but I can understand why you hated it
The Secret Life Of Pets
Yfw they recreated this exactly in Suicide Squad including the same costumes
Gwen is disappointed in you
Scalie Schoolie 8/5/2016
What are must reads when it comes to Judge Dredd? And what continuity should I follow more, 2000AD or IDW?
Aladdin's face says everything
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...