Was this episode the peak of Adventure Time? Why this show went downhill?

Was this episode the peak of Adventure Time? Why this show went downhill?

Nice quads, but that episode is actually the reason AT went to shit. Big drama episode that everyone went nuts for so they stopped with the comedy and kept sprinkling in more drama, and Sugar was the only one who could even somewhat do it well.

IRY was more like the catalyst for the fall than the peak.

Thanks. It's nice to see this episode with another point of view,i never tought about that.

IRY isn't bad though, it's biggest flaw is that it's just kind of boring. Once the big shock of "OMG THEY KNEW EACH OTHER" wears off there's not a lot of reason to go back to it.

It was among the greatest episodes, maybe their higher high.

But it isn't about Finn or Jake or adventures, so in my opinion their episode that better enclapsules the show is Daddy's Dungeon, surely on the top 5 of best episodes.

The show went down hill because Sugar and Penn left. Sugar was the better writter regarding feels, and Penn managed to keep some consistency of tone. Without them in charge, you had writters trying and usually failing to copy them.

Faggots Sugar wrote most of the net or bad episodes

The Ice King's purpose in the show was to stir up conflict and give Finn an excuse to get out and do stuff. I Remember You made the character so sympathetic that the writers had to start moving away from using him as a villain, but didn't have anything to replace him with. Nowadays, the show has trouble setting up a proper conflict.

I think that's a good metaphor for the show itself. It wanted to escalate into something it wasn't prepared to be, and ultimately fell apart.

Bad episodes Sugar wrote
>Bad Little Boy
>Hot to the Touch

Good episodes she wrote
>Literally every other episode she wrote, especially all those in seasons 2 and 3

Sugar was good you nerd, get over it.


It's pretty know that she was good, ys just that people tried to copy her style and it went bad because of it.

But most of what is bad about season 6 and 5 are due to one writter self inserting his relationship problens on Finn, and even admiting that he doesnt like him very much.

Didn't she also write that boring episode where they all sit in front of a door playing music?

Man even if you aren't a yuri lover that episode was good, come on now.

>not liking What was Missing


I don't care about the Yuri or whatever, it was just kind of boring. Adventure Time isn't really a show where you get invested enough in the characters to want an episode where they sit around talking about their feelings.

That's just my opinion anyway.

I can get that, but even then I think the songs and seeing lots of main characters do stuff together would be enough to keep it interesting.

I still think it has its charm and creativity, but a lot of the intrigue of the mystery behind the show has already been resolved. Plus Adventure Time has always had issues with long-term story arcs because a lot of things have been made up as they go along.

The Hall of Egress was probably my favorite episode just for being a randomly creative and emotional one-shot story.

Went downhill and came right back up watch season 7.

But that episode had comedy...and the writters already stopped trying to mimic Sugar's vibe.

Adventure Time's canon ending was when Finn died of old age near the end of Puhoy. ANYTHING BEYOND THAT POINT IS FANFICTION.

>Your constant harrassment of the female gender makes me sick
>I get the princesses, you get whatever it is you're into.
>I like being tied up like this, feels kinda freaky *marcy drops him*
>Marceline's songs.
The episode had a lot of more enjoyable moments other than than the shocking big reveal. Many anons in the talkbalk even felt it was suffering from the 11 minute format.

IRY had like three jokes from what I remember man.

>episode that enapsules the show
Are you trying to imply Dad's Dungeon is the quintessential episode of Adventure Time, or every episode should be like Dad's Dungeon. How can one episode represent the entire series of 238 episodes? The show has always been mainly about Finn and Jake in Ooo, and that's all it ever was about.

>mystery has been revolved
>What happened to the humans has yet to been revealed
>who is Finn's mom
>what is going on with Patience St. Pim, what is she planning
>Is Flame King going to stay in that Chipmunk cave?
>what happened to Finn's Finn Sword
>Where is Betty, is Simon going to get fixed?

But the life experience is something that did not happen, it is just an alternate timeline.

It was still enjoyable, you don't need to set up a joke for something to be funny. Did you see "The Lich," when LSP's "gem" just bounced off the Enchiridion? It is an enjoyable episode, it isn't something where you see a rerun of and think,"Oh god not this one."

Anything beyond Puhoy is the alternate timeline. In a world where Jake's overactive imagination became a hazard, it's naive to think that pillow world didn't actually happen.

I Remember You was a fine episode but its main appeal, aside from a pretty song, was that it set up Simon and Marcy, far and away the best episode in the series and probably the peak of the show.

I'm glad they've been salvaging his storyline from the wreckage of "Betty". I felt personally affronted by how poorly that cornerstone episode was handled. His character type is so rarely handled as well as it was up to that episode.


I'd like to know more about Uncle Gumbald.

There's a reason more than half the AT fandom, especially the tumblr users who contributed a lot of original content, moved to SU. I'm typing this off the top of my head but as someone who used to like AT in its prime and stopped watching, episodes became boring and trying to be mature or insert a life lesson felt forced. Pre season 5 AT felt organic and fresh, season 5 and 6 felt really boring in comparison imo. The whole writers shitting on Finn's life and dragging on confirmed/unconfirmed Bubbline was annoying. Season 7 is really good at least and a large increase in quality, and honestly if they wrote those episodes and placed them right after season 4 AT wouldn't have declined. But the whole 2 years of 5/6 airing and inconsistent schedules turned off a lot of people. SU was rising in popularity at the time so most jumped ship. There's this tumblr text post with 100k+ notes that says "what the hell is going on adventure time anymore" simply summarizing how people feel about AT now. Honestly it's not a bad show but SU's rise and a long drought of boring episodes/status quo made half the fandom leave and that's why SU is so popular.

Not saying you're wrong but I'm pretty sure that the Tumblr post you're referring to was talking about when Lemongrab ate his clone. Think they took down the video that came with it so now it just looks blank.

Lore, my comrade.

I liked the show as a candyland D&D but noooooo. They have to shove up drama and 2deep backstories like some kind of anime. And FPBP user is right, I lost interest on the show after I watched this ep.

What i want is for people to quit bitching. Do they ever get bored?

Can someone explain why people hate that episode so much?

Stupid concept handled poorly, shit was rushed like hell.

Rushed as hell in a way that seriously affected how it landed emotionally, rewrote Simon's backstory to suit the story ("I never really believed in the supernatural" but he immediately knew to use magical time travel teddy bears, apparently), minimized Marcy's reunion with him after all that emotional buildup across multiple episodes and got rid of her main physical object connection to Simon without bringing him back, brought Betty into the story without any particular reason to do so, etc.

Him socking Ash was the best part of it.

I have a better reason:

"Fans" are fickle babies who epitomize the phrase "Wah wah wah I want to be entertained."

I think you guys are just babies. It was rushed but it was far from bad. We only have 11 minutes, thank online piracy for that.

I think the problem is they feel entitled to always have what they want.

It was rushed in comparison to the other episodes that starred Simon and also trashed his story's emotional development. It's not that the individual episode was especially bad, but in the context of it being a continuation of the best storyline in the show, it was garbage.

It wasn't garbage, you guys didn't get what you wanted. Trashed his emotional development? What are you even talking about? Betty was continued to be seen later on with hopes of fixing Simon, she still isn't done. The episode started out with Ice King getting hit with anti-magic, and reverted him back to his human self. He first went to Marceline to ask for help. Do you guys forget that Ice King is Simon? She was crying about how she had thought of him before he went insane in IRY. What were you guys expecting? She even let him use her Hambo, her most prized possession so he could say goodbye. Everyone was more concerned with him fucking about to die, they weren't going to throw a reunion party. Betty had no choice but to put the crown on him and destroy the anti magic so he can still stay alive, while she works on fixing the crown. It didn't end there, in You Forgot Your Floaties Betty is still trying to fix Simon studying wizards and magical beings. In "King's Ransom" we see her again. The interaction from Betty wasn't in vain, as the AI in Simon's crown representing himself remembered the interaction he had with Marceline, and apologized for not catching up with her. He wanted to catch up, but there are bigger things to worry about when you are about to die.

It was good when it wasn't the standard. The holiday secrets on and I Remember You were great, just an "every now and again" thing. The writers didn't know how to practice restraint, or show class, afterward. And the more they started to focus on drama, the more shallow and forced it became. I think Simon's plotline should have been the only element on the show treated with any emotional weigh, maybe one episode every couple of seasons. Then Betty came out and shat on everything.

I remember the hype for any MarcySimon episodes.

Then I just dropped it at Betty.

So where is AT headed now? Last watched the Bandit Princess ep.

Sugar was the best writer on the show, honestly.
As soon as she left, it went to shit.

Yet we have had amazing episodes after she left...

Oh shut the fuck up with your Betty bull shit.
Where is it headed? Same as season 1, Finn and Jake in Ooo

Name all the episodes where they focused on drama in season 7.

Back to /sug/ please.

this, and the arc

But yet this trilogy had no effect on any episodes' plots in the future. So how is it this episode that made it decline? A bad episode is just that, not an episode that ruins every single one after

Without a doubt. It was at this point that they made drama for the sake of drama, and it consumed the show.

Anyways, what's all yalls favorite adventure time? I wanna go back and rewatch. I think mine is probably Evicted.

How did it consume the show? My favorite is between WWM and I Remember You.

to this day I think that princess bubblegum is the biggest cunt in all of AT. no other character can reach the cuntness of this character

Felt like the atmosphere changed.

I'd call it a turning point but not a peak. Drama like that NEVER belonged in AT, sorry sugar Sugar.

Peak, after which it was going downhill, was probably Dad's Dungeon.

I haven't watched AT in a long time and I only watched seasons 1 and 2, but The Other Tarts is my favorite just because of the monologue.

That's the turning point that Marceline turned from a cool naughty big sister to an emotional drama queen. Not a bad episode but the influence is bad

Exactly. I mean, the team splat at the mid of the season 4 production and therefore most of the episodes from there were made to rush. Until just recently on the final episodes of season 6 onwards Muto actually managed to achieve the balance that the show had when the crew was fully assembled. Season 7 could easily become the best season of AT unless some mess happens inside the crew...again. This is the season that brought me back the a regular viewer. I dropped out on season 5 because most of the episodes had no reason to be -only now they are trying to tie them up together to fix that argumental mess.

It was more or less just to write flame princess off, when she had just started to become more at home with the cast.
The reason was entirely stupid too: finn begins to get wet dreams and does nothing but listen to his crotch and makes Flame + Ice fight so he can get off. It was super awkward since Finn has been played as some trustworthy adventure lovin' kid, and he just suddenly pulls this shit.
Also this leads into: Ice King living with F&J --> Awkward episode where he and abracadaniel summon that demon --> Blood Sword gets removed. When there could've been tons of reasons for IK to move in with FP still being chill.

Its about them going on adventures and busting spooky dungeons and shit, thats the core appeal
That's what the episode is about
I don't even like AT but I can get that

Dad's Dungeon has some cool monster shenanigans and ends with a badass fight/song where the father of the main characters says he will always believe in them. It's not like, the best episode, but it gets at the heart of it all. That Finn and Jake are alone in the world trying to survive, that they will live in the shadow of death and continue in their quest to be heroes, remembering someone who loved them.

Not at episodes should be like that. A quintessential episode would be, regular Dungeon.

Her episodes were awesome until about season 4 when she started to get her own way too much. Compare Mortal Folly with Burning Low. They both have a dramatic tone that comes from Sugar, but one is just enough and the other is too much.

>We only have 11 minutes
Bullshit, they can break stories up into blocks if they want to. They didn't think it was important enough to warrant more time and they were stupid.

It showed how they like to put Finn through hell for the sake of his maturity. Which doesn't actually matter at all in the end.

Worst episode coming through.

It didn't. I still love AT. That episode was fantastic, though.