Quite frankly the best Joker scene ever put on film tbqh lads

Quite frankly the best Joker scene ever put on film tbqh lads


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You must be retarded.

As someone who loved that scene -the moment where he seems conflicted about saving Harley and he says fuck it and just jump really gave chills- you are wrong. Even more if we count animated movies,. Under the red hood alone puts Leto to shame

The Joker is a decent character concept that has been systematically ruined by the nature of capes as a genre across all applicable mediums, and the abysmal Ayer/Leto Suicide Squad portrayal should be a clear sign that the character should be retired, or at least dropped into purgatory for the foreseeable future.

However, that will never happen, as WB is more than happy to wring every pathetic fanboy for every single dollar to their name, regardless of narrative quality, because WB's leaders know that the same pathetic fanboys don't really care about narrative quality either.

I'm the straightest guy you'll ever know, but... i kinda want to be dominated and fucked senseless by Jared Leto's Joker.

I've never felt this way before.

Is there a good rip out? Or is this that same shitty camrip that's going around?

the second clip was absolutely terrifying.

The only time DCAU Joker was genuinely terrifying is this.

>Joker dives in the chemicals to save Harley
>Batman dives in the river to save Harley after Joker ditches her


You're not a genius. These are picture book characters. Leave your room and breathe.

Phantasm really let DCAU Joker cut loose:


>Do NOT say this oath THOUGHTLESSLY!
Design aside, it was really engaging to watch Leto's performance. It's a shame so much was cut, I'd really like to see more.

If you seriously think that I can only assume you're around 15.

His performance is kind of fun in a weird way. I don't really feel like the acting was actually the problem with this film. There were a ton of fucking problems and the movie sucks but I didn't think the actual performances were bad.

That actually was pretty awesome, I like. I'm seeing the film this evening, so this has whet my appetite.

He was a decent Joker, just not enough of him

How does that tank work?

It is deep enough for them to survive the fall but, shallow enough for him to stand waist deep in it?

The hand tattoo is pretty cool but the loving Harley is gay

So he's Deadpool. Got it.

I can dig it. This is after all an Elseworlds, same as any adaptation apart from the comic. It's also clearly heavily based on Azzarello's Joker, which is one of my favorite stand alone trades. Of course, I know a lot of people didn't like it.

did Azz give him cool hand tattoo?
I think that's a fun idea
for him smiling and making victims look like they smile
maybe he gets LOLgas in the Batfleck film

Yea, issues aside with the movie. That scene was fantastic.

I think the biggest problem with Leto's Joker is he seems more angry and annoyed at everything. He's constantly pissed off and angry instead of laughing at everything. The scene with Harley jumping into the chemicals would have been better if he wasn't so angry and conflicted and instead just had a big grin as he took his jacket off then started laughing as he jumped off.

Not saying the whole time Joker should have just been smiling and laughing but he spent most scenes looking pissed off. Joker doesn't really feel like Joker if he's scowling all the time.

Most of Leto's stuff was GOAT.

Nah, in Azz he was pretty much Ledger Joker in looks, but he was very much the thug/crime boss with an actual emotional attachment to Harley, who would do shit like try to get someone to sleep with her and then horrifically murder them either way (didn't happen in the comic, I don't recall, but it is the sort of thing that incarnation would do).

Yep, that's Azz Joker. (Image related, 'where's Waldo with Batman' on that page to see he isn't giving the finger to Arkham.)

Every time some asperger king says some variation of "comic books should be ended because _______" you can pretty much discount everything that comes out of their drooling downsy mouth

Now I'm really looking forwards to seeing him and Batfleck beat the ever loving crap out of each other. It better happen.

Tell me you can't hear Batfleck with the voice changer saying 'To mock you.'

Leto's crime boss Joker makes me excited for a solo Batman. After disliking all the Nolan shit I'd given up hope on seeing a good Batman movie again.

Oh god please put this scene on Batfleck's movie

That ADHD editing..

Why are there so many cuts?

He will youtu.be/USFr5VeLQ2o

goddamn i loves azz's joker.

Me too. I don't know why crazy guys do it for me.

>actually really like this track by kehlani

>really hope this doesn't ruin fukuhara's chances of another role

i hope they release of the version that mashes up the track with the cinematic score in the scene, it makes it a lot better

Would you live for him, user?

Oh, shit. That is actually an amazing scene.

>tfw Tumblr explodes with their new favorite 'problematic' ship.
>tfw all the good work that has gone into finally having Ivy and Harley get together is undone because #MomsGonnaFreak

Fuck off, Jared. Your Joker wasn't even original.

Killer clowns were not a new concept when Joker was introduced in the 40s.

Leto just did marilyn manson look + ledger voice

I realized today that Leto's Joker reminds me of Jack Sparrow, at least in his manner of speaking and cadence. Can anyone else see that?


It's not water. I assume it has different viscosity, surface tension, etc. properties that cushion their impact.