Quite frankly the best Joker scene ever put on film tbqh lads
Quite frankly the best Joker scene ever put on film tbqh lads
You must be retarded.
As someone who loved that scene -the moment where he seems conflicted about saving Harley and he says fuck it and just jump really gave chills- you are wrong. Even more if we count animated movies,. Under the red hood alone puts Leto to shame
The Joker is a decent character concept that has been systematically ruined by the nature of capes as a genre across all applicable mediums, and the abysmal Ayer/Leto Suicide Squad portrayal should be a clear sign that the character should be retired, or at least dropped into purgatory for the foreseeable future.
However, that will never happen, as WB is more than happy to wring every pathetic fanboy for every single dollar to their name, regardless of narrative quality, because WB's leaders know that the same pathetic fanboys don't really care about narrative quality either.
I'm the straightest guy you'll ever know, but... i kinda want to be dominated and fucked senseless by Jared Leto's Joker.
I've never felt this way before.
Is there a good rip out? Or is this that same shitty camrip that's going around?
the second clip was absolutely terrifying.
The only time DCAU Joker was genuinely terrifying is this.
>Joker dives in the chemicals to save Harley
>Batman dives in the river to save Harley after Joker ditches her