Japanese disney princess

So why have we not had a japanese disney princess? Seems like it would be one of the first settings used, and yet we have never had anything similar to it.

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Well, during the classic era, it was probably lingering xenophobia of WW2.

During the renaissance, it was probably simply a case of the Dreamworks school of filmmaking overtaking animation before Disney adapted a good Japanese folktale.

In the modern era, it's probably because princess movies are lowering in popularity. Frozen and Tangled are big hits, but so are WiR and Zootopia. I bet we're going to see less adaptations in the future as original ideas become a big thing at Disney. And less adaptations means less princesses.

Because China would be offended. Possibly South Korea too.

Japan would also promptly offend Disney by declaring the Japanese Disney Princess "the National Waifu".

>yet we have never had anything similar to it

Princesses have never been a big thing in Japan. Name a great Japanese folktale that involves a princess. Closest thing I can think of is Tokoyo.

Would they really be that offended by a japanese princess?

This is the more likely answer.

Of course, it wouldn't necessarily be too hard to make up an original story for a Japanese Princess.

A lot of stories with princess godesses like Konohanasakuya-hime


>Well, during the classic era, it was probably lingering xenophobia of WW2.

There weren't any non-European princesses during the classic era. The "diversity" of princesses (if you can forgive me for adding fuel to this obvious Sup Forums topic) started during the 90's in the renaissance.


Kaguya-hime, Yamato-Orochi, pretty much anything related to Amaterasu, and Issun Boshi. Though the princesses aren't really central figures in Orochi nor Issun Boshi.

probably not nearly as much as I joke about.

>China and Japs are the same lol XD

Amaterasu is a fucking dog and Orochi is some faggot from Naruto who looks like a snake.

Japanese people and culture originate from China you dumb weeaboo.

This is actually ackowledged by most japanese dogs.

>china and japan aren't similar

not him, but to be fair, Japan did end up cribbing a shitload of stuff from China. Which is a shame because their Kofun Period Japan and back is pretty cool and unique-looking.

Amaterasu isn't a dog! She's a wolf. The most amazing wolf ever.

Adding on to this, Big Hero 6 was their Japanese based movie (And I guess Wreck-It Ralph as well to an extent if you want to consider those games to be Japanese made) so I imagine it would be quite a while before we got another.

A real Japanese driven Disney movie made in this day and age would be filled to the brim with anime references and memes. No thank you.

What was the span between Lilo and Stitch and Moana?

China, Korea, and even a bit of Russia I think.

So, let's do this, in this thread: how would Sup Forums make a Japanese Disney Princess movie?

You can just rehash a myth or merely incorporate elements.

I'm curious because all I can think of are less movies and more like TV series.

This. We already have a Japanese princess.

About 12 years.

Amaterasu is the sun goddess, you baka.

Probably have to do with yokai. Maybe a villain like a yuki onna grows jealous of a japanese princess and freezes the land. Jap princess must confront her to save Japan.

>implying those are mutually exclusive

and Orochi is an iconic Yōkai. It is essentially a recurring yōkai in Japanese pop culture.


To be precise, its name is Yamata no Orochi, literally means "8-branched giant snake".

14 years. Lilo and Stitch came out in 2002.

Disney loves to suck Japan's cock. I still can't believe the lengths Disney has gone to supporting Japanese Disney art enthusiasts overy anyone else in theworld. The only reason they're holding back is because they're afraid of getting something less than perfect.

Maybe it would help if they got a Japanese artist to help out on the art design.

Someone get Eiichiro Oda on the phone.

and combine the classic "The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter". I can see it work, but it is up to the audience to accept it or not.

he's clearly fucking joking. If they make a reference to "amaterasu being a dog" then they should not, in the same sentence, think orochi is "some faggot from Naruto"

Funny enough, I had a similar idea involving yokai, though it was a kind of magical girly premise:
>Girl gains powers to take on attributes of various yokai and spirits she befriends
>yokai have been going beserk for unknown reasons
>The reasons is Amatsu-Mikaboshi, the primordial god of chaos is stirring.

So, let's see, we hit on 'monster girls', 'magical girls', 'eldritch abominations', 'Japanese culture', 'action-y female protagonist'.

I think pop culturally it could be a hit.

Unfortunately, this feels more like a TV series.


because disney wants to show their movies in China.